2005-07-21 12:17:00
Embassy Maseru
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. (U) Former U.S. President William J. Clinton visited Lesotho
on Monday, 18 July 2005, his second stop on a week-long
six-nation Africa tour to promote the work of the Clinton
Foundation's HIV/AIDS Initiative. The former President's
messages resonated with USG policy, PEPFAR concepts, and post's
Mission Performance Plan objectives. He emphasized the
responsibility of every Mosotho to know his/her HIV/AIDS status,
to contribute to the citizenry's education, and to assist in
curbing the pandemic. Mr. Clinton bluntly reminded an audience
of Basotho government officials and private citizens that a
country with a 30% adult infection rate could not survive, but
also lauded the Government of Lesotho's commitment to halting
the spread of HIV/AIDS among children. Early in the day, Mr.
Clinton held talks with Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili, MFA
Monyane Moleleki, Minister of Health Phooko, and Government
Secretary T. Sekhamane. He also met at length with King Letsie
III and the Queen -- both of whom have been active in the
HIV/AIDS fight. Ambassador Perry and foundation official, Ira
Magaziner, also attended this meeting. The GOL deeply
appreciated the visit, so much so that following a short
audience with His Majesty King Letsie III, the King bestowed the
Kingdom of Lesotho's highest honor on the former president,
Knight Commander of the Most Courteous Order of Lesotho
(KCMCOL),before an audience of over 200 dignitaries and guests.
Throngs of Basotho people lined the streets of Maseru
throughout the day, awaiting a glimpse of the former president.
At each site the public greeted him with ululating, cheering,
and singing, and at one point Mr. Clinton broke from the
motorcade to personally greet the public and shake hands among
assembled crowds. The visit went smoothly and ran slightly ahead
of schedule, enabling the former President to depart earlier
than anticipated en route to Mandela's birthday celebrations in
Johannesburg. The diplomatic corps, especialy the Chinese,
seemed extremely interested in this visit. End Summary.
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Meetings with Lesotho's Leadership and Ceremonial Service
-------------- --------------
2. (U) The Clinton Foundation was keen to emphasize the private
nature of this visit and to downplay the official tone of
meetings with GOL officials, but agreed to a celebratory
reception at the airport. Prime Minister Mosisili, MFA
Moleleki, GS Sekhamane, and Minister of Health Phooko greeted
Mr. Clinton's plane with Ambassador Perry, and led him through a
red-carpet receiving line of government officials at the airport
as cultural groups performed dances and songs. Mr. Clinton,
accompanied by his own staff aide, proceeded to a 50-minute
meeting with the PM, MFA, and GS, while Ambassador Perry briefed
the remainder of Clinton's staff. (Note: Members of Clinton's
staff in informal conversation later in the day said that the PM
spoke for 40-45 uninterrupted minutes at the morning meeting.
During lead-up planning meetings with the GOL, Embassy, and
Clinton advance staff, GS Sekhamane indicated that the PM wanted
to discuss development issues with Clinton as well as HIV/AIDS.)
3. (SBU) Although the GOL told the Clinton advance staff that
the meeting with the King would be a private, one-on-one
discussion, Minister of Foreign Affairs Moleleki and Ambassador
Perry participated in the palace meeting as well as Clinton
Foundation aides, Ira Magaziner and Eric Nonacs. During the
discussion, King Letsie stated his concern that Lesotho benefit
from available ARV treatment. Clinton asserted that for USD
160, adults could be tested and receive initial treatment. He
elaborated on the need for global use of generics which would
permit adequate treatment of African children. On the subject
of poverty, the former President disagreed with the G-8 Summit
position that non-HIPC countries would not benefit from debt
relief. (Comment: The GOL has complained in public and private
its discontent at being left off the debt relief list. End
Comment) After escorting Mr. Clinton to the Palace banqueting
hall, the King awarded the former president Lesotho's highest
honor, Knight Commander of the Most Courteous Order of Lesotho.
Receiving the designation, Mr. Clinton explained the ironic
historical connotations of knighting a former American
president, but said he is happy to be a knight commander in the
crusade to successfully treat the population infected with
HIV/AIDS and prevent new infections, particularly among
children. During the ceremony, the Ambassador was seated with
MASERU 00000371 002 OF 002
the Prime Minister, the King and Queen, and the former President.
4. (U) The capstone event of the day occurred at Queen
Elizabeth II Hospital in Maseru, where choirs and children
greeted the former President as he entered the pediatric ward.
Senior pediatricians Dr. Grace Phiri and Dr. Monica escorted him
through the cramped, overcrowded pediatric ward where they first
began outpatient anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment this year.
They then walked with him to the new $27,000 pediatric facility
dedicated exclusively to treatment and ARV drugs to both
in-patient and outpatient children. There, Mr. Clinton met
several families with children who have recently started on the
treatment, and he officially inaugurated the new clinic. The
Government Secretary presided over a press conference featuring
Minister of Health Phooko and Mr. Clinton, who both offered
remarks and answered questions. Mr. Clinton stressed the
importance of treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS among
children, and explained that the Clinton Foundation plans to
offer long-term support. The Clinton Foundation funded the
renovation of the new clinic, clinical training for staff, and
supply of low-cost ARVs and other medications. The Foundation
is in partnership with UNICEF to open the clinic, provide
essential medical equipment, and continue training opportunities
for health professionals and clinic personnel. USAID supports
the prevention of Mother to Child Transmission aspect of the
hospital and initiated the Collaboration Agreement which
includes the USG, American universities (Boston, Baylor and
Columbia),NGOs and the Clinton Foundation.
5. (SBU) The Ambassador and former President had the
opportunity to talk privately about the need for consonance
between official USG programs and the many U.S. private
foundations, public and private universities, and
non-governmental organizations involved in the war against AIDS,
as everyone shares the mutual end goal to eradicate the disease.
Mr. Clinton was appreciative of the forward-leaning approach of
the Administration at this time. His proposals for the Clinton
Foundation's continued work were very much in line with PEPFAR
goals and the need to advance education, prevention, and
treatment in order to support the GOL's leadership position on
HIV/AIDS and to prevent further loss of life. (Note: We
advised Ira Magaziner and Foundation Foreign Affairs Advisor
Eric Nonacs of the July 22 visit of O/GAC AMB Tobias in
one-on-one conversations. They agreed the timing and messages
of the visits mutually reinforced pro-active policies.)
6. (U) The Foundation hosted a closing reception and arranged
individual photographs for each guest with Mr. Clinton. Toward
the end of the reception, the Mission convened a group of
Embassy and Peace Corps American and long-serving local staff
for a group photo with the former President, who graciously dove
into the group and shook hands. Several Peace Corps Volunteers
obtained autographs and entertained 1-2 minute conversations
with him. International and local press covered the
delegation's arrival, meetings with PM, the tours, dedication,
and press conference at Queen Elizabeth II hospital. Local
press also shot photographs as Mr. Clinton greeted the King, and
during the award bestowal ceremony. The GOL arranged a
receiving line to see off the departing delegation, and the
Deputy Prime Minister, MFA, and Ambassador met Mr. Clinton a
final time at planeside just before boarding.
7. (SBU) Following the visit, Clinton Foundation advance staff
phoned the Government Secretary to thank the GOL for its
flexibility throughout the planning and execution of the day's
program, and for their generous, hospitable welcome to Mr.
Clinton. The Ambassador spoke with the Foreign Minister on July
19, to thank the GOL for significant security and protocol
assistance. The MFA was exceptionally pleased with the
cooperation between the GOL, Clinton Foundation, and Embassy
teams and very grateful that a former U.S. President could visit
Lesotho. The Ambassador briefed the Chinese Ambassador (twice)
at his request July 19, on key elements of the visit. We note
that the PRC press and government seemed exceptionally
interested in all aspects of this visit. The diplomatic corps
appeared impressed overall. The PRC regularly observes that
with the imminent departure of the UK High Commission, the U.S.
Mission is the largest Western presence in Lesotho.
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. (U) Former U.S. President William J. Clinton visited Lesotho
on Monday, 18 July 2005, his second stop on a week-long
six-nation Africa tour to promote the work of the Clinton
Foundation's HIV/AIDS Initiative. The former President's
messages resonated with USG policy, PEPFAR concepts, and post's
Mission Performance Plan objectives. He emphasized the
responsibility of every Mosotho to know his/her HIV/AIDS status,
to contribute to the citizenry's education, and to assist in
curbing the pandemic. Mr. Clinton bluntly reminded an audience
of Basotho government officials and private citizens that a
country with a 30% adult infection rate could not survive, but
also lauded the Government of Lesotho's commitment to halting
the spread of HIV/AIDS among children. Early in the day, Mr.
Clinton held talks with Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili, MFA
Monyane Moleleki, Minister of Health Phooko, and Government
Secretary T. Sekhamane. He also met at length with King Letsie
III and the Queen -- both of whom have been active in the
HIV/AIDS fight. Ambassador Perry and foundation official, Ira
Magaziner, also attended this meeting. The GOL deeply
appreciated the visit, so much so that following a short
audience with His Majesty King Letsie III, the King bestowed the
Kingdom of Lesotho's highest honor on the former president,
Knight Commander of the Most Courteous Order of Lesotho
(KCMCOL),before an audience of over 200 dignitaries and guests.
Throngs of Basotho people lined the streets of Maseru
throughout the day, awaiting a glimpse of the former president.
At each site the public greeted him with ululating, cheering,
and singing, and at one point Mr. Clinton broke from the
motorcade to personally greet the public and shake hands among
assembled crowds. The visit went smoothly and ran slightly ahead
of schedule, enabling the former President to depart earlier
than anticipated en route to Mandela's birthday celebrations in
Johannesburg. The diplomatic corps, especialy the Chinese,
seemed extremely interested in this visit. End Summary.
-------------- --------------
Meetings with Lesotho's Leadership and Ceremonial Service
-------------- --------------
2. (U) The Clinton Foundation was keen to emphasize the private
nature of this visit and to downplay the official tone of
meetings with GOL officials, but agreed to a celebratory
reception at the airport. Prime Minister Mosisili, MFA
Moleleki, GS Sekhamane, and Minister of Health Phooko greeted
Mr. Clinton's plane with Ambassador Perry, and led him through a
red-carpet receiving line of government officials at the airport
as cultural groups performed dances and songs. Mr. Clinton,
accompanied by his own staff aide, proceeded to a 50-minute
meeting with the PM, MFA, and GS, while Ambassador Perry briefed
the remainder of Clinton's staff. (Note: Members of Clinton's
staff in informal conversation later in the day said that the PM
spoke for 40-45 uninterrupted minutes at the morning meeting.
During lead-up planning meetings with the GOL, Embassy, and
Clinton advance staff, GS Sekhamane indicated that the PM wanted
to discuss development issues with Clinton as well as HIV/AIDS.)
3. (SBU) Although the GOL told the Clinton advance staff that
the meeting with the King would be a private, one-on-one
discussion, Minister of Foreign Affairs Moleleki and Ambassador
Perry participated in the palace meeting as well as Clinton
Foundation aides, Ira Magaziner and Eric Nonacs. During the
discussion, King Letsie stated his concern that Lesotho benefit
from available ARV treatment. Clinton asserted that for USD
160, adults could be tested and receive initial treatment. He
elaborated on the need for global use of generics which would
permit adequate treatment of African children. On the subject
of poverty, the former President disagreed with the G-8 Summit
position that non-HIPC countries would not benefit from debt
relief. (Comment: The GOL has complained in public and private
its discontent at being left off the debt relief list. End
Comment) After escorting Mr. Clinton to the Palace banqueting
hall, the King awarded the former president Lesotho's highest
honor, Knight Commander of the Most Courteous Order of Lesotho.
Receiving the designation, Mr. Clinton explained the ironic
historical connotations of knighting a former American
president, but said he is happy to be a knight commander in the
crusade to successfully treat the population infected with
HIV/AIDS and prevent new infections, particularly among
children. During the ceremony, the Ambassador was seated with
MASERU 00000371 002 OF 002
the Prime Minister, the King and Queen, and the former President.
4. (U) The capstone event of the day occurred at Queen
Elizabeth II Hospital in Maseru, where choirs and children
greeted the former President as he entered the pediatric ward.
Senior pediatricians Dr. Grace Phiri and Dr. Monica escorted him
through the cramped, overcrowded pediatric ward where they first
began outpatient anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment this year.
They then walked with him to the new $27,000 pediatric facility
dedicated exclusively to treatment and ARV drugs to both
in-patient and outpatient children. There, Mr. Clinton met
several families with children who have recently started on the
treatment, and he officially inaugurated the new clinic. The
Government Secretary presided over a press conference featuring
Minister of Health Phooko and Mr. Clinton, who both offered
remarks and answered questions. Mr. Clinton stressed the
importance of treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS among
children, and explained that the Clinton Foundation plans to
offer long-term support. The Clinton Foundation funded the
renovation of the new clinic, clinical training for staff, and
supply of low-cost ARVs and other medications. The Foundation
is in partnership with UNICEF to open the clinic, provide
essential medical equipment, and continue training opportunities
for health professionals and clinic personnel. USAID supports
the prevention of Mother to Child Transmission aspect of the
hospital and initiated the Collaboration Agreement which
includes the USG, American universities (Boston, Baylor and
Columbia),NGOs and the Clinton Foundation.
5. (SBU) The Ambassador and former President had the
opportunity to talk privately about the need for consonance
between official USG programs and the many U.S. private
foundations, public and private universities, and
non-governmental organizations involved in the war against AIDS,
as everyone shares the mutual end goal to eradicate the disease.
Mr. Clinton was appreciative of the forward-leaning approach of
the Administration at this time. His proposals for the Clinton
Foundation's continued work were very much in line with PEPFAR
goals and the need to advance education, prevention, and
treatment in order to support the GOL's leadership position on
HIV/AIDS and to prevent further loss of life. (Note: We
advised Ira Magaziner and Foundation Foreign Affairs Advisor
Eric Nonacs of the July 22 visit of O/GAC AMB Tobias in
one-on-one conversations. They agreed the timing and messages
of the visits mutually reinforced pro-active policies.)
6. (U) The Foundation hosted a closing reception and arranged
individual photographs for each guest with Mr. Clinton. Toward
the end of the reception, the Mission convened a group of
Embassy and Peace Corps American and long-serving local staff
for a group photo with the former President, who graciously dove
into the group and shook hands. Several Peace Corps Volunteers
obtained autographs and entertained 1-2 minute conversations
with him. International and local press covered the
delegation's arrival, meetings with PM, the tours, dedication,
and press conference at Queen Elizabeth II hospital. Local
press also shot photographs as Mr. Clinton greeted the King, and
during the award bestowal ceremony. The GOL arranged a
receiving line to see off the departing delegation, and the
Deputy Prime Minister, MFA, and Ambassador met Mr. Clinton a
final time at planeside just before boarding.
7. (SBU) Following the visit, Clinton Foundation advance staff
phoned the Government Secretary to thank the GOL for its
flexibility throughout the planning and execution of the day's
program, and for their generous, hospitable welcome to Mr.
Clinton. The Ambassador spoke with the Foreign Minister on July
19, to thank the GOL for significant security and protocol
assistance. The MFA was exceptionally pleased with the
cooperation between the GOL, Clinton Foundation, and Embassy
teams and very grateful that a former U.S. President could visit
Lesotho. The Ambassador briefed the Chinese Ambassador (twice)
at his request July 19, on key elements of the visit. We note
that the PRC press and government seemed exceptionally
interested in all aspects of this visit. The diplomatic corps
appeared impressed overall. The PRC regularly observes that
with the imminent departure of the UK High Commission, the U.S.
Mission is the largest Western presence in Lesotho.