2005-09-19 22:04:00
Embassy Lima
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 04 LIMA 004078
E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/13/2015
REF: STATE 162859
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 04 LIMA 004078
E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/13/2015
REF: STATE 162859
1. (SBU) In response to Reference A, Embassy Lima provides
the following information for use in the preparation of the
DS/DSS/ITA Security Environment Threat List (SETL). Responses
are cued to questions posed in the SEPQ reporting guideline:
A. Yes. There is a small Islamic community in Lima that is
capable of carrying out Anti-American demonstrations. The
same is true of an even smaller Pakistani community centered
in Tacna.
B. Yes. There are occasional anti-U.S. or anti-imperialist
demonstrations in Peru on behalf of coca growers or groups
who protest against the U.S. Government's counter-narcotics
support for the Government of Peru's (GOP) program. There
have been none by Muslims or Pakistanis, however.
C. Yes. There were several demonstrations in Lima at the
COMR and the Chancery. Also, there have been minor protests
near U.S. counter-narcotics facilities in both Tingo Maria
and Pucallpa.
D. Varies from less than 100 to more than 3,000.
E. Domestic issues and U.S. foreign policy initiatives often
trigger these demonstrations.
F. These protests are generally peaceful, but protestors
have been known to destroy or vandalize property in the past.
G. Yes. Protestors have damaged Narcotics Assistance
Section operated USG equipment. In one instance, NAS
helicopters received relatively minor damage from
rock-throwers during a counter-narcotics operation in the
Monzon Valley. NAS officials believe the rocks were thrown
by militant cocaleros operating in the valley. In April
2005, three NAS helicopters, manned by Peruvian police, were
damaged by automatic weapons fire when suspected SL
operatives attacked an eradication operation. During the past
year, no U.S. personnel were injured during any
demonstrations or hostile action. The threat from the
combination of cocaleros and narcotraffickers potentially in
conjunction with local terrorists poses a very real threat to
USG and host country alternative development projects and
policies in Peru.
H. No. Demonstrators have not penetrated our perimeter
security lines.
I. Yes, anti-government demonstrations occur on an almost
daily basis.
J. Yes. Demonstrations have taken place near U.S.
diplomatic facilities. The Ambassador's Residence (CMR) is
located on one of the main routes typically used by
demonstrators, and it is not uncommon for up to 2000
demonstrators to pass by the CMR on any given day.
K. The size of demonstrations can vary from a few dozen to
several thousand.
L. These demonstrations are generally peaceful, but
destruction of property and vandalism can occur. Moreover,
there were several instances when crowds turned hostile,
blocked the streets and/or highways, and burned tires in
protest of either the GOP or poor working conditions.
M. No. To date, these demonstrations have not resulted in
damage to USG property.
A. Yes. The host country is currently engaged in an
intrastate conflict consisting of Government military and
police fighting an intermittent irregular war with domestic
terrorists. The terrorists have expressed support for
illicit coca growers and provide protection to drug
B. This conflict is generally limited to specific regions
(i.e., mainly the drug producing areas of the Upper Huallaga,
Apurimac, and Ene River Valleys). However, the main domestic
terrorist group, Sendero Luminoso (SL) has proven it can
carry out operations in Lima. In March 2002, SL operatives
detonated a car bomb across the street from the U.S. Embassy
in Lima, killing 10 and injuring more than 40. In early
September, 2005, the National Anti-Terrorism Court convicted
one of the eight defendents on trial for the attack and
sentenced him to a 30-year prison term. The seven other
defendents were acquited of involvement in the attack, but
three were found guilty of belonging to the Sendero Luminoso
terrorist organization and sentenced to prison terms of 20-25
C. There are no declared diplomatic facilities, but there
are U.S. counter narcotics Forward Operating Locations (FOLs)
in the listed areas outside of Lima.
D. Yes. Sendero Luminoso has demonstrated an anti-American
A. The level of professionalism and training varies between
units (poor to average),with specialized units (such as
SWAT, Bomb Squad, Rescue, etc.) being more professional and
better trained/equipped than the regular police forces. Low
salaries and morale detract from professionalism.
B. Yes, many of these units have been trained by U.S.
agencies to varying degrees.
C. Yes, corruption is endemic and debilitating, with
appropriate vetting and precautions the mission is able to
work effectively with local law enforcement agencies.
D. The intelligence services have a varied ability to deter
terrorist actions. Some of the police intelligence (DIRIN)
and counter-terrorist (DIRCOTE) units are effective at
deterring terrorist actions, but other units lack the
necessary funding, manpower, and training to fully deter
terrorist actions.
E. Peruvian intelligence services have been very cooperative
with U.S. Embassy requests for information and support. The
National Intelligence Council (CNI) is being rebuilt from
scratch following several years of being suborned by its
former intelligence chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, for personal
political and financial gain. However, the CNI has
demonstrated a willingness to fully cooperate with the U.S.
Embassy and shares information on a regular basis.
F. Host country services have scored anti-terrorism
successes within the last 12 months. In November 2004,
DIRCOTE captured Arturo Chumpitaz ((AGUIRRE)),the head of
the Sendero Luminoso Metropolitan Committee in Lima. Also,
Peruvian authorities arrested Jaime Zuniga ((CORDOBA)) in
November. Zuniga was considered one of Sendero Luminoso's
primary leaders of the Proseguir faction. On the other hand,
host country officials also suffered setbacks in their war
against SL. In February 2005, SL operatives ambushed and
killed three PNP highway patrol officers, in the Department
of San Martin. In April 2005, narco-terrorists, presumed to
be SL, attacked an eradication operation in the area south of
Santa Lucia, opening fire on helicopters belonging to the
Embassy's Narcotics Affairs Section manned by Peruvian
police. Two weeks later, police arrested three individuals
believed to have been involved in the ambush. In May 2005,
suspected SL operatives detonated an explosive device in
front of a NGO office in Aucayacu, causing slight damage to
the front of the building. In July 2005, narco-terrorists
ambushed a PNP patrol squad in the San Martin province,
killing three people. One of the suspected ringleaders in the
attack was arrested three days later by DIRCOTE police.
G. Yes. The host country is normally very responsive to
Embassy requests for protective security.
H. The Embassy assesses as very good the overall security at
major airports (Lima, Arequipa, Cusco) in the country; at
smaller regional airports, security is poor. This security
rating relates to physical security, however, as procedural
security, relating to document fraud and alien smuggling, is
poor at all airports.
I. Immigration control agencies are generally considered
ineffective due to high levels of corruption and a lack of
resources. Illegal immigrants and potential terrorists can
easily enter and depart the country with little worry of
inspection by host country immigration services. Customs has
not been effective in screening outgoing cargo for drugs.
J. Border patrol forces are generally considered ineffective
due to a lack of resources and serious corruption. Peru's
jungles, bordering Brazil, Colombia, and Bolivia are
extremely difficult to control and are very porous.
A. Yes. There are indigenous anti-American terrorist groups
in Peru.
B. Two main groups - Sendero Luminoso (SL) and the Tupac
Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA).
C. No. These groups have not carried out an anti-American
attack within the last 12 months.
D. No. However, attacks in previous years were extremely
E. Yes. These groups have attacked U.S. diplomatic targets,
but not within the past year.
F. Yes, these groups have attacked U.S. business, military,
or U.S.-related targets, but not within the past year.
G. Recent SL attacks against Peruvian government forces and
facilities are mainly confined to specific regions, although
SL retains the capability to conduct isolated attacks
anywhere in the country. MRTA has not conducted any attacks
in a number of years. Although credible information on MRTA
capabilities has been difficult to obtain in the recent past,
their ability to carry out attacks is considered greatly
H. There are no declared diplomatic facilities in the
regions where they are most active. However, there are U.S.
counter-narcotics Forward Operating Locations in these areas
(Pucallpa and Tingo Maria). Also, NAS and DEA personnel
carry out counter-narcotics operations on a temporary basis
from host country police and military bases in the
Apurimac/Ene River Valleys. AID personnel also support
development projects in these areas.
A. No. There are no other known indigenous terrorist groups
(not anti-American) in country.
B. N/A
C. N/A
D. N/A
E. N/A
A. Yes. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
have a presence in Peru. Also the possibility exists that
there are Islamic extremists who transit Peru or operate in
the southern Department of Tacna and perhaps even in Lima.
Also, although classified as an indigenous terrorist group,
SL and MRTA do have supporters outside of Peru.
B. FARC presence in Peru is considered to be limited to
support, finance and propaganda activities.
C. No. The host country is not sympathetic to these groups.
D. Embassy Lima is not aware of any suspect Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGO's) in the country that have a relationship
with any of these groups.
E. Yes. There are Muslims, primarily Pakistanis, who are
possibly sympathetic to Islamic extremists. Most of them
live in the Department of Tacna, along the southern border
with Chile.
F. The EAC assesses the level, intent, and scope of hostile
intelligence services in country relative to potential
anti-American terrorist acts to be very low.
G. Weapons and explosives are readily available throughout
the country either by purchase or theft. Also, corrupt
government officials and porous borders facilitate illicit
arms transfers into and out of the country.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/13/2015
REF: STATE 162859
1. (SBU) In response to Reference A, Embassy Lima provides
the following information for use in the preparation of the
DS/DSS/ITA Security Environment Threat List (SETL). Responses
are cued to questions posed in the SEPQ reporting guideline:
A. Yes. There is a small Islamic community in Lima that is
capable of carrying out Anti-American demonstrations. The
same is true of an even smaller Pakistani community centered
in Tacna.
B. Yes. There are occasional anti-U.S. or anti-imperialist
demonstrations in Peru on behalf of coca growers or groups
who protest against the U.S. Government's counter-narcotics
support for the Government of Peru's (GOP) program. There
have been none by Muslims or Pakistanis, however.
C. Yes. There were several demonstrations in Lima at the
COMR and the Chancery. Also, there have been minor protests
near U.S. counter-narcotics facilities in both Tingo Maria
and Pucallpa.
D. Varies from less than 100 to more than 3,000.
E. Domestic issues and U.S. foreign policy initiatives often
trigger these demonstrations.
F. These protests are generally peaceful, but protestors
have been known to destroy or vandalize property in the past.
G. Yes. Protestors have damaged Narcotics Assistance
Section operated USG equipment. In one instance, NAS
helicopters received relatively minor damage from
rock-throwers during a counter-narcotics operation in the
Monzon Valley. NAS officials believe the rocks were thrown
by militant cocaleros operating in the valley. In April
2005, three NAS helicopters, manned by Peruvian police, were
damaged by automatic weapons fire when suspected SL
operatives attacked an eradication operation. During the past
year, no U.S. personnel were injured during any
demonstrations or hostile action. The threat from the
combination of cocaleros and narcotraffickers potentially in
conjunction with local terrorists poses a very real threat to
USG and host country alternative development projects and
policies in Peru.
H. No. Demonstrators have not penetrated our perimeter
security lines.
I. Yes, anti-government demonstrations occur on an almost
daily basis.
J. Yes. Demonstrations have taken place near U.S.
diplomatic facilities. The Ambassador's Residence (CMR) is
located on one of the main routes typically used by
demonstrators, and it is not uncommon for up to 2000
demonstrators to pass by the CMR on any given day.
K. The size of demonstrations can vary from a few dozen to
several thousand.
L. These demonstrations are generally peaceful, but
destruction of property and vandalism can occur. Moreover,
there were several instances when crowds turned hostile,
blocked the streets and/or highways, and burned tires in
protest of either the GOP or poor working conditions.
M. No. To date, these demonstrations have not resulted in
damage to USG property.
A. Yes. The host country is currently engaged in an
intrastate conflict consisting of Government military and
police fighting an intermittent irregular war with domestic
terrorists. The terrorists have expressed support for
illicit coca growers and provide protection to drug
B. This conflict is generally limited to specific regions
(i.e., mainly the drug producing areas of the Upper Huallaga,
Apurimac, and Ene River Valleys). However, the main domestic
terrorist group, Sendero Luminoso (SL) has proven it can
carry out operations in Lima. In March 2002, SL operatives
detonated a car bomb across the street from the U.S. Embassy
in Lima, killing 10 and injuring more than 40. In early
September, 2005, the National Anti-Terrorism Court convicted
one of the eight defendents on trial for the attack and
sentenced him to a 30-year prison term. The seven other
defendents were acquited of involvement in the attack, but
three were found guilty of belonging to the Sendero Luminoso
terrorist organization and sentenced to prison terms of 20-25
C. There are no declared diplomatic facilities, but there
are U.S. counter narcotics Forward Operating Locations (FOLs)
in the listed areas outside of Lima.
D. Yes. Sendero Luminoso has demonstrated an anti-American
A. The level of professionalism and training varies between
units (poor to average),with specialized units (such as
SWAT, Bomb Squad, Rescue, etc.) being more professional and
better trained/equipped than the regular police forces. Low
salaries and morale detract from professionalism.
B. Yes, many of these units have been trained by U.S.
agencies to varying degrees.
C. Yes, corruption is endemic and debilitating, with
appropriate vetting and precautions the mission is able to
work effectively with local law enforcement agencies.
D. The intelligence services have a varied ability to deter
terrorist actions. Some of the police intelligence (DIRIN)
and counter-terrorist (DIRCOTE) units are effective at
deterring terrorist actions, but other units lack the
necessary funding, manpower, and training to fully deter
terrorist actions.
E. Peruvian intelligence services have been very cooperative
with U.S. Embassy requests for information and support. The
National Intelligence Council (CNI) is being rebuilt from
scratch following several years of being suborned by its
former intelligence chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, for personal
political and financial gain. However, the CNI has
demonstrated a willingness to fully cooperate with the U.S.
Embassy and shares information on a regular basis.
F. Host country services have scored anti-terrorism
successes within the last 12 months. In November 2004,
DIRCOTE captured Arturo Chumpitaz ((AGUIRRE)),the head of
the Sendero Luminoso Metropolitan Committee in Lima. Also,
Peruvian authorities arrested Jaime Zuniga ((CORDOBA)) in
November. Zuniga was considered one of Sendero Luminoso's
primary leaders of the Proseguir faction. On the other hand,
host country officials also suffered setbacks in their war
against SL. In February 2005, SL operatives ambushed and
killed three PNP highway patrol officers, in the Department
of San Martin. In April 2005, narco-terrorists, presumed to
be SL, attacked an eradication operation in the area south of
Santa Lucia, opening fire on helicopters belonging to the
Embassy's Narcotics Affairs Section manned by Peruvian
police. Two weeks later, police arrested three individuals
believed to have been involved in the ambush. In May 2005,
suspected SL operatives detonated an explosive device in
front of a NGO office in Aucayacu, causing slight damage to
the front of the building. In July 2005, narco-terrorists
ambushed a PNP patrol squad in the San Martin province,
killing three people. One of the suspected ringleaders in the
attack was arrested three days later by DIRCOTE police.
G. Yes. The host country is normally very responsive to
Embassy requests for protective security.
H. The Embassy assesses as very good the overall security at
major airports (Lima, Arequipa, Cusco) in the country; at
smaller regional airports, security is poor. This security
rating relates to physical security, however, as procedural
security, relating to document fraud and alien smuggling, is
poor at all airports.
I. Immigration control agencies are generally considered
ineffective due to high levels of corruption and a lack of
resources. Illegal immigrants and potential terrorists can
easily enter and depart the country with little worry of
inspection by host country immigration services. Customs has
not been effective in screening outgoing cargo for drugs.
J. Border patrol forces are generally considered ineffective
due to a lack of resources and serious corruption. Peru's
jungles, bordering Brazil, Colombia, and Bolivia are
extremely difficult to control and are very porous.
A. Yes. There are indigenous anti-American terrorist groups
in Peru.
B. Two main groups - Sendero Luminoso (SL) and the Tupac
Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA).
C. No. These groups have not carried out an anti-American
attack within the last 12 months.
D. No. However, attacks in previous years were extremely
E. Yes. These groups have attacked U.S. diplomatic targets,
but not within the past year.
F. Yes, these groups have attacked U.S. business, military,
or U.S.-related targets, but not within the past year.
G. Recent SL attacks against Peruvian government forces and
facilities are mainly confined to specific regions, although
SL retains the capability to conduct isolated attacks
anywhere in the country. MRTA has not conducted any attacks
in a number of years. Although credible information on MRTA
capabilities has been difficult to obtain in the recent past,
their ability to carry out attacks is considered greatly
H. There are no declared diplomatic facilities in the
regions where they are most active. However, there are U.S.
counter-narcotics Forward Operating Locations in these areas
(Pucallpa and Tingo Maria). Also, NAS and DEA personnel
carry out counter-narcotics operations on a temporary basis
from host country police and military bases in the
Apurimac/Ene River Valleys. AID personnel also support
development projects in these areas.
A. No. There are no other known indigenous terrorist groups
(not anti-American) in country.
B. N/A
C. N/A
D. N/A
E. N/A
A. Yes. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
have a presence in Peru. Also the possibility exists that
there are Islamic extremists who transit Peru or operate in
the southern Department of Tacna and perhaps even in Lima.
Also, although classified as an indigenous terrorist group,
SL and MRTA do have supporters outside of Peru.
B. FARC presence in Peru is considered to be limited to
support, finance and propaganda activities.
C. No. The host country is not sympathetic to these groups.
D. Embassy Lima is not aware of any suspect Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGO's) in the country that have a relationship
with any of these groups.
E. Yes. There are Muslims, primarily Pakistanis, who are
possibly sympathetic to Islamic extremists. Most of them
live in the Department of Tacna, along the southern border
with Chile.
F. The EAC assesses the level, intent, and scope of hostile
intelligence services in country relative to potential
anti-American terrorist acts to be very low.
G. Weapons and explosives are readily available throughout
the country either by purchase or theft. Also, corrupt
government officials and porous borders facilitate illicit
arms transfers into and out of the country.