2005-12-22 16:19:00
Embassy Kingston
Cable title:  

Drug Eradication and Seizure Report for the Month of Novembe

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E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Drug Eradication and Seizure Report for the Month of Novembe

The Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) and the Jamaica Constabulary Force (J
eradicated marijuana in the parishes of St. Elizabeth, Westmoreland a
Clarendon in separate operations. They covered nineteen different lo
Forty-four persons completed the task in ten weeks.

The under mentioned table represents the Eradication and Seizure
Statistics for the month of November.

Drug Eradication & Seizure Nov 2005 YTD'05 YTD'04

Hectares 35.81 391 412
Cured, Kilograms 1,523 15,264 20,952
Seedlings, units 551,000 6,552,000 5,004,930
Nurseries units 30 279 311
Estacy, units 11735 133,032 not available

The Jamaica Defence Force Coast Guard

The JDFCG conducted 186 patrols. Manchioneal, Lucea, Ocho Rios and M
in the North and Portland Bight, Salt River, Kingston Harbour and Per
Black River, Savanna La Mar, Treasure Beach, and Alligator Pond in th
The monthly activities spanned 2,801 nautical miles utilizing 26,227
petrol and 91,438 liters of diesel oil. The activities included eigh
the bottom of ships at Port Rhoades and Jamalco. Neither drugs nor v

The offshore patrol capability of the JDFCG has improved with the GOJ
three 34-foot county class vessels, built by DAMIN shipyard in Hollan
have been delivered and one is presently in operation. The third is e
arrive in 2006. Funding was provided by the GOJ and a grant from the
of the Netherlands.

Jamaica Fugitive Apprehension Team (JFAT)

Presently, the Jamaican Field Office has identified the location of 5
fugitives and is coordinating with the Department of Justice of Inter
Affairs and prosecuting attorneys for extradition and provisional arr
requests. Tyronne Morrison, one of the 52 fugitives identified, is w
federal drug charges and sex offences in the western district of Virg
Charlottesville respectively. Eighteen defendants are incarcerated in
awaiting extradition to the United States.

Upon the request of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF),the JFAT wo
the New York police in identifying the location of a key witness in t
of four civilians in a rural district named Crawl in 2003. In the Cr
six policemen were charged with the murder of four civilians.

The under-mentioned table represents some of the activities of the JF

November 2005 FY 05 Year to date
New Cases Opened 4 8
Closed Cases 2 5
Current Open/Pending Cases 213 no data J

Deportations/Extraditions nil 2
Outstanding Provisional Arrest Warrants 24 nil

Jamaica Constabulary Force Vetted Unit

The vetted unit staged nine major operations for the month of Novembe
investigated eighteen major targets. In order for the vetted unit to
some of their tasks they received court authorization to conduct wire

National Intelligence Bureau (NIB)

Deputy Commissioner Charles Scarlett was appointed Director of the NI
soon be approaching retirement, hence it is anticipated that he will
short tour of duty. This has presented a lot of distractions on his
All police personnel have successfully completed the first two phases
vetting process. The polygraph test is the final phase of the proces
JCF has trained hundreds of new police personnel. However, the unit h
benefited from these young minds. It is the intention of the NIB adv
schedule a meeting with Commissioner Scarlett to once again discuss t

The Contraband Enforcement Team (CET)

The Contraband Enforcement Team had six seizures of marijuana in diff
incidents. The smugglers chose both the Sangster's and Norman Manley
International Airports as their exit location. They used a range of
disguise the drugs including mailbags, false compartment of suitcases
crates, cavity of guitars and documents. The weight of six of the se
8.01 kilograms.

From the seizures outlined, a sole person, Sylvia Louise Headley of 8
Road Kingston was arrested for 4.09 Kilograms of marijuana. The drug
destined for New York. Five seizures were destined to London.

A crate manifested as containing personal and household effects was e
the Kingston wharfs when 20 firearms, 13 assorted magazines, 173 roun
ammunition and three ballistic vests were found. The exporter was Le
5720 Lakeside Drive, Apt 613, Margate, Florida, 33063 and the importe
Falconer of 5 Carlett Road, Spanish Town St. Catherine. The unit seiz
000 disguised in a Federal Express envelope. The envelope was consig
Leibert Johnson of Norbrook Crescent, Montego Bay.

During a routine search of passengers at the Norman Manley Internatio
Airport, Allan Fitzalbert Coleman, of 226 Olympic Way Kingston 5 was
and a fraudulent United States passport found in his pocket. The pol
arrested him.

CET Statistics Report
-------------- Nov'05- -Nov'04-- YTD 2005 YTD2004
Passengers Processed 520 95 3699 427
Import Containers Examined 29 12 168 170
Export Containers Examined 23 31 187 560
Trans Shipment Containers 36 10 224 259
Break Bulk Containers air 92 227 1549 971
Break Bulk Containers Sea 4056 38 5174 649

Statement linking Marijuana and Crime
On November 24, the on going debate about the use of marijuana was st
Dr. Winston De La Haye, a beneficiary of a one year Hubert Humphrey F
Program, on professional enrichment, to do with drug abuse prevention
Hopkins University, spoke about the negative correlation between the
marijuana and violence.
However, this was refuted by the University Hospital of the West Indi
Professor Fred Hickling who stated that the use of marijuana was not
issue, but that persons were frustrated and disgusted with poverty an
drowned their sorrows on the temporary escape they received from usin
marijuana. He expressed the lack of hope for the masses that are stri
Narcotics Affairs Section Support
The Narcotics Affairs Section continues to meet and support all our s
in the fight against the use of drugs.


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