2005-01-27 15:17:00
Embassy Kingston
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: A. STATE 265981
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: A. STATE 265981
1. Per Ref A request, the following text constitutes Post's
ESF-funded anti-trafficking in persons proposal to G/TIP for
funding consideration from FY 2005 appropriations (Ref B
includes Post's INCLE-funded anti-TIP proposal). This is a
joint proposal with Kingston USAID Mission. Please contact
Post (see para 23) for clarification and further detail.
2. Title of Project: &Combating TIP in Jamaica: Public
Awareness and Education8
3. Name of recipient organization / government agency:
People,s Action for Community Transformation (PACT)
4. Duration of Project: Seven months, June to December 2005
(This is a continuation of an ongoing project funded by USAID
from June 2004 to May 2005).
Project Summary
5. PACT is a membership-based umbrella organization with a
working network of social agencies throughout Jamaica that
provides diverse services to young people and their families
at the community level. Embassy Kingston and the USAID
Mission have worked closely with PACT, other civil society
groups, and Government of Jamaica (GOJ) agencies to better
understand and respond to human trafficking in Jamaica.
Despite an increasing acknowledgment of the issue among
certain groups, awareness of a TIP problem in the government
and in the public discourse remains low. As part of an
ongoing project originally funded from June 8, 2004 to May
31, 2005 by USAID Mission, PACT has generated promising
momentum towards fighting TIP in Jamaica, and has established
a consultative committee of key players within the GOJ and
civil society to protect at-risk youth from falling victim to
human trafficking.
6. This project will continue PACT,s work to educate
vulnerable youth in Jamaica,s tourist and commercial centers
about the realities and dangers of the sex trade and TIP. In
addition, the project will facilitate the development of a
public education program to raise the awareness of the
general public, and will produce printed materials for use in
the national school curriculum with the support of the
Ministry of Education. Through its work to date, PACT is
uniquely positioned to design and execute a research project
that will be the first to document and quantify the magnitude
of Jamaica,s TIP problem. This project will support such a
research effort.
Project Objectives
7. Based on PACT,s ongoing work with national partners and
its deep understanding of the nature of TIP in Jamaica, this
project will continue to protect at-risk youth from the
dangers of the sex trade through education. The project will
be used to raise public awareness of human trafficking, and
to integrate TIP education into the national curriculum.
PACT will use this expertise and the information it has
already gathered to develop a research study to quantify the
magnitude of Jamaica,s TIP problem. Project objectives are
the following:
-- Continue to plan, design, and execute a program of
remedial education, literacy, and skills training to
approximately 150 young persons, aged 14 to 24 years, who are
potential victims of sex trafficking or are already victims.
-- Continue to develop and implement a strategy to facilitate
the entry or re-entry into the mainstream labor market of
at-risk youth
-- Develop a public education program to bring to the general
public the plight of the young people and the tragedies of
the sex trade
-- Develop an anti-trafficking curriculum for use by the
Ministry of Education; and
-- Design a research study to provide much-needed documentary
evidence of the nature and extent of human trafficking in
Project Description
8. PACT is a membership-based umbrella organization with a
working network of social agencies throughout Jamaica that
provides diverse services to young people and their families
at the community level. Under PACT,s leadership, these
partner groups have formed a consultative committee and have
held monthly meetings since June 2004 to share ideas and to
map out a strategic direction for an anti-trafficking
program. Each group has targeted local at-risk youths and
has recruited them to join literacy, numeracy, and vocational
training programs to prepare them for employment as part of a
safe and productive workforce. PACT,s team of experienced
professionals has managed this project to implement and
achieve the following project activities.
9. Bureau of Women,s Affairs (BWA): The BWA, a division of
the Ministry of Health, is mandated to act as a catalyst
within the GOJ to ensure that women,s issues are addressed.
By collaborating with PACT, the BWA will integrate a
trafficking curriculum into its existing public education
program on gender-related issues. The BWA has identified
approximately 200 young people who will be involved in group
discussions and working sessions over an eight-month period
to discuss trafficking.
10. Western Society for the Upliftment of Children (WSUC):
To recruit program participants, WSUC targeted places of
entertainment that employ young people as exotic dancers and
sex workers. There are currently 37 at-risk participants
enrolled at WSUC in literacy and numeracy training programs
and a preventative program of group counseling and health
11. Children First: Children First has enrolled 40 at-risk
young people, 15 of whom have been exposed to trafficking, in
a youth-friendly health program. The organization also
provides skills training in vocational fields including
cosmetology, videography, and photography, in addition to
basic literacy and numeracy.
12. North Street United Church (NSUC): NSUC has registered
25 at-risk youth who are enrolled in a preventative program
and are being trained in videography and computer skills.
Trained counselors are available to all participants for
self-esteem building, peer counseling, motivational talks,
and parenting. Jamaica,s Junior Doctors, Association
assists NSUC with reproductive health monitoring and a
youth-friendly medical clinic.
13. Church Action Negril (CAN): CAN has enrolled 26 at-risk
young people into a program of counseling, motivational
talks, life-coping skills, numeracy, literacy, health
monitoring, and computer training. Some CAN participants
have gained part-time employment, while others are being
trained for national vocational training exams.
14. PACT will use the combined expertise of the consultative
committee to facilitate the development of both a public
awareness campaign and a curriculum for use in Jamaica,s
school system. In addition, there is already a substantial
body of research that PACT has collected on the subject of
trafficking, primarily through intake interviews of each
participating young person. PACT intends to analyze this
data through a research study that will attempt to understand
the magnitude of the TIP problem in Jamaica.
15. Sustainability: PACT will integrate this project into
its current community development activities to promote
sustainability and efficiency, and to maximize technical and
financial resources. Project components have already been
implemented by partner agencies throughout Jamaica, and have
become a part of each organization,s regular programs.
Performance Indicators
16. As part of the ongoing evaluation of this project, PACT,
Embassy Kingston, and USAID Mission will measure and report
performance indicators:
-- Produce a TIP information brochure for use by civil
society groups;
-- Design and implement a public TIP education program using
print and electronic media;
-- Initiate discussions with the Ministry of Education to
introduce trafficking information into the national
-- Encourage the GOJ to publicly declare its intolerance for
human trafficking; and
-- Design a research study will to quantify Jamaica,s
trafficking problem.
Evaluation Plan
17. PACT will be the project manager and will coordinate the
implementation of the project activities. As a recipient of
USAID funding, PACT is already preparing quarterly reports to
monitor the program,s progress.
Budget Breakout
18. The estimated total cost to implement this project is
US$ 80,000 from June to December 2005. Please see the budget
summary below for more details.
Project Coordinator $13,000
Financial Manager $4,500
Statutory Deductions $1,000
Travel $2,000
Per Diem ) Site Visits $1,500
Training Packages $1,500
Meals and Allowances $8,000
Specialist Teachers (4) $10,000
Computer Instruction (4 centers) $6,000
Public Education $7,000
Research $5,500
Coordination Fee $20,000
TOTAL $80,000
Host Government Contribution
19. The GOJ will actively support the project through the
participation of the Bureau of Women,s Affairs, the Child
Development Agency (CDA),and the Ministry of Education. BWA
will integrate trafficking education into its existing
programs to support Jamaican women. The CDA and the Ministry
of Education will both work to integrate PACT,s trafficking
messages into the national curriculum.
Funding Mechanism
20. As in its existing relationship with USAID, PACT will
provide overall coordination of the project, and will
coordinate all financial reporting, monitoring, and
evaluation at quarterly intervals. Funding to the NGO should
be in the form of a grant or cooperative agreement.
Embassy POC
23. Embassy POC is Geoff Siebengartner, the Political
Officer with responsibility for trafficking issues. Contact
details are email:; telephone:
(876) 935-6086; and fax: (876) 935-6029.
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: A. STATE 265981
1. Per Ref A request, the following text constitutes Post's
ESF-funded anti-trafficking in persons proposal to G/TIP for
funding consideration from FY 2005 appropriations (Ref B
includes Post's INCLE-funded anti-TIP proposal). This is a
joint proposal with Kingston USAID Mission. Please contact
Post (see para 23) for clarification and further detail.
2. Title of Project: &Combating TIP in Jamaica: Public
Awareness and Education8
3. Name of recipient organization / government agency:
People,s Action for Community Transformation (PACT)
4. Duration of Project: Seven months, June to December 2005
(This is a continuation of an ongoing project funded by USAID
from June 2004 to May 2005).
Project Summary
5. PACT is a membership-based umbrella organization with a
working network of social agencies throughout Jamaica that
provides diverse services to young people and their families
at the community level. Embassy Kingston and the USAID
Mission have worked closely with PACT, other civil society
groups, and Government of Jamaica (GOJ) agencies to better
understand and respond to human trafficking in Jamaica.
Despite an increasing acknowledgment of the issue among
certain groups, awareness of a TIP problem in the government
and in the public discourse remains low. As part of an
ongoing project originally funded from June 8, 2004 to May
31, 2005 by USAID Mission, PACT has generated promising
momentum towards fighting TIP in Jamaica, and has established
a consultative committee of key players within the GOJ and
civil society to protect at-risk youth from falling victim to
human trafficking.
6. This project will continue PACT,s work to educate
vulnerable youth in Jamaica,s tourist and commercial centers
about the realities and dangers of the sex trade and TIP. In
addition, the project will facilitate the development of a
public education program to raise the awareness of the
general public, and will produce printed materials for use in
the national school curriculum with the support of the
Ministry of Education. Through its work to date, PACT is
uniquely positioned to design and execute a research project
that will be the first to document and quantify the magnitude
of Jamaica,s TIP problem. This project will support such a
research effort.
Project Objectives
7. Based on PACT,s ongoing work with national partners and
its deep understanding of the nature of TIP in Jamaica, this
project will continue to protect at-risk youth from the
dangers of the sex trade through education. The project will
be used to raise public awareness of human trafficking, and
to integrate TIP education into the national curriculum.
PACT will use this expertise and the information it has
already gathered to develop a research study to quantify the
magnitude of Jamaica,s TIP problem. Project objectives are
the following:
-- Continue to plan, design, and execute a program of
remedial education, literacy, and skills training to
approximately 150 young persons, aged 14 to 24 years, who are
potential victims of sex trafficking or are already victims.
-- Continue to develop and implement a strategy to facilitate
the entry or re-entry into the mainstream labor market of
at-risk youth
-- Develop a public education program to bring to the general
public the plight of the young people and the tragedies of
the sex trade
-- Develop an anti-trafficking curriculum for use by the
Ministry of Education; and
-- Design a research study to provide much-needed documentary
evidence of the nature and extent of human trafficking in
Project Description
8. PACT is a membership-based umbrella organization with a
working network of social agencies throughout Jamaica that
provides diverse services to young people and their families
at the community level. Under PACT,s leadership, these
partner groups have formed a consultative committee and have
held monthly meetings since June 2004 to share ideas and to
map out a strategic direction for an anti-trafficking
program. Each group has targeted local at-risk youths and
has recruited them to join literacy, numeracy, and vocational
training programs to prepare them for employment as part of a
safe and productive workforce. PACT,s team of experienced
professionals has managed this project to implement and
achieve the following project activities.
9. Bureau of Women,s Affairs (BWA): The BWA, a division of
the Ministry of Health, is mandated to act as a catalyst
within the GOJ to ensure that women,s issues are addressed.
By collaborating with PACT, the BWA will integrate a
trafficking curriculum into its existing public education
program on gender-related issues. The BWA has identified
approximately 200 young people who will be involved in group
discussions and working sessions over an eight-month period
to discuss trafficking.
10. Western Society for the Upliftment of Children (WSUC):
To recruit program participants, WSUC targeted places of
entertainment that employ young people as exotic dancers and
sex workers. There are currently 37 at-risk participants
enrolled at WSUC in literacy and numeracy training programs
and a preventative program of group counseling and health
11. Children First: Children First has enrolled 40 at-risk
young people, 15 of whom have been exposed to trafficking, in
a youth-friendly health program. The organization also
provides skills training in vocational fields including
cosmetology, videography, and photography, in addition to
basic literacy and numeracy.
12. North Street United Church (NSUC): NSUC has registered
25 at-risk youth who are enrolled in a preventative program
and are being trained in videography and computer skills.
Trained counselors are available to all participants for
self-esteem building, peer counseling, motivational talks,
and parenting. Jamaica,s Junior Doctors, Association
assists NSUC with reproductive health monitoring and a
youth-friendly medical clinic.
13. Church Action Negril (CAN): CAN has enrolled 26 at-risk
young people into a program of counseling, motivational
talks, life-coping skills, numeracy, literacy, health
monitoring, and computer training. Some CAN participants
have gained part-time employment, while others are being
trained for national vocational training exams.
14. PACT will use the combined expertise of the consultative
committee to facilitate the development of both a public
awareness campaign and a curriculum for use in Jamaica,s
school system. In addition, there is already a substantial
body of research that PACT has collected on the subject of
trafficking, primarily through intake interviews of each
participating young person. PACT intends to analyze this
data through a research study that will attempt to understand
the magnitude of the TIP problem in Jamaica.
15. Sustainability: PACT will integrate this project into
its current community development activities to promote
sustainability and efficiency, and to maximize technical and
financial resources. Project components have already been
implemented by partner agencies throughout Jamaica, and have
become a part of each organization,s regular programs.
Performance Indicators
16. As part of the ongoing evaluation of this project, PACT,
Embassy Kingston, and USAID Mission will measure and report
performance indicators:
-- Produce a TIP information brochure for use by civil
society groups;
-- Design and implement a public TIP education program using
print and electronic media;
-- Initiate discussions with the Ministry of Education to
introduce trafficking information into the national
-- Encourage the GOJ to publicly declare its intolerance for
human trafficking; and
-- Design a research study will to quantify Jamaica,s
trafficking problem.
Evaluation Plan
17. PACT will be the project manager and will coordinate the
implementation of the project activities. As a recipient of
USAID funding, PACT is already preparing quarterly reports to
monitor the program,s progress.
Budget Breakout
18. The estimated total cost to implement this project is
US$ 80,000 from June to December 2005. Please see the budget
summary below for more details.
Project Coordinator $13,000
Financial Manager $4,500
Statutory Deductions $1,000
Travel $2,000
Per Diem ) Site Visits $1,500
Training Packages $1,500
Meals and Allowances $8,000
Specialist Teachers (4) $10,000
Computer Instruction (4 centers) $6,000
Public Education $7,000
Research $5,500
Coordination Fee $20,000
TOTAL $80,000
Host Government Contribution
19. The GOJ will actively support the project through the
participation of the Bureau of Women,s Affairs, the Child
Development Agency (CDA),and the Ministry of Education. BWA
will integrate trafficking education into its existing
programs to support Jamaican women. The CDA and the Ministry
of Education will both work to integrate PACT,s trafficking
messages into the national curriculum.
Funding Mechanism
20. As in its existing relationship with USAID, PACT will
provide overall coordination of the project, and will
coordinate all financial reporting, monitoring, and
evaluation at quarterly intervals. Funding to the NGO should
be in the form of a grant or cooperative agreement.
Embassy POC
23. Embassy POC is Geoff Siebengartner, the Political
Officer with responsibility for trafficking issues. Contact
details are email:; telephone:
(876) 935-6086; and fax: (876) 935-6029.