2005-06-23 15:50:00
Embassy Cairo
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 CAIRO 004780
E.O. 12958: DECL: 06/23/2015
REF: A. STATE 114906
B. STATE 114051
C. STATE 113168
D. STATE 111657
E. STATE 111637
F. CAIRO 4518
Classified by Acting DCM Michael Corbin for reasons 1.4 (b)
and (d).
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 CAIRO 004780
E.O. 12958: DECL: 06/23/2015
REF: A. STATE 114906
B. STATE 114051
C. STATE 113168
D. STATE 111657
E. STATE 111637
F. CAIRO 4518
Classified by Acting DCM Michael Corbin for reasons 1.4 (b)
and (d).
1. (C) Summary: The Acting DCM conveyed ref D points on
USG priorities for UN reform at the MFA Assistant Minister
level, in the absence of the Foreign Minister, on June 23.
Assistant Minister Fathalla and his staff were familiar with
many of the points raised, yet pressed to know what
mechanisms the USG envisioned for negotiating a final outcome
document for the UN High Level Event (HLE) in September.
Fathalla was also interested in USG views regarding the
timing of decisions on UNSC reform. PolOff had earlier gone
over the points from refs A, B, and E with the MFA Director
of UN Affairs (septel). Ref C points have also been shared
with key contacts and posted on the Embassy's web page. End
2. (C) In the absence of the Foreign Minister (attending
the Iraq conference in Brussels),the Acting DCM conveyed ref
D points to Assistant Minister for Multilateral Affairs Ahmed
Fathalla on June 23, emphasizing strong U.S. interest in
enhancing the UN's ability to focus on key objectives.
Fathalla, joined by the heads of the MFA offices dealing with
the UN, human rights, nonproliferation, and economic
development, was familiar with the essence of many of the
U.S. points. He had reviewed public statements by Ambassador
Patterson and Under Secretary Burns detailing U.S. goals.
Fathalla also said the GOE had received on June 3 the first
draft of the UNGA President's "outcome document" for the
September HLE and cited those "18 pages" as the likely focus
of discussions leading up to the HLE. He inquired about USG
views on the mechanism for coordinating that document further.
3. (C) The Acting DCM reviewed ref D points in detail,
stressing the importance of keeping the focus on outcomes
that would enhance the UN's ability to deal with real issues
facing the international community. He told Fathalla that
Embassy staff would remain in contact with the MFA on the
full range of UN priorities stated in reftels. Fathalla said
the GOE shared the USG priorities noted in the demarche;
"these are also our priorities," and "the priorities of the
international community."
4. (C) The issue before us was "how to deal with these
priorities," according to Fathalla. On terrorism, for
example, he cited a decade of effort to combat a mutually
recognized problem. "We know your perspectives and you know
ours," he stressed, and an HLE that did not "give clear
guidance to the UNGA" would simply extend an inconclusive
conversation we have been having for some time. The problem
of definitions of terror, including state terror, were an
issue that Fathalla said must be addressed. (UN affairs
chief Hany Salem had emphasized the same point at length with
PolOff.) On terrorism, said Fathalla, "we understand each
other" and what is needed is to better coordinate an approach
to deal with the issue. An HLE outcome that did not offer
guidance for "tackling issues" would have limited impact, he
5. (C) Similarly, on the concept of a Human Rights Council,
Fathalla said "you have your ideas and so do we." He was
less interested in debating the various positions, which are
mutually known, and more focused on "how we want to deal
with" the process of moving ahead. He said that proceeding
to more formal discussions on a final outcome document
without such "clarity" would simply extend the dialogue
without leading to a solution. He said the UNGA president
had already put the ball in play; we must now determine
whether we sought a brief declaration of principles or a
"more complete" document. He sought a better sense of the
nature of the document we had in mind, and noted the
importance of considering the possibility of arriving at
consensus, before hastening into a drafting exercise.
6. (C) Fathalla said Egypt was interested in working
bilaterally with the U.S. to discuss means to move forward on
UN reform issues. He hoped such cooperation could be
initiated soon.
7. (C) Finally, expressing a clear priority for Egypt,
Fathalla asked if the U.S. wanted to delay all discussion of
expanding UNSC membership until September. For most UN
members, UNSC membership was "a hot issue now," he stated,
and would have to be addressed if reform were to be "whole"
in its scope.
8. (U) Post will report other meetings on UN reform septel.
Visit Embassy Cairo's Classified Website:
You can also access this site through the
State Department's Classified SIPRNET website.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 06/23/2015
REF: A. STATE 114906
B. STATE 114051
C. STATE 113168
D. STATE 111657
E. STATE 111637
F. CAIRO 4518
Classified by Acting DCM Michael Corbin for reasons 1.4 (b)
and (d).
1. (C) Summary: The Acting DCM conveyed ref D points on
USG priorities for UN reform at the MFA Assistant Minister
level, in the absence of the Foreign Minister, on June 23.
Assistant Minister Fathalla and his staff were familiar with
many of the points raised, yet pressed to know what
mechanisms the USG envisioned for negotiating a final outcome
document for the UN High Level Event (HLE) in September.
Fathalla was also interested in USG views regarding the
timing of decisions on UNSC reform. PolOff had earlier gone
over the points from refs A, B, and E with the MFA Director
of UN Affairs (septel). Ref C points have also been shared
with key contacts and posted on the Embassy's web page. End
2. (C) In the absence of the Foreign Minister (attending
the Iraq conference in Brussels),the Acting DCM conveyed ref
D points to Assistant Minister for Multilateral Affairs Ahmed
Fathalla on June 23, emphasizing strong U.S. interest in
enhancing the UN's ability to focus on key objectives.
Fathalla, joined by the heads of the MFA offices dealing with
the UN, human rights, nonproliferation, and economic
development, was familiar with the essence of many of the
U.S. points. He had reviewed public statements by Ambassador
Patterson and Under Secretary Burns detailing U.S. goals.
Fathalla also said the GOE had received on June 3 the first
draft of the UNGA President's "outcome document" for the
September HLE and cited those "18 pages" as the likely focus
of discussions leading up to the HLE. He inquired about USG
views on the mechanism for coordinating that document further.
3. (C) The Acting DCM reviewed ref D points in detail,
stressing the importance of keeping the focus on outcomes
that would enhance the UN's ability to deal with real issues
facing the international community. He told Fathalla that
Embassy staff would remain in contact with the MFA on the
full range of UN priorities stated in reftels. Fathalla said
the GOE shared the USG priorities noted in the demarche;
"these are also our priorities," and "the priorities of the
international community."
4. (C) The issue before us was "how to deal with these
priorities," according to Fathalla. On terrorism, for
example, he cited a decade of effort to combat a mutually
recognized problem. "We know your perspectives and you know
ours," he stressed, and an HLE that did not "give clear
guidance to the UNGA" would simply extend an inconclusive
conversation we have been having for some time. The problem
of definitions of terror, including state terror, were an
issue that Fathalla said must be addressed. (UN affairs
chief Hany Salem had emphasized the same point at length with
PolOff.) On terrorism, said Fathalla, "we understand each
other" and what is needed is to better coordinate an approach
to deal with the issue. An HLE outcome that did not offer
guidance for "tackling issues" would have limited impact, he
5. (C) Similarly, on the concept of a Human Rights Council,
Fathalla said "you have your ideas and so do we." He was
less interested in debating the various positions, which are
mutually known, and more focused on "how we want to deal
with" the process of moving ahead. He said that proceeding
to more formal discussions on a final outcome document
without such "clarity" would simply extend the dialogue
without leading to a solution. He said the UNGA president
had already put the ball in play; we must now determine
whether we sought a brief declaration of principles or a
"more complete" document. He sought a better sense of the
nature of the document we had in mind, and noted the
importance of considering the possibility of arriving at
consensus, before hastening into a drafting exercise.
6. (C) Fathalla said Egypt was interested in working
bilaterally with the U.S. to discuss means to move forward on
UN reform issues. He hoped such cooperation could be
initiated soon.
7. (C) Finally, expressing a clear priority for Egypt,
Fathalla asked if the U.S. wanted to delay all discussion of
expanding UNSC membership until September. For most UN
members, UNSC membership was "a hot issue now," he stated,
and would have to be addressed if reform were to be "whole"
in its scope.
8. (U) Post will report other meetings on UN reform septel.
Visit Embassy Cairo's Classified Website:
You can also access this site through the
State Department's Classified SIPRNET website.