2005-03-04 21:05:00
Embassy Brasilia
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E.O. 12958: N/A

REF: A) Brasilia 464, B) Brasilia 437




E.O. 12958: N/A

REF: A) Brasilia 464, B) Brasilia 437

1. (SBU) Summary: On February 17, 2005 Brazil's Minister of
Environment, Marina Silva, announced a presidential decree
aimed at combating land grabbing and deforestation in the
Amazon. The three-pronged strategy sets up five separate
forest reserves totaling 12.8 million acres, places a ban on
logging and development activities in a 20 million acre
stretch of forest along the BR-163 highway and sends a
priority bill to the Brazilian Congress to reform land use
under the Administration of Public Forests. These measures
come on the heels of a week of surging violence in the state
of Para which included the murder of American missionary
Dorothy Stang (Refs A and B). Concurrent with these
environmental initiatives, Vice President, Jose Alencar, has
ordered around 2000 army personnel to the region to support
local law enforcement entities. Despite this, we have seen
little evidence to date that these measures will be better
enforced than existing protections. End Summary

2. (SBU) Para is, in many ways, akin to the popular image of
the American "Wild West": isolated, sparsely populated and
lawless, with a notable lack of State (federal) presence.
Filling the power void are the wealthy landowners, who often
obtained their land illegitimately, and their hired guns.
Primarily composed of farmers and ranchers (soy and cattle),
lumber companies or speculators, these individuals are
continually encroaching on the Amazon in search of quick
profits. The result is a swath of human and environmental
devastation. Speculators, who obtain illegal land titles
from corrupt authorities, sell the land to ranchers and
timber companies, who then turn out the local population
creating a group of landless peasants. These peasants along
with migrant workers, at times held in a state of de facto
slavery, are used to clear forests for timber or pasture
land. These inequities and the ubiquitous greed for more
land are fostering a social and environmental catastrophe in
the region.

3. (SBU) While the dilemma of land distribution has long
been recognized by the GOB, previous attempts to regulate
and enforce property ownership and land use have been either
inefficient and/or ineffectual. The most recent example of
the federal government trying to assert its authority
occurred when Incra (National Institute for agrarian reform)
passed a decree ordering landowners in the northwest of
Para, claiming to own more than 100 hectares, to provide
proof of ownership or have their land repossessed. As the
deadline approached in January 2005, ranchers and timber

companies blockaded major land (the BR-163) and water routes
(the Amazon and Tapajos Rivers),halting traffic and
commerce. The GOB subsequently retracted the measure,
proffering victory for the landed elite of the region.

4. Less than three weeks later Dorothy Stang, an
environmentalist and spokesperson for landless peasants, was
assassinated. Her murder is indicative of the struggle in
Para between peasants and environmentalists and land
developers which the CPT, a Catholic Church agrarian
watchdog group, claims has taken 161 lives over the last two

5. In the wake of the vehement international and domestic
criticism which has followed the Stang murder, the
government has acted quickly. Moving under the assumption
that the social and environmental degradation are wedded,
the GOB has addressed the problem by seeking greater control
over both property rights and land use. Consequently, the
Lula administration announced the following measures:

6. In the first, the Executive announced a moratorium on
all logging and resource development/exploitation in a
protected forest area along the Western edge of BR-163 which
connects Santarem to Cuiaba. This measure will stay in
effect for six months, until the government has determined
which activities are legal. The decree is a psychological
blow to many of parties that aim to profit, via illegal
means, from the road being paved. For years, the Mato Grosso
soy farming lobby has been driving to have the BR-163 paved.
Their goal is to provide a more cost effective, profitable
transport route for soy from the south of Para and northern
Mato Grosso to Amazon river ports. These interests attained
their goal in January 2005 when the GOB granted permission
to have the road paved, despite environmentalist concerns
that paving the BR-163 would accelerate Amazonian
destruction and exacerbate land disputes. The measure
establishes a federal presence in the region where land
grabbing has increased with the mere announcement that the
road would be paved.

7. The second part of Lula's new environmental package will
create an extensive set of forest reserves. Five in total,
they include an extractive reserve with more than 800,000
acres, three sets of national forests covering more than
3.75 million acres and a ecological station with more than
8.25 million acres. There is speculation that two more
extractive reserves will be created in the coming weeks.
All told, these new protected areas will place some of the
Amazon's most disputed, at risk lands under the federal
government's control.

8. Rounding out these initiatives, the GOB is sending a bill
to Congress with expedited, urgent status, to create new
rules governing the use and exploitation of public forests.
If passed, forest exploration in designated production
forests will be authorized by the GOB, similar to the manner
in which the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) handles timber sales
in our national forests. Concessions will be granted via
government sponsored auctions. Those who win the right to
harvest timber will be required to follow strict forest
management plans. Not only will the GOB garner revenues
which would be reinvested into a fund for forest
preservation, it will also strengthen its power to authorize
land use on private lands. The bill is expected to pass
through Congress at some point over the next six months. In
an effort to counter "grilagem" (illegal land grabbing),the
bill mandates that private individuals will not have the
right to buy unclaimed federal land on the Amazon frontier.
With respect to USG, GOB bilateral relations, an ongoing
agreement between the USFS and the Environment Ministry's
National Forest Program which will focus increasingly on the
exchange of information and experiences in concession-based
forest management and the establishment of a Brazilian
Forest Service, lends support to these measures.

9. Concurrent with these measures the federal government
has sent 2000 army troops to Para, primarily to reinforce
both state and federal law enforcement entities and their
operations in the region. Their manifold duties will
include helping to combat land disputes, deforestation,
environmental crimes, gunmen and petty crime/assaults. From
the environmental perspective this will be extremely useful
to an agency like IBAMA (federal conservation agency),which
has been hampered by its lack of enforcement capacity.
While generally viewed positively, the action is very
significant. Following the collapse of the military
dictatorship in 1985, the GOB and the Army itself have been
extremely reluctant to utilize the armed forces in a
domestic capacity. In this case, Lula has stated, these
troops will stay in the region, "until the problem
(violence) is solved."

10. In response to the killing of Dorothy Stang and the
subsequent troop mobilization and environmental orders,
certain timber and agribusiness interests have condemned
these new measures as irrational, emotional and driven by
non-Brazilian forces. One environmental engineer noted
that, in doing this, the president has placed the logger,
agriculturalist, "grileiro" (land grabber) and assassin in
the same company. Simultaneously, other industry
representatives are praising the measures for attempting to
increase stability to the region.

11. (SBU)Comment: In the end, these measures are generally
being viewed positively, although with a degree of
skepticism. Brazil already possesses some of the most
stringent environmental laws anywhere in the world. The
problem is a lack of enforcement and effective management of
public lands. There exists a huge divide between
saying/creating and actually doing. If the government is
ready to vigorously implement and enforce these new
measures, it would help to reduce the violence and
environmental degradation in the region. It would be the
first step in reasserting the GOB's authority, which Marina
Silva noted, has been absent in the Amazon for more than a


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