2005-05-27 21:36:00
Embassy Bogota
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
C O N F I D E N T I A L BOGOTA 005142
E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/27/2015
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)
C O N F I D E N T I A L BOGOTA 005142
E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/27/2015
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)
1. (C) On May 26, poloffs met with Father Dario Echeverri
(strictly protect),Secretary General of the National
Conciliation Commission (CCN),which is authorized by the GOC
to reach out to the illegal armed groups with the aim of
starting peace talks. The CCN had met with the AUC
negotiating team on May 17 and issued a communique expressing
hope for the process's success and warning that a complete
cease-fire and full dismantlement of the AUC were essential.
Echeverri reported little progress with the FARC or ELN. On
May 13, Echeverri sent a letter to FARC Secretariat member
Raul Reyes proposing the church arrange a meeting between the
FARC and the GOC so they could discuss the conditions needed
for a humanitarian exchange. There has been no response.
End summary.
AUC process
2. (U) On May 17, Father Echeverri led a CCN delegation in a
meeting with the AUC negotiators in Santa Fe de Ralito,
Cordoba Department. Following the meeting, the CCN issued a
communique that:
-- Expressed hope for a successful peace process.
-- Warned that the process's legitimacy depended directly on
the AUC's compliance with the cease-fire, respect for human
rights, and adherence to the agreed-upon demobilization
schedule. They noted that there was evidence the AUC had
violated these three requirements.
-- Praised the OAS verification mission.
-- Emphasized that the full dismantlement of the AUC was
essential to the process.
FARC and ELN: Little Progress
3. (C) Echeverri described his efforts to reach out to the
FARC and ELN as being on a stationary bike -- he would
continue pedaling, but was not moving forward. He showed
poloffs a series of letters between him and FARC Secretariat
member Raul Reyes. In the first, dated April 1, Echeverri
urged Reyes to accept a meeting with the CCN to discuss a
humanitarian exchange. In response, dated April 8, Reyes
reiterated that the FARC would not agree to any kind of
humanitarian exchange until the GOC gave the FARC a
demilitarized zone in two municipalities in Cauca Department,
brought extradited FARC commanders "Sonia" and "Simon
Trinidad" back to Colombia, and released them and FARC
international representative Rodrigo Granda. He also said
security conditions would not allow for a meeting with the
CCN. On May 13, Echeverri wrote to Reyes, that the CCN
believed a meeting between the GOC and FARC to discuss the
terms of humanitarian exchange was possible, and wanted to
know the Secretariat's willingness to hold such a meeting.
He also urged the FARC to release European Commission
diplomat Carlos Ayala (see septel for more information on the
FARC's role in the kidnapping). The FARC has not responded.
4. (C) Echeverri noted that he had held a meeting with the
Ambassadors from the nine "group of friends" countries for a
peace process with the FARC on May 25 to discuss their views
of the possibility of peace talks with the FARC. He asserted
that the international community could play a more productive
role in the peace process with the illegal armed groups, but
the GOC was hesitant to permit it.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/27/2015
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)
1. (C) On May 26, poloffs met with Father Dario Echeverri
(strictly protect),Secretary General of the National
Conciliation Commission (CCN),which is authorized by the GOC
to reach out to the illegal armed groups with the aim of
starting peace talks. The CCN had met with the AUC
negotiating team on May 17 and issued a communique expressing
hope for the process's success and warning that a complete
cease-fire and full dismantlement of the AUC were essential.
Echeverri reported little progress with the FARC or ELN. On
May 13, Echeverri sent a letter to FARC Secretariat member
Raul Reyes proposing the church arrange a meeting between the
FARC and the GOC so they could discuss the conditions needed
for a humanitarian exchange. There has been no response.
End summary.
AUC process
2. (U) On May 17, Father Echeverri led a CCN delegation in a
meeting with the AUC negotiators in Santa Fe de Ralito,
Cordoba Department. Following the meeting, the CCN issued a
communique that:
-- Expressed hope for a successful peace process.
-- Warned that the process's legitimacy depended directly on
the AUC's compliance with the cease-fire, respect for human
rights, and adherence to the agreed-upon demobilization
schedule. They noted that there was evidence the AUC had
violated these three requirements.
-- Praised the OAS verification mission.
-- Emphasized that the full dismantlement of the AUC was
essential to the process.
FARC and ELN: Little Progress
3. (C) Echeverri described his efforts to reach out to the
FARC and ELN as being on a stationary bike -- he would
continue pedaling, but was not moving forward. He showed
poloffs a series of letters between him and FARC Secretariat
member Raul Reyes. In the first, dated April 1, Echeverri
urged Reyes to accept a meeting with the CCN to discuss a
humanitarian exchange. In response, dated April 8, Reyes
reiterated that the FARC would not agree to any kind of
humanitarian exchange until the GOC gave the FARC a
demilitarized zone in two municipalities in Cauca Department,
brought extradited FARC commanders "Sonia" and "Simon
Trinidad" back to Colombia, and released them and FARC
international representative Rodrigo Granda. He also said
security conditions would not allow for a meeting with the
CCN. On May 13, Echeverri wrote to Reyes, that the CCN
believed a meeting between the GOC and FARC to discuss the
terms of humanitarian exchange was possible, and wanted to
know the Secretariat's willingness to hold such a meeting.
He also urged the FARC to release European Commission
diplomat Carlos Ayala (see septel for more information on the
FARC's role in the kidnapping). The FARC has not responded.
4. (C) Echeverri noted that he had held a meeting with the
Ambassadors from the nine "group of friends" countries for a
peace process with the FARC on May 25 to discuss their views
of the possibility of peace talks with the FARC. He asserted
that the international community could play a more productive
role in the peace process with the illegal armed groups, but
the GOC was hesitant to permit it.