2005-04-19 18:50:00
Embassy Bogota
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 BOGOTA 003695
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/19/2015
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood for reasons
1.5 (b) and (d)
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 BOGOTA 003695
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/19/2015
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood for reasons
1.5 (b) and (d)
1. (SBU) Post welcomes CODEL Burton's visit to Colombia.
With USG assistance, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has
made great strides in fighting drug trafficking and
terrorism. A nation-wide, multi-phased offensive by the
security forces has re-taken key territory from the FARC.
The peace process with the United Self-Defense Forces of
Colombia (AUC) has already resulted in the demobilization of
almost 5,000 paramilitaries with several thousand more
expected. Colombia's human rights record, although
imperfect, is improving. Executive-legislative relations
have been tense, but Uribe managed to push through some
important legislation, including a bill to allow presidential
re-election. The economy continues to improve and FTA talks
are in their ninth round. Three U.S. citizens have been held
hostage by the FARC for two years now; their safe recovery
continues to be one of our top priorities. Uribe is a strong
proponent of extradition. End Summary.
U.S. Assistance Key to Security Improvements
2. (SBU) USG Assistance to Colombia is premised on combating
the interrelated issues of drug trafficking and terrorism and
includes training, material aid, and guidance to the security
forces and other institutions. President Uribe and Colombian
Minister of Defense (MOD) Jorge Alberto Uribe (not related)
have characterized U.S. assistance as key to the GOC's
"Democratic Security Policy" and acknowledged the United
States as Colombia's most important ally. Since taking
office, President Uribe has focused on establishing a state
presence throughout national territory.
-- Plan Patriota: The military's multi-phased campaign plan
to re-take areas dominated by the Revolutionary Armed Forces
of Colombia (FARC) is entering its third year. The first
phase, which focused on securing Cundinamarca Department,
which surrounds Bogota, pushed the FARC presence out of reach
of the capital and resulted in the deaths of at least five
mid-level FARC commanders. The second, much more complex
phase has reached the one year mark and is focused on the
FARC's traditional stronghold in southeastern Colombia.
Infectious diseases -) especially leishmaniasis, a parasitic
skin and intestinal infection )- and landmines are the
leading causes of military casualties.
-- FARC violence in the first quarter of 2005, although
tactically aggressive, remained localized and below 2004
levels in all categories.
-- Center for Coordinated Integral Action: With support from
the U.S. MILGRP, the GOC formed an interagency center to
facilitate social services in seven areas that have
traditionally suffered from little state presence and
pressure from illegal armed groups. The Center focuses on
providing immediate social services, including documentation
and medical clinics, and establishing longer term projects,
such as economic reactivation. Approximately 40,000
individuals have been enrolled in state health care, judges,
investigators, and public defenders have been placed in all
16 municipalities of the Plan Patriota area, and a public
library was recently opened in the town of San Vicente del
Caguan, which had long been dominated by the FARC.
-- Drug Eradication: Eradication and interdiction are at
record levels. As of April 2005, 60,747 hectares of coca and
936 hectares of opium poppy had been sprayed since the
beginning of 2005. During this same time, 1,317 hectares of
coca and poppy were manually eradicated. In 2004, over
136,000 hectares of coca and 3,000 hectares of poppy were
sprayed. The GOC is moving closer to authorizing aerial
eradication in national parks. Ground fire against spray
planes is well below 2003 levels but remains problematic.
-- Deserters: Since Uribe took office, over 7,000 illegal
armed group members have deserted and entered the
government's reinsertion program. The program has limited
funding and logistical problems, but is slowly improving.
-- Military Justice Reforms: The Colombian military justice
system has been criticized for inefficiency and weakness. We
have emphasized the importance of creating a system that
delivers credible findings to ensure expeditious justice for
both the innocent and the guilty. Last month, the Military
Penal Justice Director submitted a "shock" reform package to
Congress as the first step towards institutional
streamlining. Director Puentes claimed that this first
reform package, which would establish an administrative
process for service-related crimes, could be a critical
stopgap to stabilize the overburdened system. The second
reform package, slated for a July Congressional review, would
improve the long-term functioning of the institution.
-- Extradition: President Uribe is a strong supporter of the
U.S.-GOC extradition relationship, and since taking office
has approved more than 214 extraditions to the U.S.
Peace Process
3. (SBU) The GOC has been holding negotiations with the
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) since 2002.
Almost 5,000 paramilitaries have demobilized thus far. The
GOC has said up to 15,000 more paramilitaries could
demobilize by the end of Uribe's term in August 2006.
Congress is debating a law that would give alternative
sentences to members of illegal armed groups who demobilize
but are implicated in major crimes. Further AUC
demobilizations appear to be on hold until the law is
finalized. The GOC has repeatedly stated that the peace
process will not damage the excellent U.S.-Colombia
extradition relationship.
4. (SBU) The Mexican government has been trying to facilitate
peace talks between the GOC and the National Liberation Army
(ELN),but the ELN has refused to suspend kidnapping. The
FARC has shown no willingness to have peace talks or hold a
"humanitarian exchange."
Human Rights Record Improving
5. (SBU) The Uribe Administration continues to make progress
on human rights. Homicides fell by 16 percent, kidnappings
by 42 percent, and forced displacements by 37 percent in
2004, building on 2003's trends. The GOC increased its
dialogue with NGOs, the UN, and foreign governments, hosting
meetings with local and international human rights
organizations that included over 40 hours of discussions on
the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights' 27
human rights recommendations for Colombia. Human rights
training is mandatory for all members of the military and
police. Less than 2 percent of human rights violations are
attributable to government security forces, according to GOC
statistics. But recent violations by members of the armed
forces, such as the murders in August 2004 of three trade
unionists in the highly conflictive Arauca Department,
demonstrate the need for further improvement.
Internal Politics
6. (SBU) Executive-legislative relations have been tense over
the last two years. A major issue has been Uribe's break
with traditional pork barrel projects and patronage for
members of Congress, and many have exacted payback on the GOC
as a result. Uribe's presidential reelection reform
initiative, however, was passed by Congress in December. The
Constitutional Court is currently reviewing the reform, and
it remains to be seen if it will strike the measure down.
Other major issues before Congress include pension and tax
reform, both controversial proposals that face tough sledding.
7. (SBU) Elections for Congress and President will be held in
March and May 2006, respectively. The current Congressional
session began March 16 and runs until June 20. The Congress
will resume for the subsequent regular session on July 20.
Given the start of the electoral season, most pundits
indicate that the current Congressional session is the final
one prior to the elections in which major legislation can be
Positive Economic Outlook
8. (SBU) While the tremendous gains in security have helped
the economy, many analysts are concerned that fiscal and
pension reforms have not yet passed through Congress.
Without these important structural changes, the long-term
outlook is less clear. In 2004, Colombia's gross domestic
product (GDP) increased by 4 percent to nearly USD 90.8
billion. Colombian exports grew 26 percent in 200 to USD 16
billion. Exports to the U.S. grew by USD 1 billion.
Unemployment remains high at 12.1 percent, but the rate has
been declining since the beginning of the Uribe
9. (SBU) The seventh round of talks toward a Free Trade
Agreement with Colombia (and other Andean nations) recently
concluded in Washington in March. The next round began on
April 18 in Lima, Peru. Movement has been slowed somewhat
due to concerns in the U.S. Congress over the ratification of
the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA).
Agriculture and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) continue
to be major issues, specifically patents, medications,
agricultural subsidies and access to genetic resources.
U.S. Hostages
10. (C) In February 2003, a DOD plane carrying four USG
contractors and a Colombian military representative crashed
in FARC-controlled territory in southern Colombia. The FARC
murdered one of the U.S. contractors and the Colombian and
took the other three U.S. citizens hostage. We believe they
are being held in remote, heavily forested regions the FARC
has long controlled and to which the Colombian military has
little access. Since the contractors were kidnapped, we have
worked closely with the GOC to track all leads that could
reveal their location. President Uribe has personally
pledged GOC cooperation and support in any effort to rescue
the hostages. President Uribe has also given personal
assurances that he would insist the U.S. hostages be included
in any "humanitarian exchange" with the FARC. The hostages'
safe release continues to be one of our top priorities.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/19/2015
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood for reasons
1.5 (b) and (d)
1. (SBU) Post welcomes CODEL Burton's visit to Colombia.
With USG assistance, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has
made great strides in fighting drug trafficking and
terrorism. A nation-wide, multi-phased offensive by the
security forces has re-taken key territory from the FARC.
The peace process with the United Self-Defense Forces of
Colombia (AUC) has already resulted in the demobilization of
almost 5,000 paramilitaries with several thousand more
expected. Colombia's human rights record, although
imperfect, is improving. Executive-legislative relations
have been tense, but Uribe managed to push through some
important legislation, including a bill to allow presidential
re-election. The economy continues to improve and FTA talks
are in their ninth round. Three U.S. citizens have been held
hostage by the FARC for two years now; their safe recovery
continues to be one of our top priorities. Uribe is a strong
proponent of extradition. End Summary.
U.S. Assistance Key to Security Improvements
2. (SBU) USG Assistance to Colombia is premised on combating
the interrelated issues of drug trafficking and terrorism and
includes training, material aid, and guidance to the security
forces and other institutions. President Uribe and Colombian
Minister of Defense (MOD) Jorge Alberto Uribe (not related)
have characterized U.S. assistance as key to the GOC's
"Democratic Security Policy" and acknowledged the United
States as Colombia's most important ally. Since taking
office, President Uribe has focused on establishing a state
presence throughout national territory.
-- Plan Patriota: The military's multi-phased campaign plan
to re-take areas dominated by the Revolutionary Armed Forces
of Colombia (FARC) is entering its third year. The first
phase, which focused on securing Cundinamarca Department,
which surrounds Bogota, pushed the FARC presence out of reach
of the capital and resulted in the deaths of at least five
mid-level FARC commanders. The second, much more complex
phase has reached the one year mark and is focused on the
FARC's traditional stronghold in southeastern Colombia.
Infectious diseases -) especially leishmaniasis, a parasitic
skin and intestinal infection )- and landmines are the
leading causes of military casualties.
-- FARC violence in the first quarter of 2005, although
tactically aggressive, remained localized and below 2004
levels in all categories.
-- Center for Coordinated Integral Action: With support from
the U.S. MILGRP, the GOC formed an interagency center to
facilitate social services in seven areas that have
traditionally suffered from little state presence and
pressure from illegal armed groups. The Center focuses on
providing immediate social services, including documentation
and medical clinics, and establishing longer term projects,
such as economic reactivation. Approximately 40,000
individuals have been enrolled in state health care, judges,
investigators, and public defenders have been placed in all
16 municipalities of the Plan Patriota area, and a public
library was recently opened in the town of San Vicente del
Caguan, which had long been dominated by the FARC.
-- Drug Eradication: Eradication and interdiction are at
record levels. As of April 2005, 60,747 hectares of coca and
936 hectares of opium poppy had been sprayed since the
beginning of 2005. During this same time, 1,317 hectares of
coca and poppy were manually eradicated. In 2004, over
136,000 hectares of coca and 3,000 hectares of poppy were
sprayed. The GOC is moving closer to authorizing aerial
eradication in national parks. Ground fire against spray
planes is well below 2003 levels but remains problematic.
-- Deserters: Since Uribe took office, over 7,000 illegal
armed group members have deserted and entered the
government's reinsertion program. The program has limited
funding and logistical problems, but is slowly improving.
-- Military Justice Reforms: The Colombian military justice
system has been criticized for inefficiency and weakness. We
have emphasized the importance of creating a system that
delivers credible findings to ensure expeditious justice for
both the innocent and the guilty. Last month, the Military
Penal Justice Director submitted a "shock" reform package to
Congress as the first step towards institutional
streamlining. Director Puentes claimed that this first
reform package, which would establish an administrative
process for service-related crimes, could be a critical
stopgap to stabilize the overburdened system. The second
reform package, slated for a July Congressional review, would
improve the long-term functioning of the institution.
-- Extradition: President Uribe is a strong supporter of the
U.S.-GOC extradition relationship, and since taking office
has approved more than 214 extraditions to the U.S.
Peace Process
3. (SBU) The GOC has been holding negotiations with the
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) since 2002.
Almost 5,000 paramilitaries have demobilized thus far. The
GOC has said up to 15,000 more paramilitaries could
demobilize by the end of Uribe's term in August 2006.
Congress is debating a law that would give alternative
sentences to members of illegal armed groups who demobilize
but are implicated in major crimes. Further AUC
demobilizations appear to be on hold until the law is
finalized. The GOC has repeatedly stated that the peace
process will not damage the excellent U.S.-Colombia
extradition relationship.
4. (SBU) The Mexican government has been trying to facilitate
peace talks between the GOC and the National Liberation Army
(ELN),but the ELN has refused to suspend kidnapping. The
FARC has shown no willingness to have peace talks or hold a
"humanitarian exchange."
Human Rights Record Improving
5. (SBU) The Uribe Administration continues to make progress
on human rights. Homicides fell by 16 percent, kidnappings
by 42 percent, and forced displacements by 37 percent in
2004, building on 2003's trends. The GOC increased its
dialogue with NGOs, the UN, and foreign governments, hosting
meetings with local and international human rights
organizations that included over 40 hours of discussions on
the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights' 27
human rights recommendations for Colombia. Human rights
training is mandatory for all members of the military and
police. Less than 2 percent of human rights violations are
attributable to government security forces, according to GOC
statistics. But recent violations by members of the armed
forces, such as the murders in August 2004 of three trade
unionists in the highly conflictive Arauca Department,
demonstrate the need for further improvement.
Internal Politics
6. (SBU) Executive-legislative relations have been tense over
the last two years. A major issue has been Uribe's break
with traditional pork barrel projects and patronage for
members of Congress, and many have exacted payback on the GOC
as a result. Uribe's presidential reelection reform
initiative, however, was passed by Congress in December. The
Constitutional Court is currently reviewing the reform, and
it remains to be seen if it will strike the measure down.
Other major issues before Congress include pension and tax
reform, both controversial proposals that face tough sledding.
7. (SBU) Elections for Congress and President will be held in
March and May 2006, respectively. The current Congressional
session began March 16 and runs until June 20. The Congress
will resume for the subsequent regular session on July 20.
Given the start of the electoral season, most pundits
indicate that the current Congressional session is the final
one prior to the elections in which major legislation can be
Positive Economic Outlook
8. (SBU) While the tremendous gains in security have helped
the economy, many analysts are concerned that fiscal and
pension reforms have not yet passed through Congress.
Without these important structural changes, the long-term
outlook is less clear. In 2004, Colombia's gross domestic
product (GDP) increased by 4 percent to nearly USD 90.8
billion. Colombian exports grew 26 percent in 200 to USD 16
billion. Exports to the U.S. grew by USD 1 billion.
Unemployment remains high at 12.1 percent, but the rate has
been declining since the beginning of the Uribe
9. (SBU) The seventh round of talks toward a Free Trade
Agreement with Colombia (and other Andean nations) recently
concluded in Washington in March. The next round began on
April 18 in Lima, Peru. Movement has been slowed somewhat
due to concerns in the U.S. Congress over the ratification of
the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA).
Agriculture and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) continue
to be major issues, specifically patents, medications,
agricultural subsidies and access to genetic resources.
U.S. Hostages
10. (C) In February 2003, a DOD plane carrying four USG
contractors and a Colombian military representative crashed
in FARC-controlled territory in southern Colombia. The FARC
murdered one of the U.S. contractors and the Colombian and
took the other three U.S. citizens hostage. We believe they
are being held in remote, heavily forested regions the FARC
has long controlled and to which the Colombian military has
little access. Since the contractors were kidnapped, we have
worked closely with the GOC to track all leads that could
reveal their location. President Uribe has personally
pledged GOC cooperation and support in any effort to rescue
the hostages. President Uribe has also given personal
assurances that he would insist the U.S. hostages be included
in any "humanitarian exchange" with the FARC. The hostages'
safe release continues to be one of our top priorities.