2005-03-04 21:49:00
Embassy Bogota
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 BOGOTA 002156
E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/04/2050
B. BOGOTA 1981
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood Reasons 1.6 (x)
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 BOGOTA 002156
E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/04/2050
B. BOGOTA 1981
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood Reasons 1.6 (x)
1. (S/NF) On March 2, Embassy officials met with reinserted
FARC guerrilla member, Elkin Dario Tuberquia (strictly
protect),and 17th Battalion Commander Lt. Colonel Nestor
Duque Lopez. Tuberquia alleged that the FARC was responsible
for the killings of the eight individuals as the three men,
including Luis Eduardo Guerra, were interested in leaving the
peace community. The third man was also thought by the FARC
to be an army informant. Duque and Army Inspector General
Pineda told Emboffs that the military was not near the site
of the massacre and was not responsible for the crime.
Additionally, according to press reports, during the late
afternoon of March 2, the government's investigative
commission was attacked by alleged members of the FARC on
their way to interview members of the peace community. On
March 3, Ambassador met with Army Commander General
Castellanos and stressed the need for a swift, transparent
investigation into this incident. End summary.
Reinserted Guerrilla Blames FARC
2. (S/NF) On March 2, Embassy officials met Elkin Dario
Tuberquia (strictly protect),a former militia member of the
5th Front of the FARC, which operates around the peace
community of San Jose de Apartado, located in Uraba,
Antioquia Department. Tuberquia, who was a member of the
FARC for 13 years, joined the government's reinsertion
program in December 2004. He left behind family in San Jose
de Apartado with whom he maintains contact. During the
discussion, Tuberquia noted that when he left San Jose de
Apartado, the peace community filed a complaint ("denuncia")
against the 17th Brigade claiming that soldiers from the
Brigade had tortured and killed him.
3. (S/NF) Tuberquia said he had been told it was members of
the 5th Front of the FARC who killed all eight individuals
for two reasons: (1) the men were planning on leaving the
peace community and joining the government's reinsertion
program and (2) the FARC thought one of the individuals was
an army informant. He told Emboffs that Luis Eduardo Guerra,
a member of the internal council of the peace community, had
called him either February 15 or 16 expressing his desire to
leave the peace community because he was tired of things that
were "going on there." Guerra then asked Tuberquia how he
(Guerra) could contact the 17th Brigade to move forward on
this. Tuberquia also alleged to Emboffs that Guerra was a
militia member of the FARC's 5th Front. Alejandro Perez
(alias "Cristo de palo"),alleged commander of the FARC,s
58th Front militia, had reportedly begun taking steps to
leave the FARC and join the reinsertion program. Tuberquia
believed the FARC discovered this information through
listening in on phone calls made by the two on the public
phone within the peace community, as there are only two
public phones within the community; both lines are controlled
by a local NGO. These phones are located in the NGO's office
space and community members must ask permission to make phone
calls. Regarding the case of Alfonso Bolivar, he said the
FARC had accused him of disclosing the whereabouts of FARC
5th Front militia commander "Macho Rusio", who was killed
three weeks ago, to military forces. As a result of these
events, the FARC killed the men and their families.
Military Not in Area of Massacre
4. (C) The same day, Embassy officials met with Lt. Colonel
Nestor Duque Lopez, Commander of the Engineer ("Ingenieros")
Battalion of the 17th Brigade, who had been called back to
Bogota to discuss the events of the massacre. Colonel
Duque's battalion is charged with the responsibility of
providing security in the area in and around San Jose de
Apartado, including the massacre site near the town of La
Resbalosa. Still, the community, through its supporting NGO,
the "Corporacion Juridica Libertad", maintains its claim that
it was members of the 11th Brigade (based in Cordoba
Department) who detained the individuals before their bodies
were discovered.
5. (C) Colonel Duque and Army Inspector General Pineda
explained to Emboffs that the military keeps track of its
movements every hour and clarified that the actual killings
took place on the morning of February 22. He then showed a
map of all troop locations at that time, which had the
closest military unit six kilometers from the site. However,
because of the rough, heavily land-mined terrain, no troops
would have been able to reach the site easily on foot.
Military officials also noted that the area is one with a
heavy FARC presence, and that there were no members of
paramilitary organizations in the area.
Communiqu from SJA
6. (S/NF) Tuberquia and Col. Duque also called attention to
the timing of the first communiqu (dated February 24, 2005)
issued by the peace community which condemned the massacre.
This communiqu, which Poloffs received in the early
afternoon of February 24, says "on February 22, the half
brother of Luis Eduardo, who had fled from the army, was
looking for them in the house of Alfonso Bolivar and found
blood which he followed until he found, near the house, a
grave with the cadavers completely dismembered. This
terrible discovery was made by the young man and others of
the town of Mulatos who were looking for the disappeared."
The government commission, which included members of the
peace community, arrived at the site during the early
afternoon of February 25. Colonel Duque said when they
arrived, the gravesite was completely covered and appeared to
them to be untouched, as if they were the first ones there,
which contradicts the first communique.
FARC Attacks Investigative Commission
7. (U) According to press reports, at roughly 5pm on March 2,
the commission investigating the massacre, including four
representatives from the Prosecutor General,s Office
("Fiscalia"),two from the Inspector General,s Office
("Procuraduria") and one from the Human Rights Ombudsman
("Defensoria"),were ambushed by presumed members of the FARC
as they were returning to San Jose de Apartado from the
massacre site to take additional testimonies. Two of the
police officers providing security for the commission were
injured and one died the next day. No members of the
commission were wounded. Soon after, the army arrived and
engaged in a two-hour firefight with the guerrillas.
Ambassador Meets with General Castellanos
8. (C) On March 3, Ambassador and Defense Attach met with
Colombian Army Commander General Reynaldo Castellanos at the
latter's request. Castellanos told the Ambassador that the
military was not responsible for the killings of the eight
individuals and believed, based on information they had, that
the FARC was most likely the responsible party. Castellanos
said the military would cooperate fully with civilian
authorities and make public any information they receive.
The Ambassador agreed that transparency was important and
that the investigation needed to be completed in a prompt and
thorough manner, and to swiftly bring to justice those
responsible for this crime.
9. (C) Embassy continues to investigate all allegations and
to call for a swift, transparent investigation into these
killings. The MOD has said it will cooperate with the
civilian investigation, while categorically denying any
military involvement.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/04/2050
B. BOGOTA 1981
Classified By: Ambassador William B. Wood Reasons 1.6 (x)
1. (S/NF) On March 2, Embassy officials met with reinserted
FARC guerrilla member, Elkin Dario Tuberquia (strictly
protect),and 17th Battalion Commander Lt. Colonel Nestor
Duque Lopez. Tuberquia alleged that the FARC was responsible
for the killings of the eight individuals as the three men,
including Luis Eduardo Guerra, were interested in leaving the
peace community. The third man was also thought by the FARC
to be an army informant. Duque and Army Inspector General
Pineda told Emboffs that the military was not near the site
of the massacre and was not responsible for the crime.
Additionally, according to press reports, during the late
afternoon of March 2, the government's investigative
commission was attacked by alleged members of the FARC on
their way to interview members of the peace community. On
March 3, Ambassador met with Army Commander General
Castellanos and stressed the need for a swift, transparent
investigation into this incident. End summary.
Reinserted Guerrilla Blames FARC
2. (S/NF) On March 2, Embassy officials met Elkin Dario
Tuberquia (strictly protect),a former militia member of the
5th Front of the FARC, which operates around the peace
community of San Jose de Apartado, located in Uraba,
Antioquia Department. Tuberquia, who was a member of the
FARC for 13 years, joined the government's reinsertion
program in December 2004. He left behind family in San Jose
de Apartado with whom he maintains contact. During the
discussion, Tuberquia noted that when he left San Jose de
Apartado, the peace community filed a complaint ("denuncia")
against the 17th Brigade claiming that soldiers from the
Brigade had tortured and killed him.
3. (S/NF) Tuberquia said he had been told it was members of
the 5th Front of the FARC who killed all eight individuals
for two reasons: (1) the men were planning on leaving the
peace community and joining the government's reinsertion
program and (2) the FARC thought one of the individuals was
an army informant. He told Emboffs that Luis Eduardo Guerra,
a member of the internal council of the peace community, had
called him either February 15 or 16 expressing his desire to
leave the peace community because he was tired of things that
were "going on there." Guerra then asked Tuberquia how he
(Guerra) could contact the 17th Brigade to move forward on
this. Tuberquia also alleged to Emboffs that Guerra was a
militia member of the FARC's 5th Front. Alejandro Perez
(alias "Cristo de palo"),alleged commander of the FARC,s
58th Front militia, had reportedly begun taking steps to
leave the FARC and join the reinsertion program. Tuberquia
believed the FARC discovered this information through
listening in on phone calls made by the two on the public
phone within the peace community, as there are only two
public phones within the community; both lines are controlled
by a local NGO. These phones are located in the NGO's office
space and community members must ask permission to make phone
calls. Regarding the case of Alfonso Bolivar, he said the
FARC had accused him of disclosing the whereabouts of FARC
5th Front militia commander "Macho Rusio", who was killed
three weeks ago, to military forces. As a result of these
events, the FARC killed the men and their families.
Military Not in Area of Massacre
4. (C) The same day, Embassy officials met with Lt. Colonel
Nestor Duque Lopez, Commander of the Engineer ("Ingenieros")
Battalion of the 17th Brigade, who had been called back to
Bogota to discuss the events of the massacre. Colonel
Duque's battalion is charged with the responsibility of
providing security in the area in and around San Jose de
Apartado, including the massacre site near the town of La
Resbalosa. Still, the community, through its supporting NGO,
the "Corporacion Juridica Libertad", maintains its claim that
it was members of the 11th Brigade (based in Cordoba
Department) who detained the individuals before their bodies
were discovered.
5. (C) Colonel Duque and Army Inspector General Pineda
explained to Emboffs that the military keeps track of its
movements every hour and clarified that the actual killings
took place on the morning of February 22. He then showed a
map of all troop locations at that time, which had the
closest military unit six kilometers from the site. However,
because of the rough, heavily land-mined terrain, no troops
would have been able to reach the site easily on foot.
Military officials also noted that the area is one with a
heavy FARC presence, and that there were no members of
paramilitary organizations in the area.
Communiqu from SJA
6. (S/NF) Tuberquia and Col. Duque also called attention to
the timing of the first communiqu (dated February 24, 2005)
issued by the peace community which condemned the massacre.
This communiqu, which Poloffs received in the early
afternoon of February 24, says "on February 22, the half
brother of Luis Eduardo, who had fled from the army, was
looking for them in the house of Alfonso Bolivar and found
blood which he followed until he found, near the house, a
grave with the cadavers completely dismembered. This
terrible discovery was made by the young man and others of
the town of Mulatos who were looking for the disappeared."
The government commission, which included members of the
peace community, arrived at the site during the early
afternoon of February 25. Colonel Duque said when they
arrived, the gravesite was completely covered and appeared to
them to be untouched, as if they were the first ones there,
which contradicts the first communique.
FARC Attacks Investigative Commission
7. (U) According to press reports, at roughly 5pm on March 2,
the commission investigating the massacre, including four
representatives from the Prosecutor General,s Office
("Fiscalia"),two from the Inspector General,s Office
("Procuraduria") and one from the Human Rights Ombudsman
("Defensoria"),were ambushed by presumed members of the FARC
as they were returning to San Jose de Apartado from the
massacre site to take additional testimonies. Two of the
police officers providing security for the commission were
injured and one died the next day. No members of the
commission were wounded. Soon after, the army arrived and
engaged in a two-hour firefight with the guerrillas.
Ambassador Meets with General Castellanos
8. (C) On March 3, Ambassador and Defense Attach met with
Colombian Army Commander General Reynaldo Castellanos at the
latter's request. Castellanos told the Ambassador that the
military was not responsible for the killings of the eight
individuals and believed, based on information they had, that
the FARC was most likely the responsible party. Castellanos
said the military would cooperate fully with civilian
authorities and make public any information they receive.
The Ambassador agreed that transparency was important and
that the investigation needed to be completed in a prompt and
thorough manner, and to swiftly bring to justice those
responsible for this crime.
9. (C) Embassy continues to investigate all allegations and
to call for a swift, transparent investigation into these
killings. The MOD has said it will cooperate with the
civilian investigation, while categorically denying any
military involvement.