2005-10-14 12:00:00
Embassy Ankara
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 ANKARA 006248
E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/03/2030
SEPT 29-30
Classified By: Charge d'Affaires Nancy McEldowney, reason
1.4 b/d.
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 ANKARA 006248
E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/03/2030
SEPT 29-30
Classified By: Charge d'Affaires Nancy McEldowney, reason
1.4 b/d.
1. (S) Summary: Under Secretary Joseph urged Turkey to take
a resolute stand on Iran's nuclear weapons program during his
September 29-30 visit to Ankara. Finance Minister Unakitan
pledged to work with the United States to address
proliferation financing and requested additional information
on companies identified as proliferators under E.O. 13382 so
MOF could determine what action might be taken against them.
He secured agreement from the Turkish General Staff to invite
Central Asian observers to the PSI exercise Turkey will host
in May 2006, and from the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
(TAEK) to permit U.S. experts to test a sample of uranium
powder seized in a sting operation in Istanbul last month.
State Minister for Customs and Foreign Trade Tuzmen informed
U/S Joseph of plans to reform Turkey's free zones. End
2. (U) During his Sept. 29-30 visit to Turkey, Under
Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Robert
Joseph met with Turkey's Finance Minister Kemal Unakitan,
Deputy Chief of the Turkish General Staff Isik Kosaner, State
Minister for Customs and Foreign Trade Kursad Tuzmen and the
President of the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) Okay
Cakiroglu. The Charge also hosted a dinner for U/S Joseph
that was attended by Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
officials: Deputy Undersecretary Nabi Sensoy, Acting Director
General for Multilateral Affairs Fatih Ceylan and Deputy
Director General for Arms Control Bulent Meric.
3. (C) U/S Joseph led open and frank discussions during each
of his meetings about the problems that could occur should
Iran's nuclear weapons program continue to develop. U/S
Joseph noted that the IAEA board of governors recently found
Iran in violations of its obligations under the NPT. All of
U/S Joseph's interlocutors asserted that Turkey has been a
strong supporter of the EU-3, and believe that diplomacy
needs to be given a chance. Turkey exists in a very "tough
neighborhood" and needs to find ways to get along with its
neighbors. At the same time, both Kosaner and Sensoy noted
that the Iran's nuclear program is a danger and that they do
not want another nuclear-armed country in this region.
However, they also cautioned that actions against Iran should
be undertaken so as not to cause Iran to feel threatened. An
insecure Iran might lash out and not only develop nuclear
weapons but also use them. Should this occur, Turkey could
easily be a target.
Executive Order 13382
4. (C) U/S Joseph highlighted in meetings with Finance
Minister Unakitan, MFA officials and State Minister Tuzmen
the importance of using financial mechanisms as a new tool in
the fight against proliferators. As almost all individuals
who participate in proliferation have some type of profit
motive, taking away or freezing assets can greatly reduce the
temptation to participate in these types of activities.
5. (C) Unakitan replied that Turkey does its best to combat
proliferators and those individuals that finance these
activities. He recommended that the US and Turkey establish
a network, likely through the Turkish FIU, to ensure his
office has the required information. He had not seen the US
Executive Order and did not know whether any of the companies
listed were actually operating within Turkey. He asked for
the US to provide any information the US had on operations by
these entities in Turkey so that action could be taken. U/S
Joseph agreed the US should get back to him with this
6. (C) Meric stated during the dinner meeting his belief
that if sufficient information is exchanged concerning
companies or individuals that are engaged in or profiting
from proliferation, Turkey has sufficient laws within its new
penal code to take action against them. Sharing of
intelligence is the key to decreasing the financial
attraction of proliferation. It will also allow all
countries involved to take action against these companies
sooner and more effectively.
Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI)
7. (C) U/S Joseph noted in each meeting that PSI is an
important tool in the effort to catch current proliferators
and is a deterrent to future proliferators, and that Turkey's
active participation in PSI efforts greatly enhances the
initiative. U/S Joseph recalled Turkey's long desire to be
part of the PSI Core Group, and informed both Kosaner and
Sensoy that the Core Group had been dissolved. U/S Joseph
congratulated TGS on the planning of the May 2006
comprehensive air, land and maritime exercise Turkey will
host (Anatolian Deer).
8. (C) Kosaner noted that Turkey has long been a participant
in the fight against proliferation and that PSI is a good
tool to continue this fight. Kosaner stated that cooperation
and the sharing of intelligence is very important in this
effort and is the key for any major success.
9. (C) TGS Deputy J5 for Arms Control BG Erinmezler provided
an overview of the upcoming PSI exercise. He said it will be
divided into two parts with the command post exercise taking
place in Ankara and the live exercise portion taking place in
the Antalya area. Turkey has received pledges of exercise
support from France, Portugal and the United States. Turkey
is considering inviting non-PSI nations to observe the
exercise in hopes of gaining their support for the
initiative. U/S Joseph encouraged TGS to consider including
the Central Asians as observers. Kosaner agreed.
Free Zones
10. (C) Tuzmen informed U/S Joseph that Turkey is in the
process of reforming its free zones, improving the
organization and the controls that exist within the zones.
The free zones in Turkey are currently in compliance with EU
standards. Tuzmen stated that a shipment's documentation
into and out of the zones should be checked twice, once on
their way in and again when they are shipped out. However,
the high volume of container cargo that moves through Turkey
makes it very difficult to visually inspect every shipment.
Tuzmen believed that zones should not be blamed because they
are abused by criminals, but the criminals themselves were
the problem. He also encouraged the US to focus on all free
zones, not just in Turkey, in order to ensure that countries
imposing reforms are not harmed economically.
Uranium Powder Seized in Istanbul
11. (S) U/S Joseph informed TAEK President Okay Cakiroglu of
the U.S.'s desire to participate in joint forensic testing of
the uranium powder that was seized in a police sting
operation in Istanbul on Aug. 18. Cakiroglu stated that
Turkey has followed all steps to properly report to IAEA and
protect the uranium powder that was seized. TAEK Agreed to
provide U.S. experts with a sample of the powder for
additional testing as long as it is done in compliance with
all IAEA procedures.
12. (C) Cakiroglu was not aware of what Turkish enforcement
actions have been taken against the individuals that were
attempting to sell the powder and recommended that U.S.
officials contact the Turkish National Police for this type
of information.
Cooperation with Iraqi Nuclear Authority
13. (C) U/S Joseph thanked TAEK for their willingness to
assist in the development and improvement of the Iraqi
Nuclear Authority. Cakiroglu briefed the U/S on his visit to
IAEA earlier in the week where he had spoken to Iraqi
officials and reiterated his offer to provide assistance in
the forms of training, information exchanges or even
equipment. He indicated that this assistance could assist in
internal Iraqi efforts to decrease the amount of radioactive
material and orphan sources that approach the Turkish border
from Iraq.
Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Peaceful Uses of
Nuclear Energy
-------------- --------------
14. (U) Cakiroglu informed U/S Joseph of Turkey's desire to
have U.S. companies participate in Turkish nuclear energy
development. He was specifically impressed with the products
and pricing Westinghouse was reportedly able to offer, and
wanted to have them participate in nuclear energy development
in Turkey. U/S Joseph stated that he was aware of the
hold-up with the Agreement for Cooperation Concerning
Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy and noted that it must be
approved by the U.S. Congress to allow U.S. companies to
participate in the Turkish market. He hoped it would move
forward to Congress soon following promised progress on
nonproliferation efforts. The meetings U/S Joseph had during
his visit would help him build support for the Agreement with
Congress, he said.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/03/2030
SEPT 29-30
Classified By: Charge d'Affaires Nancy McEldowney, reason
1.4 b/d.
1. (S) Summary: Under Secretary Joseph urged Turkey to take
a resolute stand on Iran's nuclear weapons program during his
September 29-30 visit to Ankara. Finance Minister Unakitan
pledged to work with the United States to address
proliferation financing and requested additional information
on companies identified as proliferators under E.O. 13382 so
MOF could determine what action might be taken against them.
He secured agreement from the Turkish General Staff to invite
Central Asian observers to the PSI exercise Turkey will host
in May 2006, and from the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
(TAEK) to permit U.S. experts to test a sample of uranium
powder seized in a sting operation in Istanbul last month.
State Minister for Customs and Foreign Trade Tuzmen informed
U/S Joseph of plans to reform Turkey's free zones. End
2. (U) During his Sept. 29-30 visit to Turkey, Under
Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Robert
Joseph met with Turkey's Finance Minister Kemal Unakitan,
Deputy Chief of the Turkish General Staff Isik Kosaner, State
Minister for Customs and Foreign Trade Kursad Tuzmen and the
President of the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) Okay
Cakiroglu. The Charge also hosted a dinner for U/S Joseph
that was attended by Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
officials: Deputy Undersecretary Nabi Sensoy, Acting Director
General for Multilateral Affairs Fatih Ceylan and Deputy
Director General for Arms Control Bulent Meric.
3. (C) U/S Joseph led open and frank discussions during each
of his meetings about the problems that could occur should
Iran's nuclear weapons program continue to develop. U/S
Joseph noted that the IAEA board of governors recently found
Iran in violations of its obligations under the NPT. All of
U/S Joseph's interlocutors asserted that Turkey has been a
strong supporter of the EU-3, and believe that diplomacy
needs to be given a chance. Turkey exists in a very "tough
neighborhood" and needs to find ways to get along with its
neighbors. At the same time, both Kosaner and Sensoy noted
that the Iran's nuclear program is a danger and that they do
not want another nuclear-armed country in this region.
However, they also cautioned that actions against Iran should
be undertaken so as not to cause Iran to feel threatened. An
insecure Iran might lash out and not only develop nuclear
weapons but also use them. Should this occur, Turkey could
easily be a target.
Executive Order 13382
4. (C) U/S Joseph highlighted in meetings with Finance
Minister Unakitan, MFA officials and State Minister Tuzmen
the importance of using financial mechanisms as a new tool in
the fight against proliferators. As almost all individuals
who participate in proliferation have some type of profit
motive, taking away or freezing assets can greatly reduce the
temptation to participate in these types of activities.
5. (C) Unakitan replied that Turkey does its best to combat
proliferators and those individuals that finance these
activities. He recommended that the US and Turkey establish
a network, likely through the Turkish FIU, to ensure his
office has the required information. He had not seen the US
Executive Order and did not know whether any of the companies
listed were actually operating within Turkey. He asked for
the US to provide any information the US had on operations by
these entities in Turkey so that action could be taken. U/S
Joseph agreed the US should get back to him with this
6. (C) Meric stated during the dinner meeting his belief
that if sufficient information is exchanged concerning
companies or individuals that are engaged in or profiting
from proliferation, Turkey has sufficient laws within its new
penal code to take action against them. Sharing of
intelligence is the key to decreasing the financial
attraction of proliferation. It will also allow all
countries involved to take action against these companies
sooner and more effectively.
Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI)
7. (C) U/S Joseph noted in each meeting that PSI is an
important tool in the effort to catch current proliferators
and is a deterrent to future proliferators, and that Turkey's
active participation in PSI efforts greatly enhances the
initiative. U/S Joseph recalled Turkey's long desire to be
part of the PSI Core Group, and informed both Kosaner and
Sensoy that the Core Group had been dissolved. U/S Joseph
congratulated TGS on the planning of the May 2006
comprehensive air, land and maritime exercise Turkey will
host (Anatolian Deer).
8. (C) Kosaner noted that Turkey has long been a participant
in the fight against proliferation and that PSI is a good
tool to continue this fight. Kosaner stated that cooperation
and the sharing of intelligence is very important in this
effort and is the key for any major success.
9. (C) TGS Deputy J5 for Arms Control BG Erinmezler provided
an overview of the upcoming PSI exercise. He said it will be
divided into two parts with the command post exercise taking
place in Ankara and the live exercise portion taking place in
the Antalya area. Turkey has received pledges of exercise
support from France, Portugal and the United States. Turkey
is considering inviting non-PSI nations to observe the
exercise in hopes of gaining their support for the
initiative. U/S Joseph encouraged TGS to consider including
the Central Asians as observers. Kosaner agreed.
Free Zones
10. (C) Tuzmen informed U/S Joseph that Turkey is in the
process of reforming its free zones, improving the
organization and the controls that exist within the zones.
The free zones in Turkey are currently in compliance with EU
standards. Tuzmen stated that a shipment's documentation
into and out of the zones should be checked twice, once on
their way in and again when they are shipped out. However,
the high volume of container cargo that moves through Turkey
makes it very difficult to visually inspect every shipment.
Tuzmen believed that zones should not be blamed because they
are abused by criminals, but the criminals themselves were
the problem. He also encouraged the US to focus on all free
zones, not just in Turkey, in order to ensure that countries
imposing reforms are not harmed economically.
Uranium Powder Seized in Istanbul
11. (S) U/S Joseph informed TAEK President Okay Cakiroglu of
the U.S.'s desire to participate in joint forensic testing of
the uranium powder that was seized in a police sting
operation in Istanbul on Aug. 18. Cakiroglu stated that
Turkey has followed all steps to properly report to IAEA and
protect the uranium powder that was seized. TAEK Agreed to
provide U.S. experts with a sample of the powder for
additional testing as long as it is done in compliance with
all IAEA procedures.
12. (C) Cakiroglu was not aware of what Turkish enforcement
actions have been taken against the individuals that were
attempting to sell the powder and recommended that U.S.
officials contact the Turkish National Police for this type
of information.
Cooperation with Iraqi Nuclear Authority
13. (C) U/S Joseph thanked TAEK for their willingness to
assist in the development and improvement of the Iraqi
Nuclear Authority. Cakiroglu briefed the U/S on his visit to
IAEA earlier in the week where he had spoken to Iraqi
officials and reiterated his offer to provide assistance in
the forms of training, information exchanges or even
equipment. He indicated that this assistance could assist in
internal Iraqi efforts to decrease the amount of radioactive
material and orphan sources that approach the Turkish border
from Iraq.
Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Peaceful Uses of
Nuclear Energy
-------------- --------------
14. (U) Cakiroglu informed U/S Joseph of Turkey's desire to
have U.S. companies participate in Turkish nuclear energy
development. He was specifically impressed with the products
and pricing Westinghouse was reportedly able to offer, and
wanted to have them participate in nuclear energy development
in Turkey. U/S Joseph stated that he was aware of the
hold-up with the Agreement for Cooperation Concerning
Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy and noted that it must be
approved by the U.S. Congress to allow U.S. companies to
participate in the Turkish market. He hoped it would move
forward to Congress soon following promised progress on
nonproliferation efforts. The meetings U/S Joseph had during
his visit would help him build support for the Agreement with
Congress, he said.