2005-01-19 15:31:00
Embassy Ankara
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 ANKARA 000353
E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/19/2030
Classified By: DCM Robert S. Deutsch for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 ANKARA 000353
E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/19/2030
Classified By: DCM Robert S. Deutsch for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)
1. (U) This is an action request -- see para 7.
2. (C) Summary: Turkey is positively considering a request
by HMG to assume responsibility for the UK PRT in Mazar-e
Sharif to help free up resources for the UK to lead a PRT in
ISAF´s Stage 3 expansion region, according to the Turkish MFA
and confirmed by the British Embassy in Ankara. Ankara has
not yet responded to London, preferring first to hear
Washington´s view after exploring the subject with the
British. Turkey will not consider leading a PRT in ISAF
stage 2 or stage 3 areas. Instead, the GOT will abandon the
idea of leading a PRT if this proposal doesn´t work. We
understand from USNATO that some Nordics have already stepped
up to take over Mazar. If this is true and we and the HMG no
longer need or want the Turks to lead an existing PRT in the
north, we recommend telling the GOT this as soon as possible.
End summary.
3. (C) Following up on Foreign Minister Gul´s remark to
CENTCOM Commander GEN Abizaid January 11 that Turkey was
again considering leading a PRT in Afghanistan (septel),on
Jan. 18 PolMilCouns called on MFA South Asia DDG Aydin
Evirgen. Evirgen confirmed that Turkey was again looking at
leading a PRT in the north. "We have no intention to go into
Stage 2 or 3," he said, due to "logistic and security
problems." The British had approached the GOT several times
over the past several months about the possibility of Turkey
taking over one of its PRTs in the north -- either Meymaneh
or Mazar-e Sharif, most recently during TGS Chief GEN Ozkok´s
visit to London. (The British Embassy later confirmed that
the British Chief of Defense raised the possibility with
Ozkok on Jan. 10.) This would free up resources for the
British to take over the US PRT in Kandahar, Evirgen said.
The Norwegian Embassy had informed the Turks that Oslo was
interested in taking Meymaneh. After consultations between
MFA and TGS, Turkey would take Mazar sometime after the Turks
relinquish command of ISAF VII "if offered," Evirgen declared.
4. (C) In discussing the meaning of "if offered," Evirgen
explained that after last year´s experience of offering PRTs
in certain locations only to have them rejected by SHAPE and
the US, Ankara wanted Washington and London to discuss the
possibility first. If the USG, HMG and SACEUR agreed that
this arrangement was desired, then the GOT would express its
willingness at NATO. He said that Turkey had not indicated
its willingness to take over the PRT in Mazar to the UK;
Ankara preferred the British hear it from the US. (We have
alerted the British Embassy here to this.) In any event, a
decision would be needed in the next few weeks for Turkey to
be ready to assume the Mazar PRT shortly after the end of
5. (C) PolMilCouns raised the question of Turkey´s historic
ties to Afghan warlord Dostum. Evirgen said that he
understood sensitivities about this had factored into
rejecting Turkey´s original proposal to establish a PRT in
Meymaneh. He thought these concerns were unfounded at that
time, and argued that the situation in Afghanistan had
evolved so this should not be a factor any longer. In any
event, the GOT was advising Dostum and others in Afghanistan
that "the time of the warlords is over; only political
leaders will count now." He said Turkey had encouraged
Dostum to support the political and DDR processes.
6. (C) Evirgen said that NATO was currently looking at
establishing stage 2 PRTs in Baghdis and Goh. PolMilCouns
recalled Turkey´s willingness to cover Baghdis from Meymaneh
when Ankara proposed having a PRT there and asked whether
Ankara would consider establishing a new PRT there. Evirgen
responded that the conditions there were very tough and while
Turkey had been willing to visit Baghdis periodically from
Meymaneh, it would not consider a PRT outside of the north.
He thought that the suggestion to take over a British PRT
would be Ankara´s last offer on PRTs.
7. (C) Action request: The Turks are clearly a bit reluctant
to move forward on this due to their previous experience of
the alliance´s rejection of their previous PRT offers. If
this is a nonstarter, either because London has already lined
up others to assume control of their PRTs or for other
reasons, we should let the Turks know as soon as possible.
We request Washington consult with HMG and provide guidance
on how we should proceed.
8. (U) Kabul minimize considered.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/19/2030
Classified By: DCM Robert S. Deutsch for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)
1. (U) This is an action request -- see para 7.
2. (C) Summary: Turkey is positively considering a request
by HMG to assume responsibility for the UK PRT in Mazar-e
Sharif to help free up resources for the UK to lead a PRT in
ISAF´s Stage 3 expansion region, according to the Turkish MFA
and confirmed by the British Embassy in Ankara. Ankara has
not yet responded to London, preferring first to hear
Washington´s view after exploring the subject with the
British. Turkey will not consider leading a PRT in ISAF
stage 2 or stage 3 areas. Instead, the GOT will abandon the
idea of leading a PRT if this proposal doesn´t work. We
understand from USNATO that some Nordics have already stepped
up to take over Mazar. If this is true and we and the HMG no
longer need or want the Turks to lead an existing PRT in the
north, we recommend telling the GOT this as soon as possible.
End summary.
3. (C) Following up on Foreign Minister Gul´s remark to
CENTCOM Commander GEN Abizaid January 11 that Turkey was
again considering leading a PRT in Afghanistan (septel),on
Jan. 18 PolMilCouns called on MFA South Asia DDG Aydin
Evirgen. Evirgen confirmed that Turkey was again looking at
leading a PRT in the north. "We have no intention to go into
Stage 2 or 3," he said, due to "logistic and security
problems." The British had approached the GOT several times
over the past several months about the possibility of Turkey
taking over one of its PRTs in the north -- either Meymaneh
or Mazar-e Sharif, most recently during TGS Chief GEN Ozkok´s
visit to London. (The British Embassy later confirmed that
the British Chief of Defense raised the possibility with
Ozkok on Jan. 10.) This would free up resources for the
British to take over the US PRT in Kandahar, Evirgen said.
The Norwegian Embassy had informed the Turks that Oslo was
interested in taking Meymaneh. After consultations between
MFA and TGS, Turkey would take Mazar sometime after the Turks
relinquish command of ISAF VII "if offered," Evirgen declared.
4. (C) In discussing the meaning of "if offered," Evirgen
explained that after last year´s experience of offering PRTs
in certain locations only to have them rejected by SHAPE and
the US, Ankara wanted Washington and London to discuss the
possibility first. If the USG, HMG and SACEUR agreed that
this arrangement was desired, then the GOT would express its
willingness at NATO. He said that Turkey had not indicated
its willingness to take over the PRT in Mazar to the UK;
Ankara preferred the British hear it from the US. (We have
alerted the British Embassy here to this.) In any event, a
decision would be needed in the next few weeks for Turkey to
be ready to assume the Mazar PRT shortly after the end of
5. (C) PolMilCouns raised the question of Turkey´s historic
ties to Afghan warlord Dostum. Evirgen said that he
understood sensitivities about this had factored into
rejecting Turkey´s original proposal to establish a PRT in
Meymaneh. He thought these concerns were unfounded at that
time, and argued that the situation in Afghanistan had
evolved so this should not be a factor any longer. In any
event, the GOT was advising Dostum and others in Afghanistan
that "the time of the warlords is over; only political
leaders will count now." He said Turkey had encouraged
Dostum to support the political and DDR processes.
6. (C) Evirgen said that NATO was currently looking at
establishing stage 2 PRTs in Baghdis and Goh. PolMilCouns
recalled Turkey´s willingness to cover Baghdis from Meymaneh
when Ankara proposed having a PRT there and asked whether
Ankara would consider establishing a new PRT there. Evirgen
responded that the conditions there were very tough and while
Turkey had been willing to visit Baghdis periodically from
Meymaneh, it would not consider a PRT outside of the north.
He thought that the suggestion to take over a British PRT
would be Ankara´s last offer on PRTs.
7. (C) Action request: The Turks are clearly a bit reluctant
to move forward on this due to their previous experience of
the alliance´s rejection of their previous PRT offers. If
this is a nonstarter, either because London has already lined
up others to assume control of their PRTs or for other
reasons, we should let the Turks know as soon as possible.
We request Washington consult with HMG and provide guidance
on how we should proceed.
8. (U) Kabul minimize considered.