2004-10-15 07:28:00
Embassy Kinshasa
Cable title:  

Congo-Kinshasa Annual Certification of Consular

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E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Congo-Kinshasa Annual Certification of Consular
Management Controls

Ref: State 201680



E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Congo-Kinshasa Annual Certification of Consular
Management Controls

Ref: State 201680

1. Vice Consul James Fennell, FS-04, Acting Chief of the
Consular Section, completed review of consular management
controls on October 8, 2004. Deputy Chief of Mission
certified the review on October 13, 2004. Answers are keyed
to para four of reftel.

(a) Standard Operating Procedures: Conoff and backup officer
have online access to FAM, CMH, SOP cables and the CA
intranet websites, both classified and unclassified. Hard
copies of FAM, CMH and key SOP cables are also available for
quick reference.

(b) Consular Shared Tables Management: CST active user list
reflects only those users present at post with a need for
access. Only consular section employees have consular
roles, and adjudicatory and management roles are limited to
Americans with consular authority. All users are assigned
the appropriate access levels. Passwords are reset at least
every six months, are randomly chosen by the individual and
known to no one else.

(c) Access: Physical access to the working areas of the
consular section are controlled and limited to consular
section staff or escorted visitors.

(d) Physical Inventory of Accountable Consular Items: Conoff
conducts a physical inventory of all accountable items
approximately every quarter. The last such count was
conducted in October 2004. Results of inventories are
submitted in writing to the file.

(e) Control and Reconciliation of Accountable Items:
Internal section procedures ensure that accountable consular
supplies are properly controlled, handled, destroyed and
accounted for. Daily/Monthly Reconciliation and
Accountability Log is used for reconciling daily usage of
all visa foils, passports and CRBAs.

(f) Cash Accountability: Accountable officer is familiar
with CMH 700. Daily and monthly reconciliation of consular
fee receipts are properly implemented.

(g) Referral System: Post visa referral system complies with
current regulations. Referral procedures are available in
writing and reviewed at least yearly with American officers.
Referrals are few -- only one was submitted in FY04.

(h) Training: Consular staff are adequately trained for
their responsibilities. Fraud information from CA, other
agencies and outside sources such as local police and other
embassies is shared with all staff. Post will nominate
additional local staff for fraud training in FY05.

(i) Standards of Employee Conduct: Conoff has reviewed
"Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive
Branch" and Chapter 600 of the CMH. Ethics issues are
discussed in consular staff meetings and individually with
local staff during employee review sessions.

(j) Name Check and Clearance Reviews: Namecheck returns are
rigorously reviewed and consistent standards are applied
when determining whether a hit warrants further action.

(k) Visa Lookout Accountability (VLA): All issuing officers
fully understand VLA provisions. Post submitted VLA
compliance cable in September 2004.

(l) Intake, Screening and Processing: Intake, screening and
processing procedures are in compliance with department
regulations with the exception that the physical structure
of the Consular Section impedes FSO line-of-sight
supervision of LES. Remodeling to provide such oversight
has been approved for FY05. Fingerprinting is conducted by
consular officers.

(m) Interview and Adjudication: All applicants for whom a
personal appearance is required appear for interviews. LES
review applications for completeness, but do not
preadjudicate visa applications.

(n) Photo Standards: Photo standards are rigorously applied
for visa applicants.

(o) Review of Visa Refusals and Issuances: Visa refusals are
regularly reviewed by supervisor and issuances are spot
checked by same.

(p) Visa Shopping: Consular staff are alert to possible visa-
shopping. Due to low levels of third-country national
applicants, however, no trends have been identified at post.

(q) Files: Consular files are being retained in accordance
with "Record Retention Guidelines" and 9 FAM Exhibit F.
(r) Post passport and CRBA issuances are periodically
audited by consular manager.

(s) Anti-Fraud Program: Conoff serves as fraud prevention
manager and oversees LES investigators. When fully staffed,
two LES conduct fraud investigations. Conoff periodically
validates random investigation results and requests other
LES to investigate same case in order to compare results.
LES staff investigations provide factual information only
and do not influence cases in other ways. Note: Staffing
shortages and travel restrictions due to civil war and poor
infrastructure limit anti-fraud efforts. However, any anti-
raud work is actively supervised by an FSO.


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