2004-12-29 14:17:00
Embassy Helsinki
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/29/2014
Classified By: POL Chief John Hall, for reasons 1.4(B) and (D)
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/29/2014
Classified By: POL Chief John Hall, for reasons 1.4(B) and (D)
1. (C) Finnish President Tarja Halonen's most recent meeting
with Vladimir Putin left the Finns with the clear impression
that the Russian president is feeling frustrated and anxious.
He complained at length to Halonen that Russia has been
misunderstood and mistreated by the West, with an implicit
accusation that the U.S. is fostering regime change in the
near abroad with political cover from the EU. Former PM
Paavo Lipponen, after discussing the meeting with Halonen,
described to the Ambassador his own sense that the Russians
feel under pressure on their perimeter, at least in the
Baltic and Caucasus; Lipponen advises that the U.S. and EU
stand firm on principle, as always, but "bear in mind that
Putin feels very uncomfortable right now."
2. (C) In contrast to the negative vibrations on
international issues, Putin was upbeat about cooperation with
Finland, promising to assist with the regional and bilateral
issues of greatest interest to the Finns. This is especially
important to the GoF domestically, given recent charges by
local critics that Halonen and the Vanhanen government are
not capable of managing the relationship with Russia.
Lipponen in particular was happy with Putin's positive
response regarding the Northern Dimension, which the GoF
believes needs some serious restructuring. End Summary.
The down side: Russia treated poorly by the West
-------------- ---
3. (C) Presidents Halonen and Putin meet roughly once a year
to discuss bilateral and EU issues. The most recent meeting
took place in St. Petersburg on December 14. We have since
had read-outs from several different sources here.
Parliament Speaker (and former PM) Paavo Lipponen discussed
the summit with Halonen, and passed along his sense of how
things had gone in a December 17 conversation with the
Ambassador. In addition, we spoke with Jarmo Viinanen of
Halonen's staff and MFA Russia unit director Olli Perheentupa.
4. (C) The meeting, we are told, went well on bilateral
issues. Putin did not repeat or refer to recent
Finland-bashing from officials such as EU advisor
Yastrzhembskiy, who had claimed that Finland belongs to the
EU's Russophobe camp. Halonen was able to raise the
questions most urgent for the GoF right now (paras 9-12,
below),and the two presidents together reaffirmed publicly
that relations are good. That statement, and the evidence
that the relationship is operating normally in most areas,
helps defend Halonen and the government of PM Matti Vanhanen
against local critics who have charged that Finland's leaders
don't know how to manage relations with Russia.
5. (C) Our Finnish interlocutors tell us that in the meeting
itself, Putin seemed (in Viinanen's words) "frustrated,
stressed, and anxious" -- both about slowness within his own
bureaucracy and about Russia's relations with the West.
Putin had declined to set a specific agenda for the
conversation; instead, he spent much of the time complaining,
with the general theme that Russia has been misunderstood and
-- According to Viinanen, Putin had critical words for U.S.
support of the Saakashvili government in Georgia, which came
to power "in an illegal way." Although he spoke
elliptically, he seemed to imply that the United States was
actively fostering regime change in Russia's near abroad,
with the EU providing political cover. He seemed to include
Ukraine in this, although he did not dwell on events there.
-- On Chechnya, Putin said he was sick and tired of being
told there must be a political solution. He went to great
lengths to describe what Russia has done to bring about such
a solution, and said that if he could just find someone with
whom he could fashion an agreement -- someone who accepted
that Chechnya will always be a part of Russia -- he would do
-- Putin sharply criticized the EU's decision to cancel the
GSP status that had been applied to its aluminum exports.
This was particularly unjust given that Russia had recently
signed the Kyoto protocol and extension of the PCA, both
steps ardently sought by the EU.
-- "He spoke at length on seemingly irrelevant issues," added
Viinanen. The Finns had not intended to raise the issue of
Karelia, but Putin did, saying that if the Finnish/Russian
border, fixed at the end of World War II, were to be revised,
then other borders in Eastern Europe could be challenged as
6. (C) MFA Russia chief Perheentupa commented to us that
disputes like Russia's GSP status will inevitably mark any
trade relationship. Still, he had a sense that "Putin is in
a state of mind where he can't decide what to do. He goes
from one summit to the next, just reacting to the outside
world, not moving forward according to any strategy or
7. (C) Former PM Lipponen (who remains head of Finland's SDP)
discussed the visit with Halonen and afterward assessed the
meeting in a conversation with the Ambassador. Lipponen said
that the Russians feel under pressure on their perimeter, at
least in the Baltic and Caucasus areas, and Halonen is
concerned about what this might portend. For his own part,
Lipponen said, his advice to partners on both sides of the
Atlantic would be to stand firm on principle, as always, but
"bear in mind that Putin feels very uncomfortable right now,"
especially with regard to Western involvement in the Caucasus.
The up side: regional/bilateral issues
8. (C) Putin was for the most part upbeat and cooperative on
the regional and bilateral issues Halonen felt most important
to Finland:
9. (C) Northern Dimension: Lipponen told the Ambassador that
he was particularly pleased with the Halonen-Putin discussion
of the EU's Northern Dimension (ND),toward which the former
Finnish PM still feels a strong proprietary interest.
Perheentupa described to us the challenges as the GoF sees
them. On the EU side, now that the ND is an official part of
EU foreign policy all documents related to it are EU
documents, which makes progress more cumbersome; moreover,
practically speaking, Finland and Sweden are the only two EU
nations still interested in the ND. On the Russian side,
Moscow has been reluctant to participate in the second action
plan (which will expire in 2006, during the Finns' EU
presidency). A third action plan seems unlikely; instead the
Finns are casting about for a way to re-define the ND that
engages more EU states and makes Russia (in Perheentupa's
words) "an almost equal partner."
10. (C) We are told that Putin readily accepted the idea of
restructuring. Hearing that a mid-level Finnish delegation
would be at the Russian foreign ministry on December 17 for
further discussions, Putin said he would instruct MFA to be
responsive. He was as good as his word: the Finnish
delegation was received at a higher level than expected and
found the ministry quite willing to cooperate.
11. (C) Saimaa Canal: This canal, which links the Saimaa lake
district with the Gulf of Finland, was built a century ago,
when Finland was a Russian Grand Duchy. The post-World War
II boundaries placed most of the canal within the USSR. In
1963, Finnish President Kekkonen negotiated a fifty-year
agreement on Finland's use of the canal to continue maritime
access to Finland's extensive navigable eastern lake
district. At the time, says Perheentupa, it was largely a
political agreement, but the canal has since become quite
important to Finnish forestry companies, who need to know
whether the agreement will be renewed in 2013 so that they
can plan for alternatives if necessary. To date little
negotiating progress has been made, with money being the core
issue: "We think we should pay according to real costs," said
Perheentupa dryly. "The Russians think we should pay as much
as we can afford." Halonen raised this with Putin, who said
that he would speak to the Ministry of Transportation. The
current goal is to give the Finnish and Russian Prime
Ministers a progress report when they have their own next
meeting, in May or June 2005.
12. (C) Russia, Finland, and the EU: Russia's relations with
the EU continue to crop up on the bilateral agenda. The
Russians have told the Finns repeatedly that they expected
more sympathy and support from Finland within the EU than
they have gotten. In particular, Perheentupa said, Putin has
the mistaken idea that Finland black-balled Moscow's proposal
for visa-free travel between Russia and the Schengen area.
In fact, we are told, the GoF supports gradual visa
facilitation as a way to move toward eventual lifting of the
visa requirement. Finland does not object to that eventual
goal, as long as the progress toward it is reciprocal.
Looking forward to Finland's EU presidency
13. (C) According to Perheentupa, Putin reiterated to Halonen
what the Russians have said repeatedly in recent months: that
Moscow attaches great hopes to the Finnish EU presidency.
For their part, our interlocutors say, the Finns are no
happier with Russians' policies toward the EU than is Putin
with the EU's policies toward Russia. To address this, the
Finns want to intensify the dialogue in preparation for July
2006, and they expect to be able to do so: "Finland is not a
great power, like the UK, Germany, or France," commented
Perheentupa, "but we have long experience in dealing with
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/29/2014
Classified By: POL Chief John Hall, for reasons 1.4(B) and (D)
1. (C) Finnish President Tarja Halonen's most recent meeting
with Vladimir Putin left the Finns with the clear impression
that the Russian president is feeling frustrated and anxious.
He complained at length to Halonen that Russia has been
misunderstood and mistreated by the West, with an implicit
accusation that the U.S. is fostering regime change in the
near abroad with political cover from the EU. Former PM
Paavo Lipponen, after discussing the meeting with Halonen,
described to the Ambassador his own sense that the Russians
feel under pressure on their perimeter, at least in the
Baltic and Caucasus; Lipponen advises that the U.S. and EU
stand firm on principle, as always, but "bear in mind that
Putin feels very uncomfortable right now."
2. (C) In contrast to the negative vibrations on
international issues, Putin was upbeat about cooperation with
Finland, promising to assist with the regional and bilateral
issues of greatest interest to the Finns. This is especially
important to the GoF domestically, given recent charges by
local critics that Halonen and the Vanhanen government are
not capable of managing the relationship with Russia.
Lipponen in particular was happy with Putin's positive
response regarding the Northern Dimension, which the GoF
believes needs some serious restructuring. End Summary.
The down side: Russia treated poorly by the West
-------------- ---
3. (C) Presidents Halonen and Putin meet roughly once a year
to discuss bilateral and EU issues. The most recent meeting
took place in St. Petersburg on December 14. We have since
had read-outs from several different sources here.
Parliament Speaker (and former PM) Paavo Lipponen discussed
the summit with Halonen, and passed along his sense of how
things had gone in a December 17 conversation with the
Ambassador. In addition, we spoke with Jarmo Viinanen of
Halonen's staff and MFA Russia unit director Olli Perheentupa.
4. (C) The meeting, we are told, went well on bilateral
issues. Putin did not repeat or refer to recent
Finland-bashing from officials such as EU advisor
Yastrzhembskiy, who had claimed that Finland belongs to the
EU's Russophobe camp. Halonen was able to raise the
questions most urgent for the GoF right now (paras 9-12,
below),and the two presidents together reaffirmed publicly
that relations are good. That statement, and the evidence
that the relationship is operating normally in most areas,
helps defend Halonen and the government of PM Matti Vanhanen
against local critics who have charged that Finland's leaders
don't know how to manage relations with Russia.
5. (C) Our Finnish interlocutors tell us that in the meeting
itself, Putin seemed (in Viinanen's words) "frustrated,
stressed, and anxious" -- both about slowness within his own
bureaucracy and about Russia's relations with the West.
Putin had declined to set a specific agenda for the
conversation; instead, he spent much of the time complaining,
with the general theme that Russia has been misunderstood and
-- According to Viinanen, Putin had critical words for U.S.
support of the Saakashvili government in Georgia, which came
to power "in an illegal way." Although he spoke
elliptically, he seemed to imply that the United States was
actively fostering regime change in Russia's near abroad,
with the EU providing political cover. He seemed to include
Ukraine in this, although he did not dwell on events there.
-- On Chechnya, Putin said he was sick and tired of being
told there must be a political solution. He went to great
lengths to describe what Russia has done to bring about such
a solution, and said that if he could just find someone with
whom he could fashion an agreement -- someone who accepted
that Chechnya will always be a part of Russia -- he would do
-- Putin sharply criticized the EU's decision to cancel the
GSP status that had been applied to its aluminum exports.
This was particularly unjust given that Russia had recently
signed the Kyoto protocol and extension of the PCA, both
steps ardently sought by the EU.
-- "He spoke at length on seemingly irrelevant issues," added
Viinanen. The Finns had not intended to raise the issue of
Karelia, but Putin did, saying that if the Finnish/Russian
border, fixed at the end of World War II, were to be revised,
then other borders in Eastern Europe could be challenged as
6. (C) MFA Russia chief Perheentupa commented to us that
disputes like Russia's GSP status will inevitably mark any
trade relationship. Still, he had a sense that "Putin is in
a state of mind where he can't decide what to do. He goes
from one summit to the next, just reacting to the outside
world, not moving forward according to any strategy or
7. (C) Former PM Lipponen (who remains head of Finland's SDP)
discussed the visit with Halonen and afterward assessed the
meeting in a conversation with the Ambassador. Lipponen said
that the Russians feel under pressure on their perimeter, at
least in the Baltic and Caucasus areas, and Halonen is
concerned about what this might portend. For his own part,
Lipponen said, his advice to partners on both sides of the
Atlantic would be to stand firm on principle, as always, but
"bear in mind that Putin feels very uncomfortable right now,"
especially with regard to Western involvement in the Caucasus.
The up side: regional/bilateral issues
8. (C) Putin was for the most part upbeat and cooperative on
the regional and bilateral issues Halonen felt most important
to Finland:
9. (C) Northern Dimension: Lipponen told the Ambassador that
he was particularly pleased with the Halonen-Putin discussion
of the EU's Northern Dimension (ND),toward which the former
Finnish PM still feels a strong proprietary interest.
Perheentupa described to us the challenges as the GoF sees
them. On the EU side, now that the ND is an official part of
EU foreign policy all documents related to it are EU
documents, which makes progress more cumbersome; moreover,
practically speaking, Finland and Sweden are the only two EU
nations still interested in the ND. On the Russian side,
Moscow has been reluctant to participate in the second action
plan (which will expire in 2006, during the Finns' EU
presidency). A third action plan seems unlikely; instead the
Finns are casting about for a way to re-define the ND that
engages more EU states and makes Russia (in Perheentupa's
words) "an almost equal partner."
10. (C) We are told that Putin readily accepted the idea of
restructuring. Hearing that a mid-level Finnish delegation
would be at the Russian foreign ministry on December 17 for
further discussions, Putin said he would instruct MFA to be
responsive. He was as good as his word: the Finnish
delegation was received at a higher level than expected and
found the ministry quite willing to cooperate.
11. (C) Saimaa Canal: This canal, which links the Saimaa lake
district with the Gulf of Finland, was built a century ago,
when Finland was a Russian Grand Duchy. The post-World War
II boundaries placed most of the canal within the USSR. In
1963, Finnish President Kekkonen negotiated a fifty-year
agreement on Finland's use of the canal to continue maritime
access to Finland's extensive navigable eastern lake
district. At the time, says Perheentupa, it was largely a
political agreement, but the canal has since become quite
important to Finnish forestry companies, who need to know
whether the agreement will be renewed in 2013 so that they
can plan for alternatives if necessary. To date little
negotiating progress has been made, with money being the core
issue: "We think we should pay according to real costs," said
Perheentupa dryly. "The Russians think we should pay as much
as we can afford." Halonen raised this with Putin, who said
that he would speak to the Ministry of Transportation. The
current goal is to give the Finnish and Russian Prime
Ministers a progress report when they have their own next
meeting, in May or June 2005.
12. (C) Russia, Finland, and the EU: Russia's relations with
the EU continue to crop up on the bilateral agenda. The
Russians have told the Finns repeatedly that they expected
more sympathy and support from Finland within the EU than
they have gotten. In particular, Perheentupa said, Putin has
the mistaken idea that Finland black-balled Moscow's proposal
for visa-free travel between Russia and the Schengen area.
In fact, we are told, the GoF supports gradual visa
facilitation as a way to move toward eventual lifting of the
visa requirement. Finland does not object to that eventual
goal, as long as the progress toward it is reciprocal.
Looking forward to Finland's EU presidency
13. (C) According to Perheentupa, Putin reiterated to Halonen
what the Russians have said repeatedly in recent months: that
Moscow attaches great hopes to the Finnish EU presidency.
For their part, our interlocutors say, the Finns are no
happier with Russians' policies toward the EU than is Putin
with the EU's policies toward Russia. To address this, the
Finns want to intensify the dialogue in preparation for July
2006, and they expect to be able to do so: "Finland is not a
great power, like the UK, Germany, or France," commented
Perheentupa, "but we have long experience in dealing with