2004-10-21 14:38:00
Embassy Ankara
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available. 211438Z Oct 04
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 ANKARA 005997
E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/20/2009
B. SECSTATE 195610
Classified By: DCM Robert S. Deutsch. Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 ANKARA 005997
E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/20/2009
B. SECSTATE 195610
Classified By: DCM Robert S. Deutsch. Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).
1. (U) This is an action request. Please see para. 9.
2. (C) Summary. Turkey's MFA says truck traffic with Iraq
is at relatively normal levels and that the GOT is taking
pragmatic, incremental steps to improve security for Turkish
truckers, understanding that there will not be total security
until there is an improvement in underlying conditions in
Iraq. To this end, the GOT has established a center at the
Habur Gate for providing security information to Turkish
truckers and welcomes the U.S. idea of beginning regular
security meetings between MNF-I, Iraqi and Turkish officers.
The immediate task is to operationalize this process per ref
B by identifying MNF-I and IIG personnel for regular meetings
at Habur, Mosul, or another location agreeable to all sides.
End Summary.
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Traffic Normal/Coordination Center Established
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3. (C) Turkish MFA DDG for economic affairs Sakir Fakili
updated ECON/C October 20 on GOT actions to improve security
for Turkish truckers in Iraq. He said truck traffic was
continuing at relatively normal levels despite what he called
"ongoing strains." At the MFA's suggestion, the GOT has
established an "Information and Coordination Center" at the
Habur gate. The center's job is to collect and maintain a
database of information about conditions in Iraq and convey
that information to Turkish drivers. In addition, the
Ministry has issued a "travel advisory" recommending that
Turkish citizens not travel to Iraq unless necessary. (This
advisory also highlights the importance of Turkish-Iraqi
economic ties and notes that most of the humanitarian aid to
Iraq goes through Turkey. It advises truck drivers to be in
contact with the new center at Habur.)
4. (C) Another initiative MFA is following up on is a
suggestion by the Turkish Union of Chambers of Commerce
(TOBB) to facilitate the issuance of temporary Iraqi license
plates to Turkish trucks. He noted that TOBB Chairman Rifat
Hisarciklioglu had made this proposal (which he said is
provided for under existing land transport agreements) in
meetings in Baghdad in February 2004, including with CPA.
Fakili thought the subject could be discussed at the next
meeting of the Iraq-Turkey Joint Economic Commission, which
will meet as soon as November.
Non-Paper on Operational Security for Convoys
5. (C) In response to the points provided in ref B on the
security MNF-I and the USG are providing for trucks bringing
in humanitarian aid and coalition supplies, Fakili produced a
non-paper containing specific observations about protection
for convoys. These suggestions are based on feedback the MFA
has received from Turkish truckers and are mainly operational
in nature. We are transmitting the text of the non-paper
Regular Meetings with MNF-I Welcome
6. (C) Fakili said that the ref B idea of regular meetings
between MNF-I military commanders, Iraqi officials, and
Turkish officials to share real-time information and
on-the-ground threat assessments had been discussed within
the Turkish government. All Turkish authorities, including
the Turkish General Staff (TGS),welcomed the idea. Fakili
said the GOT was prepared to offer meeting facilities at the
Turkish border center at Habur. Turkish participants would
likely include two TGS reps and an MFA official. He asked
for U.S. help in identifying and including the appropriate
Iraqi counterparts.
7. (C) Fakili suggested that the meetings, at least
initially, could be held weekly. He hoped they the first
meeting could be held in the first week of November. He
offered the Turkish MFA representative at Habur, Sefa Yucer,
as a GOT point of contact for arranging the meetings.
Turkish Security Companies in Iraq
8. (C) Fakili said the MFA is working with private Turkish
security companies, including a U.S.-Turkish firm called
"Blackhawk," that could provide security to Turkish truckers
in Iraq. He said it was the responsibility of the companies
to obtain Iraqi government permission to work and carry
weapons in Iraq, but repeated an earlier request for a USG
opinion on the viability of this option (which would involve
armed Turkish citizens traveling in Iraq). He added that the
Turkish security companies were exploring setting up joint
ventures with Iraqi companies to offset Iraqi concerns about
foreign companies providing security in Iraq.
Comment and Action Request
9. (C) Turkeys' goal is to reduce risk for Turkish drivers
without going to the extreme of closing off what has become
profitable business for the Turkish private sector,
particularly drivers from the impoverished southeast. At the
same time, Turkish officials like Fakili have taken a
pragmatic, non-alarmist attitude, understanding the multiple
demands on U.S., coalition, and Iraqi forces and officials.
Implementing the relatively low-cost actions in ref B -- most
importantly beginning regular security meetings -- and
responding to the inquiry on potential operations by Turkish
security firms in Iraq would help the GOT continue to manage
this delicate issue pragmatically. Thus we seek addressees,
assistance to operationalize ref B by identifying
interlocutors from MNF-I and the IIG at Habur (preferable to
the Turks),or another suitable location to begin regular
meetings on trucker security issues.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/20/2009
B. SECSTATE 195610
Classified By: DCM Robert S. Deutsch. Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).
1. (U) This is an action request. Please see para. 9.
2. (C) Summary. Turkey's MFA says truck traffic with Iraq
is at relatively normal levels and that the GOT is taking
pragmatic, incremental steps to improve security for Turkish
truckers, understanding that there will not be total security
until there is an improvement in underlying conditions in
Iraq. To this end, the GOT has established a center at the
Habur Gate for providing security information to Turkish
truckers and welcomes the U.S. idea of beginning regular
security meetings between MNF-I, Iraqi and Turkish officers.
The immediate task is to operationalize this process per ref
B by identifying MNF-I and IIG personnel for regular meetings
at Habur, Mosul, or another location agreeable to all sides.
End Summary.
-------------- -
Traffic Normal/Coordination Center Established
-------------- -
3. (C) Turkish MFA DDG for economic affairs Sakir Fakili
updated ECON/C October 20 on GOT actions to improve security
for Turkish truckers in Iraq. He said truck traffic was
continuing at relatively normal levels despite what he called
"ongoing strains." At the MFA's suggestion, the GOT has
established an "Information and Coordination Center" at the
Habur gate. The center's job is to collect and maintain a
database of information about conditions in Iraq and convey
that information to Turkish drivers. In addition, the
Ministry has issued a "travel advisory" recommending that
Turkish citizens not travel to Iraq unless necessary. (This
advisory also highlights the importance of Turkish-Iraqi
economic ties and notes that most of the humanitarian aid to
Iraq goes through Turkey. It advises truck drivers to be in
contact with the new center at Habur.)
4. (C) Another initiative MFA is following up on is a
suggestion by the Turkish Union of Chambers of Commerce
(TOBB) to facilitate the issuance of temporary Iraqi license
plates to Turkish trucks. He noted that TOBB Chairman Rifat
Hisarciklioglu had made this proposal (which he said is
provided for under existing land transport agreements) in
meetings in Baghdad in February 2004, including with CPA.
Fakili thought the subject could be discussed at the next
meeting of the Iraq-Turkey Joint Economic Commission, which
will meet as soon as November.
Non-Paper on Operational Security for Convoys
5. (C) In response to the points provided in ref B on the
security MNF-I and the USG are providing for trucks bringing
in humanitarian aid and coalition supplies, Fakili produced a
non-paper containing specific observations about protection
for convoys. These suggestions are based on feedback the MFA
has received from Turkish truckers and are mainly operational
in nature. We are transmitting the text of the non-paper
Regular Meetings with MNF-I Welcome
6. (C) Fakili said that the ref B idea of regular meetings
between MNF-I military commanders, Iraqi officials, and
Turkish officials to share real-time information and
on-the-ground threat assessments had been discussed within
the Turkish government. All Turkish authorities, including
the Turkish General Staff (TGS),welcomed the idea. Fakili
said the GOT was prepared to offer meeting facilities at the
Turkish border center at Habur. Turkish participants would
likely include two TGS reps and an MFA official. He asked
for U.S. help in identifying and including the appropriate
Iraqi counterparts.
7. (C) Fakili suggested that the meetings, at least
initially, could be held weekly. He hoped they the first
meeting could be held in the first week of November. He
offered the Turkish MFA representative at Habur, Sefa Yucer,
as a GOT point of contact for arranging the meetings.
Turkish Security Companies in Iraq
8. (C) Fakili said the MFA is working with private Turkish
security companies, including a U.S.-Turkish firm called
"Blackhawk," that could provide security to Turkish truckers
in Iraq. He said it was the responsibility of the companies
to obtain Iraqi government permission to work and carry
weapons in Iraq, but repeated an earlier request for a USG
opinion on the viability of this option (which would involve
armed Turkish citizens traveling in Iraq). He added that the
Turkish security companies were exploring setting up joint
ventures with Iraqi companies to offset Iraqi concerns about
foreign companies providing security in Iraq.
Comment and Action Request
9. (C) Turkeys' goal is to reduce risk for Turkish drivers
without going to the extreme of closing off what has become
profitable business for the Turkish private sector,
particularly drivers from the impoverished southeast. At the
same time, Turkish officials like Fakili have taken a
pragmatic, non-alarmist attitude, understanding the multiple
demands on U.S., coalition, and Iraqi forces and officials.
Implementing the relatively low-cost actions in ref B -- most
importantly beginning regular security meetings -- and
responding to the inquiry on potential operations by Turkish
security firms in Iraq would help the GOT continue to manage
this delicate issue pragmatically. Thus we seek addressees,
assistance to operationalize ref B by identifying
interlocutors from MNF-I and the IIG at Habur (preferable to
the Turks),or another suitable location to begin regular
meetings on trucker security issues.