2003-04-28 22:44:00
Embassy Brasilia
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. (SBU) Summary. According to Antonio Simoes, Economic
Advisor to Foreign Minister Amorim, local press inaccurately
reported Amorim's April 23 remarks to the Brazilian Chamber
of Deputies concerning the GoB's alleged intent to delay FTAA
negotiations. Simoes stressed to us that the GoB wants to
continue negotiating with the United States within the FTAA;
that it is not seeking an extension of the end of 2004
deadline for negotiations; but that the GoB can be expected
to raise the possibility of limited four plus one
negotiations as a politically important supplement to the
FTAA, during USTR Zoellick's trip to Brasilia May 27-28. End
2. (SBU) In an April 23 telcon, Antonio Simoes, Economic
Advisor to Foreign Minister Amorim, alerted EconOff that
Amorim had made remarks earlier that day to the Chamber of
Deputies which would have implications for the impending
visit by USTR Zoellick. The next day, four major dailies ran
articles reporting on Amorim's remarks. While each was
slightly different in detail, the central message conveyed
was that Brazil wanted to slow down the FTAA negotiations and
seek an extension of the January 2005 deadline for
completion. Headlines included "Brazil Going to Delay the
FTAA" and the "Chancellor Disagrees with the U.S. on the
FTAA." In response to questions about public remarks here on
April 22 by Treasury Secretary Snow concerning the U.S.
position vis--vis negotiation of agricultural domestic
support disciplines within the FTAA, Amorim's response
generated a headline "Amorim Warns Against the Siren,s Song
of The FTAA."
3. (SBU) Simoes assured EconOff early April 24 that the press
reports were incomplete and inaccurate. Simoes insisted
that the GoB is not seeking to delay the FTAA negotiations
and/or to extend the deadline. He explained that Amorim had
simply said that immediately after taking office, President
Lula had slowed down the negotiating pace in order for his
new government to have time to conduct an evaluation of the
negotiations -- not that this is the plan for the future.
Furthermore, Amorim's remarks concerning the negotiation
calendar, according to Simoes, referred solely to the
timeframe for submission of offers, which the GoB felt had
been too tight and needed to be extended; Amorim was not
referring to the end date for negotiations.
4. (SBU) According to Simoes, Amorim did not want to
criticize Secretary Snow, but had to respond to questions
raised by Deputies based on press reports that the Secretary
had not only reiterated the USG position that "everything is
on the table" but had in addition specifically asserted that
the United States is willing to discuss reductions in
domestic farm support within the FTAA. Simoes said that
Amorim knew the press reports were an inaccurate reflection
of the U.S. position and needed to convey that to the
Deputies. This led to the Minister's warning not to be lured
by the sirens' song of "everything is on the table" and to
his criticism that Secretary Snow's declaration had "little
substance" and "low credibility." The Minister reportedly
reassured Deputies that what matters is how the revised U.S.
offer in July treats products of interest to Brazil.
5. (SBU) Simoes wanted to draw our attention to Amorim's
remarks that the GoB is studying the possibility of
negotiating a more limited U.S.-Mercosul (or four-plus-one)
trade agreement and that we should expect Amorim to raise
this with USTR Zoellick during their discussions in late May.
Although qualifying that this is but one possibility that
the GoB is exploring, Simoes opined that Zoellick should be
in a position to respond to such an idea during the May
talks. He stressed that the GoB would not envision this
negotiation supplanting the FTAA, but rather as supplementing
it. GoB thinking, according to Simoes, is that success in
negotiating a more limited agreement with the United States
would divert domestic attention from the FTAA, reduce the
negative pressure associated with the FTAA, and provide the
GoB with political space it needs to move forward on those
negotiations. (COMMENT: The Lula team has been kicking the
idea of a U.S.-Mercosul agreement around since as early as
last October, but has yet to act formally on it or provide
details. EconOff noted to Simoes that it may be difficult to
obtain a substantive response lacking a more definitive
description of what is envisioned. END COMMENT.)
6. (SBU) To provide context, Simoes described the GoB's
difficult political situation regarding the FTAA. First,
groups that have promoted the negative perception surrounding
the FTAA are, in the current administration, in positions to
wield more political clout. Simoes declined to identify
individuals, but Samuel Pinheiro Guimaraes, the Secretary
General within Itamaraty, is certainly in this camp. Second,
those trying to promote the FTAA negotiations within and
outside the administration find little that they can
definitively point to as a "win" for Brazil to counter FTAA
opponents'claims that the FTAA is designed to benefit only
the United States. The well-known analysis goes like this:
the current framework for negotiations includes the areas of
interest to the United States -- services, investment,
government procurement, intellectual property rights, to name
some -- but, Brazil has been unable to include the issues of
interest to it, namely disciplines on agricultural domestic
support, and trade remedies.
7. (SBU) Making things still worse, according to Simoes, the
United States presented initial market access offers for
goods which not only provide Mercosul with the worst tariff
liberalization schedule, but, within that schedule, have
their main products of interest in Basket D, the group with
an as yet undefined timeline for tariff elimination. The
United States' differentiated offers have contributed to a
hardening of anti-FTAA sentiment among those opposing
Brazil's participation in the negotiations.
8. (SBU) Simoes also noted that local press omitted to report
on the severe criticism that Amorim received from a group of
radical PT Deputies, led by Luciana Genro (Rio Grande do
Sul),who attacked the government for continuing to negotiate
the FTAA when 10 million Brazilians had already voted against
it in a plebiscite last fall. This same group of PT
ideologues claimed to be forming a "parliamentary front" to
push for a nation-wide referendum on continuing with FTAA
negotiations. As relayed by Simoes, Amorim stood up to these
deputies, unequivocally arguing that it is in Brazil,s
interests to negotiate the FTAA and that the government would
continue that course.
9. (SBU) Concerns similar to Simoes' regarding the political
landscape for FTAA negotiations, were expressed by Brazil's
new lead FTAA negotiator, Ambassador Carlos Simas Magalhaes,
during a meeting with visiting Congressman English and his
delegation later the same day. At the outset of that
meeting, Simas catalogued the usual litany of technical
problems facing Brazil -- a new administration with a new
team that has had the huge task of reevaluating in technical
terms each area of the negotiations; the particular
difficulties posed by investment and government procurement,
since Brazil,s specialists have never negotiated market
access in these areas previously; and so on.
10. (SBU) By the end of the meeting, however, Simas suggested
that technical difficulties can be overcome and that in the
current Brazilian environment the main obstacles to the FTAA
are mainly political. He reminded the Congressman that the
Lula government is leftist and has different sensitivities
than the previous administration. Echoing Simoes' concern
over the negative political impact of what has been widely
seen as inadequate U.S. offers, Simas wondered aloud why the
United States could not have allowed other countries
benefiting from preference programs or bilateral trade
agreements to merely continue with those preferences during
the FTAA transition period, while putting forward a single
FTAA offer and saving Mercosul, and especially Brazil, from
these political difficulties. Simas, like Simoes, said the
GoB is considering proposing a four-plus-one agreement with
the United States, but that it would probably be limited in
scope and leave aside the more contentious issues.
11. (SBU) For some who have followed Brazil's attitude
toward the FTAA negotiations over the years, the current host
of GoB complaints and concerns seem familiar and could be
dismissed as GoB positioning rather than a signal of a
critical impasse. However, the context in which the GoB, and
in particular Itamaraty, are now formulating policy is
dramatically different from the past. While Lula has gained
support for continuation within the FTAA negotiations from
some groups traditionally opposed, such as the large labor
union CUT, new elements of staunch opposition to the FTAA
have now taken up residence within the GoB, rather than
remaining principally in vocal opposition parties and NGOs.
This is particularly evident in Itamaraty, whose internal
struggles over FTAA policy have been the subject of several
speculative press reports recently. Post understands that
for now, Ambassador Hugueney, a proponent of the FTAA,
retains overall responsibility for the FTAA negotiations,
despite articles reporting otherwise. However, there is no
guarantee he will remain for the long-term. Septel will
expand on Mission's take concerning FTAA status within GoB
and options Washington may wish to consider in that light and
in the run up to USTR Zoellick's visit.
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. (SBU) Summary. According to Antonio Simoes, Economic
Advisor to Foreign Minister Amorim, local press inaccurately
reported Amorim's April 23 remarks to the Brazilian Chamber
of Deputies concerning the GoB's alleged intent to delay FTAA
negotiations. Simoes stressed to us that the GoB wants to
continue negotiating with the United States within the FTAA;
that it is not seeking an extension of the end of 2004
deadline for negotiations; but that the GoB can be expected
to raise the possibility of limited four plus one
negotiations as a politically important supplement to the
FTAA, during USTR Zoellick's trip to Brasilia May 27-28. End
2. (SBU) In an April 23 telcon, Antonio Simoes, Economic
Advisor to Foreign Minister Amorim, alerted EconOff that
Amorim had made remarks earlier that day to the Chamber of
Deputies which would have implications for the impending
visit by USTR Zoellick. The next day, four major dailies ran
articles reporting on Amorim's remarks. While each was
slightly different in detail, the central message conveyed
was that Brazil wanted to slow down the FTAA negotiations and
seek an extension of the January 2005 deadline for
completion. Headlines included "Brazil Going to Delay the
FTAA" and the "Chancellor Disagrees with the U.S. on the
FTAA." In response to questions about public remarks here on
April 22 by Treasury Secretary Snow concerning the U.S.
position vis--vis negotiation of agricultural domestic
support disciplines within the FTAA, Amorim's response
generated a headline "Amorim Warns Against the Siren,s Song
of The FTAA."
3. (SBU) Simoes assured EconOff early April 24 that the press
reports were incomplete and inaccurate. Simoes insisted
that the GoB is not seeking to delay the FTAA negotiations
and/or to extend the deadline. He explained that Amorim had
simply said that immediately after taking office, President
Lula had slowed down the negotiating pace in order for his
new government to have time to conduct an evaluation of the
negotiations -- not that this is the plan for the future.
Furthermore, Amorim's remarks concerning the negotiation
calendar, according to Simoes, referred solely to the
timeframe for submission of offers, which the GoB felt had
been too tight and needed to be extended; Amorim was not
referring to the end date for negotiations.
4. (SBU) According to Simoes, Amorim did not want to
criticize Secretary Snow, but had to respond to questions
raised by Deputies based on press reports that the Secretary
had not only reiterated the USG position that "everything is
on the table" but had in addition specifically asserted that
the United States is willing to discuss reductions in
domestic farm support within the FTAA. Simoes said that
Amorim knew the press reports were an inaccurate reflection
of the U.S. position and needed to convey that to the
Deputies. This led to the Minister's warning not to be lured
by the sirens' song of "everything is on the table" and to
his criticism that Secretary Snow's declaration had "little
substance" and "low credibility." The Minister reportedly
reassured Deputies that what matters is how the revised U.S.
offer in July treats products of interest to Brazil.
5. (SBU) Simoes wanted to draw our attention to Amorim's
remarks that the GoB is studying the possibility of
negotiating a more limited U.S.-Mercosul (or four-plus-one)
trade agreement and that we should expect Amorim to raise
this with USTR Zoellick during their discussions in late May.
Although qualifying that this is but one possibility that
the GoB is exploring, Simoes opined that Zoellick should be
in a position to respond to such an idea during the May
talks. He stressed that the GoB would not envision this
negotiation supplanting the FTAA, but rather as supplementing
it. GoB thinking, according to Simoes, is that success in
negotiating a more limited agreement with the United States
would divert domestic attention from the FTAA, reduce the
negative pressure associated with the FTAA, and provide the
GoB with political space it needs to move forward on those
negotiations. (COMMENT: The Lula team has been kicking the
idea of a U.S.-Mercosul agreement around since as early as
last October, but has yet to act formally on it or provide
details. EconOff noted to Simoes that it may be difficult to
obtain a substantive response lacking a more definitive
description of what is envisioned. END COMMENT.)
6. (SBU) To provide context, Simoes described the GoB's
difficult political situation regarding the FTAA. First,
groups that have promoted the negative perception surrounding
the FTAA are, in the current administration, in positions to
wield more political clout. Simoes declined to identify
individuals, but Samuel Pinheiro Guimaraes, the Secretary
General within Itamaraty, is certainly in this camp. Second,
those trying to promote the FTAA negotiations within and
outside the administration find little that they can
definitively point to as a "win" for Brazil to counter FTAA
opponents'claims that the FTAA is designed to benefit only
the United States. The well-known analysis goes like this:
the current framework for negotiations includes the areas of
interest to the United States -- services, investment,
government procurement, intellectual property rights, to name
some -- but, Brazil has been unable to include the issues of
interest to it, namely disciplines on agricultural domestic
support, and trade remedies.
7. (SBU) Making things still worse, according to Simoes, the
United States presented initial market access offers for
goods which not only provide Mercosul with the worst tariff
liberalization schedule, but, within that schedule, have
their main products of interest in Basket D, the group with
an as yet undefined timeline for tariff elimination. The
United States' differentiated offers have contributed to a
hardening of anti-FTAA sentiment among those opposing
Brazil's participation in the negotiations.
8. (SBU) Simoes also noted that local press omitted to report
on the severe criticism that Amorim received from a group of
radical PT Deputies, led by Luciana Genro (Rio Grande do
Sul),who attacked the government for continuing to negotiate
the FTAA when 10 million Brazilians had already voted against
it in a plebiscite last fall. This same group of PT
ideologues claimed to be forming a "parliamentary front" to
push for a nation-wide referendum on continuing with FTAA
negotiations. As relayed by Simoes, Amorim stood up to these
deputies, unequivocally arguing that it is in Brazil,s
interests to negotiate the FTAA and that the government would
continue that course.
9. (SBU) Concerns similar to Simoes' regarding the political
landscape for FTAA negotiations, were expressed by Brazil's
new lead FTAA negotiator, Ambassador Carlos Simas Magalhaes,
during a meeting with visiting Congressman English and his
delegation later the same day. At the outset of that
meeting, Simas catalogued the usual litany of technical
problems facing Brazil -- a new administration with a new
team that has had the huge task of reevaluating in technical
terms each area of the negotiations; the particular
difficulties posed by investment and government procurement,
since Brazil,s specialists have never negotiated market
access in these areas previously; and so on.
10. (SBU) By the end of the meeting, however, Simas suggested
that technical difficulties can be overcome and that in the
current Brazilian environment the main obstacles to the FTAA
are mainly political. He reminded the Congressman that the
Lula government is leftist and has different sensitivities
than the previous administration. Echoing Simoes' concern
over the negative political impact of what has been widely
seen as inadequate U.S. offers, Simas wondered aloud why the
United States could not have allowed other countries
benefiting from preference programs or bilateral trade
agreements to merely continue with those preferences during
the FTAA transition period, while putting forward a single
FTAA offer and saving Mercosul, and especially Brazil, from
these political difficulties. Simas, like Simoes, said the
GoB is considering proposing a four-plus-one agreement with
the United States, but that it would probably be limited in
scope and leave aside the more contentious issues.
11. (SBU) For some who have followed Brazil's attitude
toward the FTAA negotiations over the years, the current host
of GoB complaints and concerns seem familiar and could be
dismissed as GoB positioning rather than a signal of a
critical impasse. However, the context in which the GoB, and
in particular Itamaraty, are now formulating policy is
dramatically different from the past. While Lula has gained
support for continuation within the FTAA negotiations from
some groups traditionally opposed, such as the large labor
union CUT, new elements of staunch opposition to the FTAA
have now taken up residence within the GoB, rather than
remaining principally in vocal opposition parties and NGOs.
This is particularly evident in Itamaraty, whose internal
struggles over FTAA policy have been the subject of several
speculative press reports recently. Post understands that
for now, Ambassador Hugueney, a proponent of the FTAA,
retains overall responsibility for the FTAA negotiations,
despite articles reporting otherwise. However, there is no
guarantee he will remain for the long-term. Septel will
expand on Mission's take concerning FTAA status within GoB
and options Washington may wish to consider in that light and
in the run up to USTR Zoellick's visit.