2003-05-02 19:26:00
Embassy Abuja
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 ABUJA 000816
E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/02/2013
Classified by Ambassador Howard F. Jeter for reasons 1.5 (b)
and (d).
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 ABUJA 000816
E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/02/2013
Classified by Ambassador Howard F. Jeter for reasons 1.5 (b)
and (d).
1.(C) In an April 28 press statement entitled "The Ijaws of
Warri," National Ijaw Leader Chief E.K. Clark appealed to
President Obasanjo to postpone the May 3 state assembly
elections in Warri's three local government areas (LGAs).
Citing united opposition to the May 3 polls from the Ijaw and
Urhobo communities, Clark asked for a postponement of the
elections to prevent an outcome that would produce an
exclusively "minority" Itsekiri representation from Warri to
the State Assembly.
2.(C) Clark and 13 other Ijaw leaders who signed the
statement, pointed out that the "we single handedly worked
strenuously to ensure that there was relative peace during
the Presidential/Gubernatorial elections of 19th April, 2003.
. . the Ijaws of Warri cooperated to ensure that there was
maximum peace in Delta State during this particular elections
in spite of the fact that there was no valid elections in the
three Warri LGAs because of the crisis." But in what has
been interpreted by many including the Federal Government as
a veiled threat, the statement goes on to say: " . . these
elections should be suspended in the three Warri LGAs because
it is obvious there is no way the Ijaw youths in these three
LGAs will fold their hands and allow these elections to take
3.(C) In an April 29 meeting with Clark at his village home
in Delta State, Corporate Responsibility Officer (CRO) heard
more about Ijaw militancy and the inability of this
traditional leader to bridle it. Clark candidly admitted
that his influence over the militant youth had diminished.
"If I tell my children every day 'don't worry, everything
will be okay' and nothing happens, one day he'll say 'damn
the consequences' and act on his own," stated the Ijaw elder.
Clark implied that his hold on the Federated Niger Delta
Ijaw Communities (FNDIC),the political group representing
the armed Gbaramatu Ijaw of the Warri LGAs, was weakening.
Clark rejected the interpretation of his press statement as a
threat to the federal government, insisting that the
statement was an attempt to warn the government of the
profound discontent in the Warri swamps and his inability to
check its eruption. (Comment: What Clark did not say
explicitly but was evident between the lines was his fear of
losing his mantle of Ijaw leadership. Thus, he will be
reticent to criticize the young militants and, increasingly
he will be forced to take a more radical stand so that he
stays on good terms with these armed youths who could well
usurp his leadership position. End Comment)
4.(C) CRO had a separate April 29 meeting with Bello Oboko,
President of FNDIC. Oboko was strident that the federal
government postpone the May 3 state assembly elections. He
also called for the continued cessation of oil operations in
the Warri LGAs until the political impasse is resolved in the
Ijaws' favor. Oboko cited the FNDIC's March 3 press
statement that carried an ultimatum demanding GON agreement
that oil operations cease, elections be postponed, the Warri
Southwest LGA's electoral wards be redrawn, and a national
sovereignty conference be convened, lest the FNDIC embark on
"mass action" in seven days. Oboko claimed the FNDIC
refrained from implementing its threat because of Chief Clark
who persuaded the FNDIC to stand down. However, the
subsequent federal government lack of response and the
heightened militarization of the swamps has pushed the FNDIC
youths to act. "we will not sit idle and be attacked; we
will defend ourselves," Oboko warned. (Comment: Oboko's
reference to the Ijaw need for self-defense was unconvincing.
He was simply mouthing the words he thought he had to say.
Oboko and his fellow militants know that they have been the
clear aggressors in this latest conflagration around Warri.
End Comment)
5.(C) During his April 28-29 visit to areas surrounding
Warri, CRO was told by local residents that the army has
begun deploying additional troops in the vicinity,
supplementing the 1,500 deployed in Warri under a battalion
command based in Effrurun (10 kilometers north of Warri
town). According to these locals, soldiers from an
amphibious regiment in Port Harcourt and a regiment in Benin
City have arrived in the area. The Navy has deployed two
small "gunships" to the port of Warri. In an April 30
meeting with the Ambassador, the Director General of the
State Security Service (SSS) stated that an attack on the
Ijaws is imminent. (septel) Some observers are speculating
the government may have augmented its troop deployments in
order to ensure that the May 3 elections are not disrupted
and to prepare for an eventual crackdown. Sources in Warri
reported a firefight along the Warri town waterfront the
morning of May 2. Ijaw militants arriving in motorboats
attempted to attack the town and the Naval base at the town's
waterfront. The fight raged for almost two hours before the
Ijaw were repelled and relative calm returned to the town.
6.(C) The Ijaws are clearly the aggressors in the current
crisis in Warri. Ijaw militants conducted many unprovoked
attacks on Itsekiri villages starting March 20.
Nevertheless, one of the underlying political grievances of
both Ijaw youth militants and elder Ijaw leaders may have
some validity. The Ijaws are the majority group in Warri yet
the Itsekiri control a disproportionate share of electoral
wards and, consequently, dominate the area's political
machine. Several panels set up by past federal governments
to review Warri, and an INEC report in 1999, recommended that
the Warri Southwest LGA be re-delineated to reflect its Ijaw
majority. However, the Ijaw violence and their threats
against the oil installations are wholly disproportionate
responses to the alleged grievance. The Ijaw youth have more
in mind than local government boundaries. Oil bunkering and
extending control over the land where the oil is may be the
real forces driving the youth.
7.(C) Because of the nature of the Ijaw demands and the
intransigence of Ijaw militants, there is little chance that
the current crisis can be resolved through negotiation. GON
officials have told us that they will strike -- the only
question is when -- now, before the President's inauguration,
or after Obasanjo is sworn in. However, at some point, the
GON must address some of these difficult political and
economic issues that have given rise to this new militancy.
If not, crises will be recurrent.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/02/2013
Classified by Ambassador Howard F. Jeter for reasons 1.5 (b)
and (d).
1.(C) In an April 28 press statement entitled "The Ijaws of
Warri," National Ijaw Leader Chief E.K. Clark appealed to
President Obasanjo to postpone the May 3 state assembly
elections in Warri's three local government areas (LGAs).
Citing united opposition to the May 3 polls from the Ijaw and
Urhobo communities, Clark asked for a postponement of the
elections to prevent an outcome that would produce an
exclusively "minority" Itsekiri representation from Warri to
the State Assembly.
2.(C) Clark and 13 other Ijaw leaders who signed the
statement, pointed out that the "we single handedly worked
strenuously to ensure that there was relative peace during
the Presidential/Gubernatorial elections of 19th April, 2003.
. . the Ijaws of Warri cooperated to ensure that there was
maximum peace in Delta State during this particular elections
in spite of the fact that there was no valid elections in the
three Warri LGAs because of the crisis." But in what has
been interpreted by many including the Federal Government as
a veiled threat, the statement goes on to say: " . . these
elections should be suspended in the three Warri LGAs because
it is obvious there is no way the Ijaw youths in these three
LGAs will fold their hands and allow these elections to take
3.(C) In an April 29 meeting with Clark at his village home
in Delta State, Corporate Responsibility Officer (CRO) heard
more about Ijaw militancy and the inability of this
traditional leader to bridle it. Clark candidly admitted
that his influence over the militant youth had diminished.
"If I tell my children every day 'don't worry, everything
will be okay' and nothing happens, one day he'll say 'damn
the consequences' and act on his own," stated the Ijaw elder.
Clark implied that his hold on the Federated Niger Delta
Ijaw Communities (FNDIC),the political group representing
the armed Gbaramatu Ijaw of the Warri LGAs, was weakening.
Clark rejected the interpretation of his press statement as a
threat to the federal government, insisting that the
statement was an attempt to warn the government of the
profound discontent in the Warri swamps and his inability to
check its eruption. (Comment: What Clark did not say
explicitly but was evident between the lines was his fear of
losing his mantle of Ijaw leadership. Thus, he will be
reticent to criticize the young militants and, increasingly
he will be forced to take a more radical stand so that he
stays on good terms with these armed youths who could well
usurp his leadership position. End Comment)
4.(C) CRO had a separate April 29 meeting with Bello Oboko,
President of FNDIC. Oboko was strident that the federal
government postpone the May 3 state assembly elections. He
also called for the continued cessation of oil operations in
the Warri LGAs until the political impasse is resolved in the
Ijaws' favor. Oboko cited the FNDIC's March 3 press
statement that carried an ultimatum demanding GON agreement
that oil operations cease, elections be postponed, the Warri
Southwest LGA's electoral wards be redrawn, and a national
sovereignty conference be convened, lest the FNDIC embark on
"mass action" in seven days. Oboko claimed the FNDIC
refrained from implementing its threat because of Chief Clark
who persuaded the FNDIC to stand down. However, the
subsequent federal government lack of response and the
heightened militarization of the swamps has pushed the FNDIC
youths to act. "we will not sit idle and be attacked; we
will defend ourselves," Oboko warned. (Comment: Oboko's
reference to the Ijaw need for self-defense was unconvincing.
He was simply mouthing the words he thought he had to say.
Oboko and his fellow militants know that they have been the
clear aggressors in this latest conflagration around Warri.
End Comment)
5.(C) During his April 28-29 visit to areas surrounding
Warri, CRO was told by local residents that the army has
begun deploying additional troops in the vicinity,
supplementing the 1,500 deployed in Warri under a battalion
command based in Effrurun (10 kilometers north of Warri
town). According to these locals, soldiers from an
amphibious regiment in Port Harcourt and a regiment in Benin
City have arrived in the area. The Navy has deployed two
small "gunships" to the port of Warri. In an April 30
meeting with the Ambassador, the Director General of the
State Security Service (SSS) stated that an attack on the
Ijaws is imminent. (septel) Some observers are speculating
the government may have augmented its troop deployments in
order to ensure that the May 3 elections are not disrupted
and to prepare for an eventual crackdown. Sources in Warri
reported a firefight along the Warri town waterfront the
morning of May 2. Ijaw militants arriving in motorboats
attempted to attack the town and the Naval base at the town's
waterfront. The fight raged for almost two hours before the
Ijaw were repelled and relative calm returned to the town.
6.(C) The Ijaws are clearly the aggressors in the current
crisis in Warri. Ijaw militants conducted many unprovoked
attacks on Itsekiri villages starting March 20.
Nevertheless, one of the underlying political grievances of
both Ijaw youth militants and elder Ijaw leaders may have
some validity. The Ijaws are the majority group in Warri yet
the Itsekiri control a disproportionate share of electoral
wards and, consequently, dominate the area's political
machine. Several panels set up by past federal governments
to review Warri, and an INEC report in 1999, recommended that
the Warri Southwest LGA be re-delineated to reflect its Ijaw
majority. However, the Ijaw violence and their threats
against the oil installations are wholly disproportionate
responses to the alleged grievance. The Ijaw youth have more
in mind than local government boundaries. Oil bunkering and
extending control over the land where the oil is may be the
real forces driving the youth.
7.(C) Because of the nature of the Ijaw demands and the
intransigence of Ijaw militants, there is little chance that
the current crisis can be resolved through negotiation. GON
officials have told us that they will strike -- the only
question is when -- now, before the President's inauguration,
or after Obasanjo is sworn in. However, at some point, the
GON must address some of these difficult political and
economic issues that have given rise to this new militancy.
If not, crises will be recurrent.