2003-04-17 23:20:00
Embassy Abuja
Cable title:
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 ABUJA 000719
DECL: 4/17/2008
Classified by Ambassador Howard F. Jeter for reason 1.5 (d).
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 ABUJA 000719
DECL: 4/17/2008
Classified by Ambassador Howard F. Jeter for reason 1.5 (d).
1. (C) Summary: Despite a crowded house of 19 Presidential
candidates, the April 19 contest boils down to President
Obasanjo and ANPP candidate Muhammadu Buhari. Holding the
ace of incumbency, Obasanjo is the likely, but not
guaranteed, victor. He has been put on the defensive by
recent events such as the protracted gas shortage. The
shortage and other problems served to painfully remind the
Nigerian people that Obasanjo's first term did not produce
the expected economic "dividends of democracy." Meanwhile,
Buhari started slowly and appeared direction-less yet
seemed to find his political compass in the later stages of
the campaign. Results from the April 12 National Assembly
elections give the PDP a majority of the votes nation-wide
while ANPP support is mostly limited to the North. These
results add some lift to Obasanjo's presumed lead.
However, Buhari and the other opposition parties have
alleged systematic vote manipulation. Buhari is meeting
with other aggrieved political leaders to discuss an
eleventh hour alliance. If the desired deals are struck,
the dynamics of the presidential election could change
materially from the April 12 contest. In any event, April
19 will be a tense, historic day that severely tests the
very fiber of Nigerian democracy. End Summary.
For Obasanjo - An Election Not Soon Enough
2. (C) In retrospect, President Obasanjo would have wished
this election occurred in late January. In an election
immediately after the January PDP and ANPP conventions,
Obasanjo would have carried the day handsomely. At that
point, the gap between him and Buhari was wide and appeared
unbridgeable. Conventional wisdom was that the PDP
convention was the real test (exactly what Obasanjo said to
the Ambassador at that time); the general election would be
close to a formality that had to be observed but not
worried about. On the domestic political front, things
were relatively quiet after the conventions. There were no
crises and the Administration was looking forward to a
minor windfall because of oil prices elevated by the storm
gathering over Iraq.
3. (C) Conversely, Buhari did not seem to know what to do
with the ANPP nomination once he had it. Moreover, the
denouement of the ANPP convention had been clumsy and
fractious. While Buhari was selected as a "consensus"
candidate, the consensus was hollow. Several rival ANPP
candidates boycotted the convention; their widely broadcast
walkout gave the appearance that the orchestrated PDP
convention was actually fairer than the ANPP's.
4. (C) Buhari seemed ineffectual as a campaigner. His
campaign hibernated for weeks; his major negatives stuck to
him, no matter how loudly he disclaimed his past misdeeds
and missteps. While incorruptible when it came to personal
integrity, he was feared by many to be intolerant as a
public leader. He was viewed as a religious and regional
bigot more suited to be a third party candidate who could
energize the Northern "protest", populist vote than to be
the flagbearer of the main opposition. Many people thought
Buhari could win the Northwest without getting out of bed,
but would lose the other five zones, especially the three
in the South, no matter how hard he tried. That his
campaign appeared dormant only confirmed this assessment;
it seemed Buhari had already conceded his was a cause that
could only end in defeat.
-------------- --------------
But Things Fall Apart
-------------- --------------
5. (C) Obasanjo's relative good fortune did not last;
neither did Buhari's somnolence. Despite higher than
expected oil prices, the national economy reminded everyone
that it was sick; the government's morbidity was equally
patent. The President and National Assembly bickered over
the Anti-Corruption Commission in between their cross
exchanges over the 2003 budget. Obasanjo and the lawmakers
could not reconcile their differences over the oil
dichotomy bill and special derivative income for oil
producing states. People in the South-South states started
to get edgy when many state and local governments failed to
pay salaries for months. Unionized workers, including
federal and state civil servants, threatened to strike to
force the GON to honor the 12.5% pay raise the National
Labour Congress said the GON had promised. By late
February, too much was going wrong. It appeared the
country was being yanked from pillar to post, from problem
to problem.
6. (C) In late March, things went from bad to worse. The
fuel shortage brought back marathon gas lines, longer and
more intractable than those in Abacha times. The fuel
crunch caused transportation and food prices to rise,
further pinching the too-lean wallet of the average
Nigerian. Moreover, the thousands of Nigerians who had to
wait hours in long gas lines, sometimes for days, could not
be overly enthralled with the incumbent government that
failed to spare them from this ordeal. Then, the ethnic
crisis in Warri spilled into the oil fields. Well-armed
ethnic Ijaw militants rendered these rich oil installations
inoperable, reducing Nigeria's daily output by over forty
percent and completely cutting crude flows to those
refineries still operating. For a government that derives
over eighty percent of its revenues from selling oil, the
reduction had the makings of potential economic disaster.
At a time when Obasanjo should have been demonstrating his
mastery of the ship of state, the general impression was
that the President's grip had become unsteady and the
country was veering out of his control.
7. (C) While Obasanjo was being sorely tested, Buhari was
imperceptibly moving from weakness to relative strength.
His humble coffers forced him into a lean campaign. He had
to pick his spots judiciously; by starting late however,
Buhari's campaign had an unexpected salutary effect;
because he was not visible early, the public did become
inured with him. Moreover, his slowness to campaign and
failure to splash money around in the traditional political
mode, once seen as a demerit, turned into virtue. His
campaign stops -- little reported in official media and
much of the Lagos-based press -- drew tens of thousands
without need for the financial inducement that was slowly
making a mockery of well-publicized PDP events. It all
reinforced the notion that Buhari, although a former Head
of State, was a new breeze -- that he would not conduct
business as usual because he was not a full-fledged member
of the country's discredited and venal political elite.
8. (C) Consequently, as Buhari started to campaign more
actively, he cashed in on his image as the upright
politician, the acme of rectitude. More people came to see
him as a man who might be able to impart some of his
legendary self-control onto an unruly nation. Conversely,
Obasanjo was seen as drifting from crisis to crisis,
shackled by an Administration racked by corruption and
incompetence. Faced with the emergencies of today, many
people forgot the excesses of Buhari's past. While
Obasanjo fiddled or was unconcerned because he and his
cronies had fuel, Buhari would do something to end the gas
lines. Many people began to identify with Buhari because
he was not a man of great privilege or wealth. To some
degree, he began to connect with the common man in places
outside the North. While there were still deep reservations
about Buhari's perceived ethnic and religious chauvinism,
and his past performance as a mediocre Head of State,
perhaps that connection would turn to votes.
9. (C) Going into the April 12 National Assembly election,
it appeared that Obasanjo was leading but with Buhari
gaining ground. A close race seemed unlikely but possible.
Nigeria was tense going into the election. Uncertainty was
in the air. Could INEC do it? Would there be violence?
Generally, the conduct at the polls on election day went
reasonably well by local standards. Also, the very act of
casting votes was partially cathartic for the general
public. Consequently, there was a temporary relaxation of
tensions that would have redounded to Obasanjo's benefit
had his party not over-reached. Instead, Nigeria's journey
through this week would be more like a frenetic roller-
coaster than a certain, well driven road.
10. (C) With election results showing the PDP maintaining
its National Assembly majority and gaining over 50 percent
of the nation-wide vote (its majority in the Senate likely
will grow significantly),opposition parties vociferously
assailed the process. They accused the PDP, INEC and the
Army of massive, systematic vote manipulation. There were
scores of reports of pre-stuffed replica ballot boxes.
Some of these stories are probably just that, but many of
them are credible and almost certainly true. The ANPP
claimed an accurate vote count would have perhaps given
them a majority of National Assembly seats and definitely
much more than the 27 percent vote nationwide that INEC
results indicate. Chairmen of several opposition parties
met April 15, issuing a press statement rejecting the vote.
11. (C) On April 17, Buhari flew to Lagos to meet with AD
leaders who feel equally aggrieved by the PDP's massive
gains in the Southwest. The AD, and especially Afinefere,
are literally fighting for their lives. Having been
effectively ejected from its only political home base, the
AD has nowhere to go except toward irrelevance unless it
can retain its gubernatorial seats on April 19. The
Yoruba-dominated party thought it had a deal with the PDP
that would protect incumbents in the Southwest in exchange
for AD votes in the presidential contest. In earnest of
that, the AD did not present a candidate for the
presidential race. Now, AD leaders worry that voters will
abandon the AD governors to join the PDP bandwagon, dooming
the party and its socio-political underpinning, -
Afinefere. Whether INEC results of the April 12 elections
generally reflect the way Southwesterners actually voted
seems to be of little importance at this juncture.
12 (C) These developments portend an April 19 election that
will be significantly more tense than the National Assembly
election of a week ago. Tensions will be accentuated
further because gubernatorial races in hotly contested
states, such as Plateau, Anambra, Kwara and Rivers will be
that same day.
13. (C) The opposition parties are afraid that, if they do
not challenge INEC's conduct of last week's elections, the
results on April 19 will mirror the April 12 vote tally.
If so, Obasanjo is assured of victory. The PDP has over 50
percent of the April 12 vote; while the AD pulled in just
12 percent. Although the AD has backed out of its pact to
support Obasanjo, many AD members will still support him
out of ethnic loyalty. A portion of AD support would give
Obasanjo a vote percentage comfortably in the upper 50's.
Meanwhile, the ANPP is hovering around 27 percent
nationally, with the vast majority coming from the
Northwest. However, the ANPP is registering less than 25%
in 18, mostly southern, states. If this low Southern tally
holds for the presidential election, Buhari will be utterly
unelectable. The constitution not only requires a winner
to attain a national plurality, he must also receive 25% of
the vote in two-thirds of the 27 electoral jurisdictions
(36 states plus the Federal Capital Territory). Based on
the April 12 results, Buhari can count on only 18 states.
14. (C) The controversy produced by the National Assembly
Election may cause an eleventh-hour shift in alignments.
First, the crumbling of the AD/PDP pact could cost Obasanjo
significant support in the Southwest. Yet, while Buhari is
meeting with AD leaders, Obasanjo has also reached out to
the AD; but right now, the trust between Obasanjo and the
AD is gone. Conceivably the AD could swing its influence to
Buhari or at least instruct followers not to vote for
Obasanjo. Yet given ethnic loyalty and the support of the
Yoruba's most senior traditional leaders, Obasanjo will
likely carry the Southwest, but his margin may be reduced.
Second, the ANPP may be able to increase the voter turn-out
in the North. Third, Igbo favorite son candidates such as
the APGA's Ojukwu, NDP's Nwachukwu and UNPP's Nwobodo,
could take a healthy share of the votes in the Southeast, a
PDP stronghold in 1999. Alternatively, the three could
throw their support to Buhari in protest against the
alleged manipulation of the April 12 exercise. Fourth,
there is the immeasurable protest factor among the general
public. There could be a turnout of voters who, in
reaction to the allegations of vote manipulation, decide to
vote for Buhari.
15. (C) A combination of three of these four possibilities
would be needed to force a close race. This concatenation
is unlikely, yet it cannot be dismissed. However, at this
stage, Obasanjo appears to be the much safer bet, although
that outcome will be messy.
DECL: 4/17/2008
Classified by Ambassador Howard F. Jeter for reason 1.5 (d).
1. (C) Summary: Despite a crowded house of 19 Presidential
candidates, the April 19 contest boils down to President
Obasanjo and ANPP candidate Muhammadu Buhari. Holding the
ace of incumbency, Obasanjo is the likely, but not
guaranteed, victor. He has been put on the defensive by
recent events such as the protracted gas shortage. The
shortage and other problems served to painfully remind the
Nigerian people that Obasanjo's first term did not produce
the expected economic "dividends of democracy." Meanwhile,
Buhari started slowly and appeared direction-less yet
seemed to find his political compass in the later stages of
the campaign. Results from the April 12 National Assembly
elections give the PDP a majority of the votes nation-wide
while ANPP support is mostly limited to the North. These
results add some lift to Obasanjo's presumed lead.
However, Buhari and the other opposition parties have
alleged systematic vote manipulation. Buhari is meeting
with other aggrieved political leaders to discuss an
eleventh hour alliance. If the desired deals are struck,
the dynamics of the presidential election could change
materially from the April 12 contest. In any event, April
19 will be a tense, historic day that severely tests the
very fiber of Nigerian democracy. End Summary.
For Obasanjo - An Election Not Soon Enough
2. (C) In retrospect, President Obasanjo would have wished
this election occurred in late January. In an election
immediately after the January PDP and ANPP conventions,
Obasanjo would have carried the day handsomely. At that
point, the gap between him and Buhari was wide and appeared
unbridgeable. Conventional wisdom was that the PDP
convention was the real test (exactly what Obasanjo said to
the Ambassador at that time); the general election would be
close to a formality that had to be observed but not
worried about. On the domestic political front, things
were relatively quiet after the conventions. There were no
crises and the Administration was looking forward to a
minor windfall because of oil prices elevated by the storm
gathering over Iraq.
3. (C) Conversely, Buhari did not seem to know what to do
with the ANPP nomination once he had it. Moreover, the
denouement of the ANPP convention had been clumsy and
fractious. While Buhari was selected as a "consensus"
candidate, the consensus was hollow. Several rival ANPP
candidates boycotted the convention; their widely broadcast
walkout gave the appearance that the orchestrated PDP
convention was actually fairer than the ANPP's.
4. (C) Buhari seemed ineffectual as a campaigner. His
campaign hibernated for weeks; his major negatives stuck to
him, no matter how loudly he disclaimed his past misdeeds
and missteps. While incorruptible when it came to personal
integrity, he was feared by many to be intolerant as a
public leader. He was viewed as a religious and regional
bigot more suited to be a third party candidate who could
energize the Northern "protest", populist vote than to be
the flagbearer of the main opposition. Many people thought
Buhari could win the Northwest without getting out of bed,
but would lose the other five zones, especially the three
in the South, no matter how hard he tried. That his
campaign appeared dormant only confirmed this assessment;
it seemed Buhari had already conceded his was a cause that
could only end in defeat.
-------------- --------------
But Things Fall Apart
-------------- --------------
5. (C) Obasanjo's relative good fortune did not last;
neither did Buhari's somnolence. Despite higher than
expected oil prices, the national economy reminded everyone
that it was sick; the government's morbidity was equally
patent. The President and National Assembly bickered over
the Anti-Corruption Commission in between their cross
exchanges over the 2003 budget. Obasanjo and the lawmakers
could not reconcile their differences over the oil
dichotomy bill and special derivative income for oil
producing states. People in the South-South states started
to get edgy when many state and local governments failed to
pay salaries for months. Unionized workers, including
federal and state civil servants, threatened to strike to
force the GON to honor the 12.5% pay raise the National
Labour Congress said the GON had promised. By late
February, too much was going wrong. It appeared the
country was being yanked from pillar to post, from problem
to problem.
6. (C) In late March, things went from bad to worse. The
fuel shortage brought back marathon gas lines, longer and
more intractable than those in Abacha times. The fuel
crunch caused transportation and food prices to rise,
further pinching the too-lean wallet of the average
Nigerian. Moreover, the thousands of Nigerians who had to
wait hours in long gas lines, sometimes for days, could not
be overly enthralled with the incumbent government that
failed to spare them from this ordeal. Then, the ethnic
crisis in Warri spilled into the oil fields. Well-armed
ethnic Ijaw militants rendered these rich oil installations
inoperable, reducing Nigeria's daily output by over forty
percent and completely cutting crude flows to those
refineries still operating. For a government that derives
over eighty percent of its revenues from selling oil, the
reduction had the makings of potential economic disaster.
At a time when Obasanjo should have been demonstrating his
mastery of the ship of state, the general impression was
that the President's grip had become unsteady and the
country was veering out of his control.
7. (C) While Obasanjo was being sorely tested, Buhari was
imperceptibly moving from weakness to relative strength.
His humble coffers forced him into a lean campaign. He had
to pick his spots judiciously; by starting late however,
Buhari's campaign had an unexpected salutary effect;
because he was not visible early, the public did become
inured with him. Moreover, his slowness to campaign and
failure to splash money around in the traditional political
mode, once seen as a demerit, turned into virtue. His
campaign stops -- little reported in official media and
much of the Lagos-based press -- drew tens of thousands
without need for the financial inducement that was slowly
making a mockery of well-publicized PDP events. It all
reinforced the notion that Buhari, although a former Head
of State, was a new breeze -- that he would not conduct
business as usual because he was not a full-fledged member
of the country's discredited and venal political elite.
8. (C) Consequently, as Buhari started to campaign more
actively, he cashed in on his image as the upright
politician, the acme of rectitude. More people came to see
him as a man who might be able to impart some of his
legendary self-control onto an unruly nation. Conversely,
Obasanjo was seen as drifting from crisis to crisis,
shackled by an Administration racked by corruption and
incompetence. Faced with the emergencies of today, many
people forgot the excesses of Buhari's past. While
Obasanjo fiddled or was unconcerned because he and his
cronies had fuel, Buhari would do something to end the gas
lines. Many people began to identify with Buhari because
he was not a man of great privilege or wealth. To some
degree, he began to connect with the common man in places
outside the North. While there were still deep reservations
about Buhari's perceived ethnic and religious chauvinism,
and his past performance as a mediocre Head of State,
perhaps that connection would turn to votes.
9. (C) Going into the April 12 National Assembly election,
it appeared that Obasanjo was leading but with Buhari
gaining ground. A close race seemed unlikely but possible.
Nigeria was tense going into the election. Uncertainty was
in the air. Could INEC do it? Would there be violence?
Generally, the conduct at the polls on election day went
reasonably well by local standards. Also, the very act of
casting votes was partially cathartic for the general
public. Consequently, there was a temporary relaxation of
tensions that would have redounded to Obasanjo's benefit
had his party not over-reached. Instead, Nigeria's journey
through this week would be more like a frenetic roller-
coaster than a certain, well driven road.
10. (C) With election results showing the PDP maintaining
its National Assembly majority and gaining over 50 percent
of the nation-wide vote (its majority in the Senate likely
will grow significantly),opposition parties vociferously
assailed the process. They accused the PDP, INEC and the
Army of massive, systematic vote manipulation. There were
scores of reports of pre-stuffed replica ballot boxes.
Some of these stories are probably just that, but many of
them are credible and almost certainly true. The ANPP
claimed an accurate vote count would have perhaps given
them a majority of National Assembly seats and definitely
much more than the 27 percent vote nationwide that INEC
results indicate. Chairmen of several opposition parties
met April 15, issuing a press statement rejecting the vote.
11. (C) On April 17, Buhari flew to Lagos to meet with AD
leaders who feel equally aggrieved by the PDP's massive
gains in the Southwest. The AD, and especially Afinefere,
are literally fighting for their lives. Having been
effectively ejected from its only political home base, the
AD has nowhere to go except toward irrelevance unless it
can retain its gubernatorial seats on April 19. The
Yoruba-dominated party thought it had a deal with the PDP
that would protect incumbents in the Southwest in exchange
for AD votes in the presidential contest. In earnest of
that, the AD did not present a candidate for the
presidential race. Now, AD leaders worry that voters will
abandon the AD governors to join the PDP bandwagon, dooming
the party and its socio-political underpinning, -
Afinefere. Whether INEC results of the April 12 elections
generally reflect the way Southwesterners actually voted
seems to be of little importance at this juncture.
12 (C) These developments portend an April 19 election that
will be significantly more tense than the National Assembly
election of a week ago. Tensions will be accentuated
further because gubernatorial races in hotly contested
states, such as Plateau, Anambra, Kwara and Rivers will be
that same day.
13. (C) The opposition parties are afraid that, if they do
not challenge INEC's conduct of last week's elections, the
results on April 19 will mirror the April 12 vote tally.
If so, Obasanjo is assured of victory. The PDP has over 50
percent of the April 12 vote; while the AD pulled in just
12 percent. Although the AD has backed out of its pact to
support Obasanjo, many AD members will still support him
out of ethnic loyalty. A portion of AD support would give
Obasanjo a vote percentage comfortably in the upper 50's.
Meanwhile, the ANPP is hovering around 27 percent
nationally, with the vast majority coming from the
Northwest. However, the ANPP is registering less than 25%
in 18, mostly southern, states. If this low Southern tally
holds for the presidential election, Buhari will be utterly
unelectable. The constitution not only requires a winner
to attain a national plurality, he must also receive 25% of
the vote in two-thirds of the 27 electoral jurisdictions
(36 states plus the Federal Capital Territory). Based on
the April 12 results, Buhari can count on only 18 states.
14. (C) The controversy produced by the National Assembly
Election may cause an eleventh-hour shift in alignments.
First, the crumbling of the AD/PDP pact could cost Obasanjo
significant support in the Southwest. Yet, while Buhari is
meeting with AD leaders, Obasanjo has also reached out to
the AD; but right now, the trust between Obasanjo and the
AD is gone. Conceivably the AD could swing its influence to
Buhari or at least instruct followers not to vote for
Obasanjo. Yet given ethnic loyalty and the support of the
Yoruba's most senior traditional leaders, Obasanjo will
likely carry the Southwest, but his margin may be reduced.
Second, the ANPP may be able to increase the voter turn-out
in the North. Third, Igbo favorite son candidates such as
the APGA's Ojukwu, NDP's Nwachukwu and UNPP's Nwobodo,
could take a healthy share of the votes in the Southeast, a
PDP stronghold in 1999. Alternatively, the three could
throw their support to Buhari in protest against the
alleged manipulation of the April 12 exercise. Fourth,
there is the immeasurable protest factor among the general
public. There could be a turnout of voters who, in
reaction to the allegations of vote manipulation, decide to
vote for Buhari.
15. (C) A combination of three of these four possibilities
would be needed to force a close race. This concatenation
is unlikely, yet it cannot be dismissed. However, at this
stage, Obasanjo appears to be the much safer bet, although
that outcome will be messy.