2002-07-19 11:27:00
Embassy Kathmandu
Cable title:
Press Release Shows Maoists Feeling Heat
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Press Release Shows Maoists Feeling Heat
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Press Release Shows Maoists Feeling Heat
1. (SBU) In a July 18 press release, Prachanda, President
of Nepal's Maoist Central Committee, called for a
political solution to the present conflict in the form of
a new interim government and expressed the Maoists'
willingness to be flexible. Making what appears to be a
pitch to mainstream political parties, Prachanda
criticized Nepal's monarchy and its military, but stated
that a recent split in the ruling party was not part of a
"conspiracy" against democracy. The statement is negative
on the national elections slated for later this year, but
leaves open the possibility of elections if the Maoists
decide the political environment has improved, i.e., if an
interim government is formed to oversee elections.
Notably, the statement makes no mention of the Maoists'
demands for a republic and a constituent assembly.
2. (SBU) Observers viewed the message as a rehash of past
Maoists statements, and only "a little bit new." All
agreed that the ongoing mobilization of Nepal's military
and, more directly, recent efforts by India to crack down
on Maoists operating on its territory, had begun to put
the squeeze on the insurgents. One local editor suggested
that Maoist leaders living in India expect to be taken
3. (SBU) The release is widely considered genuine, but one
observer commented that he would wait a few days--to see
if the Maoists publish a retraction--before passing
judgement on its authenticity.
4. (U) Post's unofficial translation of the release
Begin Text:
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Central Committee
Press statement
The string of events from the time of the Palace massacre
to the present have made clear the fact that the feudal
regressive elements, on the backing and directions of
foreign reactionaries, under a planned conspiracy, have
been attempting to unleash extreme tyranny against Nepal
and the Nepali people. Taking advantage of the weaknesses
of the political parties that participated in the historic
1990 People's Movement, the feudal regressive elements one
after another have been attacking the people's civil and
political achievements. Now it is becoming clearer and
clearer that the fictitious dissolution of the Parliament
and the announcement of the so-called mid-term elections,
when the country has been in a very difficult and adverse
situation, are nothing but the conspiracy's final moves.
The plan to hold elections on a mountain of corpses and in
pools of blood, not providing a positive political
solution for millions of Nepali people struggling for a
progressive transformation of Nepali society under the
flags of the Maoist movement, is in itself a wicked
conspiracy. When all the political parties both in and
outside parliament, intellectual society, and all the
people, unite against the emergency and for talks and a
positive political solution, right at that point the
Parliament was dissolved in the middle of the night, as if
by a criminal. This has amplified many times the
seriousness of the conspiracy. We have, very seriously,
been making it clear that the feud between Girija Prasad
Koirala and Sher Bahadur Deuba are not the reason behind
this, but rather that the feudal palace and the Royal Army
headquarters have raised arms against the people.
In this situation, to think that it will be fruitful to
take part in the so-called mid-term elections, instead of
raising the voices of all the political parties,
intellectual society and the people, in a united manner,
against the so-called emergency and for the creation of an
appropriate environment for a positive political solution
and proper elections, and against the feudal regressive
elements, will be nothing but something like putting
oneself in the nets of an extremely cruel hunter. In our
view, if all the pro-people forces side with the nation
and the people in a united order, without being
destabilized by the intimidation and conspiracy of the
feudal regressive forces, and make just one step forward,
doors to solving all the problems of the country will
simultaneously open. Opposition to the so-called
emergency, talks for the positive political solution,
dialogue, interim government, and the agreed-upon election
procedures can, under its leadership, be the minimum basis
for the resolution of the problems for now. The fact that
we are ready to resolve the existing problems of the
country in a flexible manner in accordance with talks,
dialogue and consensus with all the political parties and
pro-people powers, was made clear by the letter that we
had sent to all the political parties, both in and outside
parliament, and intellectuals before the so-called
emergency reached the six-month point. We are still firm
today on those kind of initiatives as well as a political
But if someone seeks security in the web of the feudal
regressive elements, they betray the country and the
people at this difficult and sensitive historical moment,
and the result of that will be decided by history. We
don't consider entangling [oneself] in the web and thereby
staining history anything other than a highly despicable
act. Therefore, we in total seriousness strongly appeal
to all the pro-people forces in the country to unite
against the so-called emergency and for a positive
political solution.
Shrawan 2, 2059 (July 18, 2002)
Prachanda, President, Central Committee, NCP (Maoist)
End Text.
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Press Release Shows Maoists Feeling Heat
1. (SBU) In a July 18 press release, Prachanda, President
of Nepal's Maoist Central Committee, called for a
political solution to the present conflict in the form of
a new interim government and expressed the Maoists'
willingness to be flexible. Making what appears to be a
pitch to mainstream political parties, Prachanda
criticized Nepal's monarchy and its military, but stated
that a recent split in the ruling party was not part of a
"conspiracy" against democracy. The statement is negative
on the national elections slated for later this year, but
leaves open the possibility of elections if the Maoists
decide the political environment has improved, i.e., if an
interim government is formed to oversee elections.
Notably, the statement makes no mention of the Maoists'
demands for a republic and a constituent assembly.
2. (SBU) Observers viewed the message as a rehash of past
Maoists statements, and only "a little bit new." All
agreed that the ongoing mobilization of Nepal's military
and, more directly, recent efforts by India to crack down
on Maoists operating on its territory, had begun to put
the squeeze on the insurgents. One local editor suggested
that Maoist leaders living in India expect to be taken
3. (SBU) The release is widely considered genuine, but one
observer commented that he would wait a few days--to see
if the Maoists publish a retraction--before passing
judgement on its authenticity.
4. (U) Post's unofficial translation of the release
Begin Text:
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Central Committee
Press statement
The string of events from the time of the Palace massacre
to the present have made clear the fact that the feudal
regressive elements, on the backing and directions of
foreign reactionaries, under a planned conspiracy, have
been attempting to unleash extreme tyranny against Nepal
and the Nepali people. Taking advantage of the weaknesses
of the political parties that participated in the historic
1990 People's Movement, the feudal regressive elements one
after another have been attacking the people's civil and
political achievements. Now it is becoming clearer and
clearer that the fictitious dissolution of the Parliament
and the announcement of the so-called mid-term elections,
when the country has been in a very difficult and adverse
situation, are nothing but the conspiracy's final moves.
The plan to hold elections on a mountain of corpses and in
pools of blood, not providing a positive political
solution for millions of Nepali people struggling for a
progressive transformation of Nepali society under the
flags of the Maoist movement, is in itself a wicked
conspiracy. When all the political parties both in and
outside parliament, intellectual society, and all the
people, unite against the emergency and for talks and a
positive political solution, right at that point the
Parliament was dissolved in the middle of the night, as if
by a criminal. This has amplified many times the
seriousness of the conspiracy. We have, very seriously,
been making it clear that the feud between Girija Prasad
Koirala and Sher Bahadur Deuba are not the reason behind
this, but rather that the feudal palace and the Royal Army
headquarters have raised arms against the people.
In this situation, to think that it will be fruitful to
take part in the so-called mid-term elections, instead of
raising the voices of all the political parties,
intellectual society and the people, in a united manner,
against the so-called emergency and for the creation of an
appropriate environment for a positive political solution
and proper elections, and against the feudal regressive
elements, will be nothing but something like putting
oneself in the nets of an extremely cruel hunter. In our
view, if all the pro-people forces side with the nation
and the people in a united order, without being
destabilized by the intimidation and conspiracy of the
feudal regressive forces, and make just one step forward,
doors to solving all the problems of the country will
simultaneously open. Opposition to the so-called
emergency, talks for the positive political solution,
dialogue, interim government, and the agreed-upon election
procedures can, under its leadership, be the minimum basis
for the resolution of the problems for now. The fact that
we are ready to resolve the existing problems of the
country in a flexible manner in accordance with talks,
dialogue and consensus with all the political parties and
pro-people powers, was made clear by the letter that we
had sent to all the political parties, both in and outside
parliament, and intellectuals before the so-called
emergency reached the six-month point. We are still firm
today on those kind of initiatives as well as a political
But if someone seeks security in the web of the feudal
regressive elements, they betray the country and the
people at this difficult and sensitive historical moment,
and the result of that will be decided by history. We
don't consider entangling [oneself] in the web and thereby
staining history anything other than a highly despicable
act. Therefore, we in total seriousness strongly appeal
to all the pro-people forces in the country to unite
against the so-called emergency and for a positive
political solution.
Shrawan 2, 2059 (July 18, 2002)
Prachanda, President, Central Committee, NCP (Maoist)
End Text.