2001-06-18 14:28:00
Embassy Abuja
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C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 ABUJA 001380 


E.O. 12958: DECL: 06/18/2006

Classified by Ambassador Howard F. Jeter; reasons 1.5 (b) and

C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 ABUJA 001380


E.O. 12958: DECL: 06/18/2006

Classified by Ambassador Howard F. Jeter; reasons 1.5 (b) and

1. (U) Summary. Ambassador Jeter met with Aviation Minister
Kema Chikwe and Minister of Internal Affairs Afolabi during
the week of June 11 to discuss the problem of fraudulent U.S.
visas and other travel documentation on the direct Lagos-New
York flight, and to discuss solutions. The Ambassador
informed the Ministers that the INS was willing to send a few
of its officers back to Nigeria to assist Nigerian
immigration and airline officials in detecting fraudulent
travel documents, including visas, and to train immigration
officers in fraud-detection. Both Ministers responded
favorably to the proposal, and expressed concern over the
potential impact high turnaround rates might have on the
long-term economic viability of this and future direct
U.S.-Nigeria flights. While jurisdiction over this issue is
shared between Aviation and Internal Affairs, both Ministers
expressed a desire to address this problem in an expeditious
manner. The Ambassador promised to send a draft MOU from INS
that could serve as the starting point for negotiations for
an INS presence at Lagos' Murtalla Mohammed Airport. End

2. (U) In a June 11 meeting, Ambassador Jeter congratulated
Minister of Aviation Kema Chikwe on the progress made in
civil aviation during her tenure. Chikwe said that Virgin
Air would soon commence flights into Abuja and Lagos that
would compete with British Air, and hopefully compel BA to
offer better onboard and other services. Ambassador Jeter
addressed the high turnaround rate for fraudulent visas on
the South African Airways (SAA)/Nigerian Airways (NA) flight
from Lagos to New York. He said that the fines paid by the
airlines were very substantial (over a quarter of a million
dollars) and threatened the profitability of the route, but
more importantly might scare off other competitors interested
in beginning direct Nigeria-U.S. flights. Chikwe responded
that this development was disturbing. The Ambassador
recalled that informal assistance had been provided by INS
agents at the Lagos Airport after the commencement of the
flight, and at that point there were no significant problems
with visa fraud. Ambassador Jeter told the Minster that the
USG was willing to send an INS team back to Nigeria to train
Nigerian immigration officers to better detect fraudulent
visas and other documentation. Chikwe said that such
training would be helpful, and should be done in a timely
fashion. She asked the Ambassador to send her a letter

formally describing the proposal, to include a draft MOU, and
said she would work with Minister of Internal Affairs Afolabi
to get the MOU signed.

3. (U) On privitization, the Ambassador asked Chikwe her
position on the proposed sale of Nigeria Airways. She
described the three options proposed by the Bureau of
Privitization of Enterprises' (BPE) guidelines for selling
Nigeria Airways as turn-around, liquidation and creating a
new competing option. She said that turning Nigeria Airways
around prior to sale was currently the consensus option, but
complaind that the International Finance Corporation's (IFC)
condition-- a five year monopoly on most routes--was onerous,
and would harm the Nigerian consumer. She added that the IFC
blamed the Ministry for having signed the Open Skies
Agreement, which she said would ultimately benefit the
Nigerian travelling public. Chikwe said that the EX-IM Bank
loan facility of USD 30 million for the repair of Nigeria
Airways' (NA) decrepit aircraft would go a long way toward
"beautifying" NA prior to sale. Chikwe also said that she
was in favor of dual-designation of routes as a means of
encouraging short-term growth in air traffic, and creating
income for NA. In that context, she mentioned that Virgin
Air would soon be flying into Abuja from London. "British
Air cannot hold this country to ransom any longer," Chikwe

4. (U) On June 13, Ambassador Jeter met with Minister Sunday
Afolabi and his staff to discuss the SAA/NA visa fraud
problem. After Afolabi read a letter from the Ambassador
that had been sent to him in April on this subject, (a letter
he claimed he had never received),he commented on the
seriousness of the problem. The Ambassador said that during
the first month of the flight, there were no fraudlent
documents, but that since then the rate had increased
alarmingly, and threatened the commercial viability of the
SAA/NA flight. Ibrahim Jarma, Comptroller General of the
Prisons Service, commented that the Immigration team at the
Murtalla Mohammed received an award for their excellent work
in catching fraudulent visas, but the team was later split up
and assigned to other duties. Ambassador again said tha INS
was willing to send a team back to Nigeria to assist in
screening passengers and to train Nigerian officials, but
added that a MOU would have to be signed by all parties.
Afolabi said that Chikwe would take the lead on this since it
fell within her Ministry's jurisdiction, but agreed to work
with her and other GON Ministries to get the MOU signed.
Poloff asked whether it would be possible as an interim
measure to re-unite the original team of officers that were
trained by the INS to work the flight pending the conclusion
of a MOU.

5. (C) Comment: Both the Ministers of Aviation and Internal
Affairs seemed to recognize the importance of addressing this
issue before Nigeria develops a reputation with foreign
immigration agencies and air carriers for incompetence in
weeding out fraudulent visas. While Chikwe and Afolabi both
appear prepared to take action, getting from "yes" to a
signature can be a fairly torturous process. In a separate
meeting with the Secretary to Government for the Federation
(SGF) Ufot Ekaette (septel),the Ambassador also raised the
issue of getting a MOU signed by both Aviation and Internal
Affairs so that INS officers could be re-deployed as soon as
possible. The SGF asked for a copy of the Ambassador's
letter to Afolabi, and said he would assist in bringing the
process to a conclusion in case it were to stall. We are
complying with that request.

6. (C) Chikwe's comments regarding privatization are
interesting in light of her reputation as one of the most
corrupt Ministers in the Obasanjo Administration.
Reportedly, Chikwe exercises her regulatory control over the
airline industry in such a way as to obtain maximum pecuniary
benefit to herself. Little wonder that she would oppose the
IFC's five-year monopoly of routes by Nigeria Airways--she
would lose access to the foreign air carriers who apparently
feather her nest. End Comment.


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