2009-03-02 10:19:00
Embassy Cotonou
Cable title:  


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DE RUEHCO #0071/01 0611019
R 021019Z MAR 09



E.O. 12958: N/A

PAS Cotonou reports the following placements of State Department
materials and articles on Mission-hosted activities and U.S.
centered articles in the government-owned newspaper, La Nation, and
various independent newspapers:




E.O. 12958: N/A

PAS Cotonou reports the following placements of State Department
materials and articles on Mission-hosted activities and U.S.
centered articles in the government-owned newspaper, La Nation, and
various independent newspapers:

1. Print

January 6
The following articles were published:
An article in the government-owned newspaper, La Nation, in the
independent daily newspapers Le Matin and Le Telegramme, based on
the Mission-produced press release on USS Robert Bradley's visit to
Benin titled "Cooperation militaire: une Fregate des Forces Navales
Americaines en escale au Benin." (Military cooperation: a US Navy
ship on visit to Benin).

An article in the government-owned La Nation, about the transition
titled "Etats-Unis: Obama s'installe a Washington et s'attaque au
plan de relance economique." (United Stated: Obama settles in
Washington and gets to work on his economic rescue plan).

January 7
An article in the independent daily, L'Option Infos, about the 111th
opening session of the Congress of the United States titled: "Une
Rentree parlementaire un peu agitee." (United States: a rough
opening of the 111th session of the Congress of the United States).

January 8
An article in La Nation, Le Matin and L'Options Infos about the
reception held at the White House in honor of the former Presidents
titled "Etats-Unis: Bush, Obama et les anciens Presidents dejeunent
a la Maison Blanche." (United States: Bush, Obama and the former
presidents have lunch at the White House).

January 9
An article in the independent daily, Nouvelle Expression, about the
fight against terror strategy titled "Barack Obama veut reformer
l'anti-terrorisme." (Barack Obama wants to bring reforms into the
fight against terrorism).

January 12
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matin on President Barack Obama's plan to hold
legally liable some members of the Bush administration titled
"Etats-Unis: Obama n'exclut pas des poursuites judiciaires contre
l'administration Bush." (United States: Obama does not exclude the
possibility of bringing to justice some members of the Bush


An article in the independent daily, La Nouvelle Tribune, about the
Access to Land project of the Millenium Challenge Account titled
"MCA-Benin / Projet Acces au Foncier: 4 nouvelles communes signent
le protocole d'accord."(MCA-Benin's Access to Land Project: 4 new
districts sign a protocol agreement).

An article in the independent daily, Le Telegramme, titled
"Etats-Unis d'Amrique: Obama plait a Bush." (United States of
America: George Bush likes Obama).

January 13
The following articles were published:
Two articles in the independent Daily Nouvelle Expression, titled
"Etats-Unis: un Nigerian elu a la Chambre des Representants du New
Hampshire) and "Etats-Unis: Bush dresse le bilan de sa presidence."
(United States: a Nigerian elected to the New Hampshire House of
Representatives and United States: Bush makes an assessment of his

An article in the independent daily, Le Telegramme, about President
Barack Obama's diplomatic outreach efforts titled "Etats-Unis:
Barack Obama: la diplomatie en marche." (United States: Barack
Obama: Diplomacy in progress).

An article in the independent daily L'Option Infos about a local
football competition organized by the local Obama support committee
to mark President Barack Obama's inauguration: the article is titled
"Tournoi de Football Barack Obama." (Barack Obama Football match).

January 14
The following articles were published:
An article in La Nouvelle Tribune about President Barack Obama's
efforts to end the economic crisis titled "Etats-Unis: Obama prt a
en decoudre avec la crise. " (United States: Obama is determined to
end the crisis).

An article in the independent daily L'Autre Quotidien, about the

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implementation of MCA-Benin's Access to Land Project titled
"Securisation du Foncier Rural: 4 communes de l'Oueme signent un
protocole d'accord avec le Millenium Challenge Account." (Land
security in Benin: four villages in the Oueme Department sign a
protocol agreement with MCA-Benin).

An article in Le Matin, about President Barack Obama's inauguration
titled "Investiture d'Obama: un eveque homosexual va lancer les
festivities." (Obama's inauguration: a Gay Bishop will launch the

January 15
The following articles were published:
Two articles in L'Autre Quotidien, about President Barack Obama's
new administration titled "Obama promet 1,000 dollars aux mnages
Americans pour degripper l'economie," and "Hillary Clinton pour une
politique etrangere pragmatique." (Obama promises 1,000 dollars to
the American families to rescue the economy) and (Hillary Clinton
for a pragmatic foreign policy).

An article in Le Telegramme titled "Les ambitions diplomatiques de
Hillary Clinton." (Hillary Clinton's diplomatic ambitions).

Two articles in the independent daily Nouvelle Expression titled
"Gaza: Oussama Ben Laden sort du silence et appelle au djihad," and
"Pressenti au Tresor par Obama, Geithner n'a pas paye ses impots
pendant quatre ans. " (Gaza :Usama Bin Laden comes out of silence
and appeals for a holy war) and (Chosen by Obama to be appointed
Secretary of Treasury, Geithner did not pay his taxes for the past
four years).

An article in Le Matin about President Obama's administration titled
"Le General Jonathan Gration, choix probable d'Obama a la tete de la
NASA." (General Jonathan Gration, Obama's possible choice to head

January 16
The following articles were published:
An editorial in the independent daily L'Autre Quotidien, about the
war in the Middle-East titled "Guerre a Gaza: que fera Barack
Obama?" (War in Gaza: What will Barack Obama do?)

A full page editorial in the independent daily l'Option Infos,
titled "Opinion: la classe politique beninoise et le modele Obama."
(Opinion editorial: Benin's political leaders and Obama as a

An article in Le Telegramme, about President Bush's end of tenure
titled "Etats-Unis: Adieu Bush, et bon debarras!" (United States:
Farewell Bush and good riddance!).

An article in Le Matin, about President Bush's departure titled
"Etats-Unis: Bush doit prononcer une allocution d'adieu ce soir."
(United States: Bush will deliver his farewell speech tonight).

An article in La Nation and la Nouvelle Tribune about the
MCA-Benin's Access to Land project titled, " Accord de partenariat
pour la securisation du foncier rural: le cadre legal entre les
communes du plateau et MCA-Benin cree. " (Partnership agreement for
rural land safety: signing of a partnership agreement between the
districts of the Plateau Department and MCA-Benin).

January 19
An article in Le Matinal, based on the handover of bed nets to the
Ministry of Health titled "Pour mieux faire face au paludisme, les
Etats-Unis offrent 28.000 moustiquaires aux Beninois." (In order to
fight malaria more efficiently, the United States offers 28,000 bed
nets to the Beninese).

January 20
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matinal, Le telegramme, Le Matin, La Nouvelle
Tribune and L'Autre Quotidien, about President Barack Obama's
inauguration; La Nouvelle Tribune also carried a full page photo of
the members of President Obama's administration. The article in La
Nouvelle tribune is titled "Obama, 44eme president des Etats-Unis:
comprendre l'investiture. " (Obama, as the 44th President of the
United States: understand the inauguration).

An article in Fraternite, about President Obama's inauguration
titled "Investiture du President americain: Angelique Kidjo chante
pour Barack Obama." (Inauguration of the President of the United
States: Angelique Kidjo in concert for Barack Obama).

An article in Nouvelle Expression and L'Aurore, titled "Bush fait
son bilan et ses adieux a la communaute internationale. " (Bush
makes the assessment of his presidency and bids farewell to the
international community).

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Two lengthy articles in the state-controlled La Nation, titled
"Barack Obama: l'histoire d'un pionnier politique des Etats-Unis,"
and "Investiture de Barack Obama: l'histoire d'un processus
passionnant. " (Barack Obama : the history of a political pioneer of
the United States) and (Barack Obama's inauguration: the story of a
fascinating process).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, about the celebration of Martin
Luther King's birthday titled:"Celebration de Martin Luther King au
Bnin: d'eminentes personnalites edifient la jeunesse." (Martin
Luther King's celebration in Benin: Distinguished guests brief the

An article in Le Telegramme congratulating Ambassador Gayleatha B.
Brown for the extremely careful manner in which she has been
supervising the implementation of the Millennium Challenge Account
program in Benin.

An article in L'Option Infos, titled "United States: Michelle Obama,
une premiere dame influente" (Michelle Obama, an influential first
lady). The article indicated that she celebrated her 45th birthday
before entering the White House.

January 21
An article in Fraternite, based on the entirety of President Obama's
inauguration speech.

A front page article in Le Matin, titled "Investiture du 44eme
President des Etats-Unis: Barack Obama suscite deja l'espoir; "
(Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States: Barack
Obama is already sparking hope) and nine additional articles devoted
to the inauguration.

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune about the celebration of Martin
Luther King's anniversary and a second article based on the entirety
of President Barack Obama's inauguration speech.

Three articles in L'Autre Quotidien and the state-controlled La
Nation, titled "Bientot une universite Barack Obama au Benin;"
"Barack Obama devient le 44eme President des Etats-Unis " and "
Michelle Obama: des faubourgs de Chicago a la Maison Blanche. " (A
University named after Barack Obama is soon coming to Benin);
(Barack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States); and
(Michelle Obama: from the outskirts of Chicago to the White House).

Two articles in L'Evenement Precis, titled "Investiture du 44eme
President des Etats-Unis: les grands chantiers d'Obama;) and
"Investiture aux Etats-Unis: les grands points du discours
d'investiture de Barack Obama. " (Inauguration of the 44th President
of the United States : the major areas in which Obama plans to
perform actively); and (Presidential inauguration in the United
States: the main points of Barack Obama's inauguration speech).
L'Evenement Precis also carried the entirety of President Barack
Obama's inauguration speech.

Three articles in Nouvelle Expression, about President Barack
Obama's inauguration titled "Investiture de Barack Obama aux
Etats-Unis: un nouveau regard desormais porte sur l'homme Noir;" "
L'Amerique choisit l'espoir contre la peur, affirme Obama ;" and "
44eme President des Etats-Unis : la journee historique de Barack
Obama. " (Barack Obama's inauguration in the United States: a new
look at the Black man); (America chooses hope against fear: affirms
Obama) and (44th President of the United States: a historical day
for Barack Obama.)

Two full pages articles in L'Informateur, titled "Obama a la Maison
Blanche: les spectateurs emus, solennels et enthousiastes. " (Obama
at the White House : the spectators were impressed, solemn and

Two articles in La Nation, about President Barack Obama's
inauguration titled "Etats-Unis: Obama devient le 44eme President,"
and "Reactions a travers le monde entier apres l'investiture
d'Obama." (United States: Obama becomes 44th President) and
(Worldwide reactions to Barack Obama inauguration).

January 22
The following articles were published:
Four articles in Le Matin, titled "Etats-Unis: l'investiture d'Obama
suscite des espoirs tres prudents dans le Golfe ;" " Obama induit en
erreur en recitant son serment d'investiture ; " " San Francisco :
des farceurs rebaptisent la rue Bush du nom d'Obama. "
(United States: Obama's inauguration provokes very cautious hopes in
the Gulf); (Obama misled while taking his swearing-in oath); (San
Francisco: some jokesters are renaming the Bush avenue after Obama).

The Februray 22 edition of Le Matin also carried the entirety of

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President Barack Obama's inauguration speech.

Two articles in La Nation, titled "Barack et Michelle Obama: de bal
en bal, un petit tour, puis s'en vont " and "Guantanamo: suspension
du proces de cinq detenus." (Barack and Michelle Obama: from one
party to another: a short tour, and they left) and (Guantanamo:
suspension of the trial of five detainees).

Two articles in Nouvelle Expression, titled "Obama prend possession
du Bureau oval et s'attaque a une tache gigantesque," and " A peine
investi, Obama plonge dans la crise du proche-Orient. " (Obama takes
over the oval office of the White House) and (Soon after his
inauguration, Obama is faced with the crisis in the Middle-East).

An article in the independent daily Nouvel Horizon, titled "Que peut
gagner le continent africain de l'election de Barack Obama?" (What
can the African continent benefit from Barack Obama's election?).

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune, titled " Etats-Unis : Obama au
travail !" (United States: Obama at work!).

January 23
The following articles were published:
Two articles in Le Telegramme about the Guantanamo shutdown titled
"Etats-Unis: Barack Obama decrete la fermeture du camp de
Guantanamo," and "Droits de l'Homme a Guantanamo: un ex-detenu
temoigne." (United States : Barack Obama orders the shutdown of the
Guantanamo detention camp),and (Human rights in Guantanamo camp : a
detainee talks about his experience).

An article in the La Nouvelle Tribune, Le Challenge, L'Informateur
and Le Matin, about President Obama's inauguration oath titled "
Obama a prete serment pour la deuxieme fois." (Obama took oath for
the second time).

An article in the state-controlled La Nation, about president
Obama's cabinet titled "Etats-Unis: le senat approuve la nomination
de Geithner au Tresor." (United States: the Senate approves the
appointment of Geithner as Secretary of Treasury).

An article in Nouvelle Expression, about the appointment of Hillary
Clinton as Secretary of State titled "Etats-Unis: Clinton devient
officiellement Secretaire d'Etat d'Obama." (United States: Hillary
Clinton becomes Obama's Secretary of State).

Two articles in L'Autre Quotidien, about Global warming titled
"Rechauffement Planetaire: Barack Obama, nouveau Directeur du
developpement durable de l'entreprise Monde? " (Global Warning:
Has Barack Obama become the new Director of Sustainable Development
for the World Enterprise?); and "Mode: Le Style Michelle Obama."
(Fashion: Michelle Obama Style): the second article is ilustrated
with photos of Michelle Obama in various stylish outfits.

January 25
An article in Le Municipal, an independent weekly specialized in
publishing news on decentralization, titled "Securisation fonciere
dans les departments du Plateau et de l'Oueme: signature d'un accord
de partenariat entre le MCA-Benin et les communes. " (Land safety in
the departments of Plateau and Oueme: signing of a partnership
agreement between MCA-Benin and the districts).

January 26
The following articles were published:
An article in La Nouvelle Tribune and Le Matin, titled "Etats-Unis:
Obama fait tomber un a un les pans de presidence Bush. " (Obama is
canceling one by one the major decisions taken by President Bush's

An editorial in Le Telegramme, titled "Obama: s'en inspirer;" and an
article in the same newspaper titled "Etats-Unis: Obama met fin a la
torture." (Obama as a source of inspiration) and (United States:
Obama ends torture).

Two articles in Nouvelle Expression, based on an interview with the
Beninese Minister of Foreign Affairs titled "L'Election du
President Barack Obama est porteur d'espoir pour tout le monde
entier;" and "Investiture d'un Noir a la Maison Blanche: On n'a
visiblement pas compris." (President Barack Obama's election is a
source of hope for the entire world) and (Inauguration of a black
man at the White House: It is visibly hard to understand).

An article in Le Matinal and l'Option Infos, based on a
Mission-hosted event titled "Les Etats-Unis priment les efforts des
grossistes des produits distribues par PSI. " (The United States
recognizes the efforts of the wholesalers of PSI products).

January 27
The following articles were published:

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An article in L'Autre Quotidien and Le Matin, based on the
Mission-produced press release about Second Secretary Christina
Day's trip upcountry titled "La deuxieme Secretaire de l'Ambassade
des Etats-Unis en visite de travail a l'interieur du pays." The
Second Secretary of the Embassy of the United States on a working
visit upcountry).

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune, titled "Etats-Unis: semaine
decisive pour Obama au Congres avec le plan de reliance." (United
States: difficult week for Obama at the Congress with his economic
rescue plan).

An article in Nouvelle Expression titled, "Etats-Unis d'Amerique:
Obama commence a tenir la promesse d'une nouvelle politique
environnementale. " (United States of America : Obama begins to
fulfil the promise of a new environmental policy).

January 28
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matin, titled "Une femme met au monde huit bebes.
"(A woman gives birth to eight babies).

Two articles in L'Informateur, based on the entirety of two
Mission-produced press releases titled "La deuxieme Secretaire de
l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis en visite de Travail a l'interieur du
pays;" and "Ceremonie de reconnaissance a l'honneur des grossistes
distributeurs des produits de sante. " (The Second Secretary of the
Embassy of the United States' trip upcountry) and (Certificate
awarded to PSI wholesalers).

An article in Le Telegramme, titled "Etats-Unis: 50,000 emplois
supprimes en un seul jour. " (United States : 50,000 jobs cut in a

An editorial in La Nouvelle Tribune, based on President Obama's
election titled, "Un Noir au soleil;" and an article in the same
newspapers titled, "Etats-Unis: Obama envoie son emissaire au
Proche-Orient. " (A black man in the sun); and (United States: Obama
sends his emissary to the Middle East). L'Autre Quotidien also
carried the second article.

An article in Le Matinal, titled "Apres l'investiture du 44eme
President americain, Francis Ahouadi toujours dans l'euphorie depuis
les Etats-Unis. " (Following the inauguration of the 44th President
of the United States, Francis Ahouadi is still euphoric).( Note:
Francis Ahouadi is a Beninese journalist living in the United

An article in L'Aurore titled, "Obama defend son plan de relance
devant les Republicains du Congres. " (Obama defends his economic
rescue plan before the Republicans in Congress).

January 29
An article in Nouvelle Expression titled, "Les efforts de reliance
d'Obama se heurtent a l'opposition. " (Obama's rescue plan faces the
reluctance of the Republican-led opposition in Congress).

January 30
An article in La Nouvelle Tribune, about a seminar organized by the
Millenium Challenge Account for the implementation of the Access to
Land project titled "Mutation des titres de propriete et des
methodes d'enregistrement: MCA-Benin reunit plusieurs Experts a
Possotome." (Delivery of land certificates and registration methods:
MCA-Benin held a workshop with several Experts in Possotome).

An article in Nouvelle Expression, titled "Proche-Orient: George
Mitchell veut consolider la treve." (Middle-East: George Mitchell
wants to consolidate the cease-fire).

Two articles in the government-controlled La Nation, titled "Detenus
de Guantanamo: Solana appelle les pays de l'Ue a rester Ouverts;"
and "OMC: l'Inde compte sur les Etats-Unis pour un accord. "
(Release of the Guantanamo detainees : Solana appeals to the
European Union for a sincere cooperation) and (World Trade
Organization: India counts on the United States to reach an

2. Electronic media:

During the period of this report, the state-owned ORTB (radio and
TV) and several privately-owned radio and TV stations broadcast
lengthy reports on Mission-hosted activities, in French and 13 major
local languages. The electronic media also reported lengthily on the
transition period leading up to President Barack Obama's
In partnership with WorldNet, LC2 (first private TV station in
Benin) continued to broadcast the "Crossroad Caf" series.

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In partnership with VOA, Golfe FM (the most prominent Cotonou-based
private radio station) regularly aired VOA news in English and
French, from Monday through Friday. VOA news in French, a news
program titled "Escale en Afrique de l'Ouest", is broadcast on Golfe
FM every morning (Monday through Friday),beginning at 7:30, while
the news in English is scheduled from Monday through Friday,
beginning at 17:30.In addition, Golfe FM and another affiliate
station, Fraternit FM broadcast more VOA programs such as "Media
d'Afrique et d'Ailleurs", "Washington Forum" and "Africa World
Tonight." Because Fraternite FM is located in the north of the
country, it carried the entirety of the news program in Hausa.
