2009-12-18 05:20:00
Embassy Cotonou
Cable title:  


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DE RUEHCO #0595/01 3520520
R 180520Z DEC 09



E.O. 12958: N/A




E.O. 12958: N/A

1. PAS Cotonou reports the following placement of State Department
materials, articles on Mission-hosted activities and U.S. centered
articles in the government-owned newspaper, La Nation, and various
independent newspapers.

2. Print media

October 1
An article in the left-of-center independent daily newspapers Le
Matinal and Fraternite and in the right-of-center independent daily,
L'Autre Quotidien, titled "Blocage de l'enquete sur l'assassinat de
Catherine Puzzey: Maitre Atita denonce le role de l'expertise
americaine." (Deadlock in the investigations in the case of the
murder of a Peace Corps Volunteer in Benin: Attorney Atita denounces
the role of the American experts).

An article in the left-of-center independent daily newspapers Le
Matin, La Nouvelle Tribune and the right-of-center independent
daily, L'Autre Quotidien, titled "Lancement du concours Eco Citoyen
des Communes pour une gestion durable des terres securisees. "
(Launching of the MCA-Benin's environmental contest for a
sustainable management of the secured lands). La Nouvelle Tribune
also carried an article titled "Etats-Unis: une commission du Senat
refuse l'assurance sante publique. " (United States: A Senate
committee rejects the Public Health Insurance Option).

October 2
An article in Le Matinal titled, "Lutte contre les violences faites
aux femmes et aux filles: Empower au chevet des acteurs du Zou et
des collines. " (Empower assists local communities in the department
of Zou with fighting gender-based violence: Care International gave
out checks).

October 5
An article in the government-controlled, La Nation, titled "Contre
les violences faites aux femmes, le projet EMPOWER/USAID/CARE
finance 22 nouvelles structures." (The EMPOWER Project funds 22 new
NGOs to fight gender-based violence). La Nation carried another
article titled, "Inauguration de l'Ecole Primaire Publique de
Konarou pres de Bembereke: un joyau de plus de 58 millions CFA mis
en service et finances par l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis d'Amerique."
(Inauguration of three classroom blocks at the Public Primary School
of Konarou, near Bembereke: an infrastructure of more than 58
million CFA funded by the Embassy of the United States of America).

An article in the independent weekly, Le Municipal, titled "50
nouveaux Volontaires du Corps de la Paix pretent serment. " (50 new
Peace Corps Volunteers are sworn-in). Le Municipal also carried
another article titled " Lutte contre le Paludisme: l'USAID fait don
de 275.240 moustiquaires impregnees au Benin. " (Fighting Malaria:
USAID donates 275.240 impregnated mosquito nets to Benin).

October 6
An article in the left-of-center independent daily, L'Informateur,
based on the Mission-Produced press release titled "Inauguration
d'infrastructures scolaires dans le village de Konarou."
(Inauguration of school infrastructures in the village of Konarou).

October 7
The following articles were published:
An article in the left-of-center independent daily newspapers, Le
Matinal, Le Matin, L'Autre Quotidien and La Nouvelle Tribune, titled
"Amenagement sur terre et sur mer a realiser au Port de Cotonou:
MCA-Benin informe et sensibilise les acteurs portuaires. "
(Renovation works off-shore and on-shore at the port of Cotonou :
MCA-Benin informs and sensitizes the various actors and users of the

An article in the left-of-center independent daily, Fraternite,
titled "Intervention du Millenium Challenge Account Benin: 24
milliards de Francs CFA injectes pour revolutionner le port de
Cotonou." (MCA-Benin ativities: 24 billion CFA injected to
modernize the port of Cotonou).

An article in Le Matin, titled "Avant l'injection fatale, Michael
Jackson se portrait bien. " (Prior to the fatal injection, Michael
Jackson was in good health).

An article in the right-of-center independent daily, L'Autre
Quotidien and the government-controlled La Nation, titled "Obama
repousse sa rencontre avec le Dalai-Lama." (Obama postpones his
meeting with the Dalai-Lama). La Nation carried another article
based on the Washington File article titled "Violences contre les
femmes dans les conflits: L'Onu adopte une resolution pour proteger
les femmes." (Gender-based violence in conflict zones: the United
Nations adopts a new resolution to protect women).

October 8

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The following articles were published:
An article in the left-of-center independent daily, Fraternite, and
the right-of-center independent daily, L'Autre Quotidien, titled
"Amenagement sur terre et sur mer a realiser au port de Cotonou:
MCA-Benin informe et sensibilise les acteurs portuaires."
(Renovation works off-shore and on-shore at the port of Cotonou:
MCA-Benin informs and sensitizes the users of the port).

Two articles in the government-controlled La Nation, titled:
"Les Etats-Unis font pression sur la Guinee en vue d'une transition
democratique. " (The United States maintains the pressure on Guinea
with a view to ensuring a democratic transition).

"Realisation d'amenagement au port de Cotonou par MCA-Benin: la
dimension environnementale: un imperatif. " (Renovation at the port
of Cotonou: the environmental dimension is a must).

An article in the left-of-center independent daily, La Nouvelle
Tribune, titled "MCA-Benin: Projet Acces aux marches: la
preservation de l'environnement est une obligation pour le
programme. " (MCA-Benin's access to markets project: preserving the
environment is indispensable for the implementation of the

October 9
The following articles were published:
An article in L'Autre Quotidien, titled, "Crise Financiere Mondiale:
le soutien vigoureux des Etats-Unis a l'Afrique." (Global financial
crisis: the US strongly supports Africa).

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune, titled, " Etats-Unis: vers un
traitement plus humain des clandestins. " (United States: towards a
much more human treatment of the illegal aliens).

October 12
The following articles were published:
An article in La Nation, titled, " Etats-Unis: Obama veut mettre fin
a la discrimination des Gays. " (United States: Obama wants to end
discrimination against gays).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, titled, "Obama, prix Nobel de la
Paix: Une mesure positive pour Castro. " (Nobel Peace Price for
Obama : according to Castro, this is a positive initiative).

An article in Le Matin, titled, "Distinction: Obama, Prix Nobel de
la Paix 2009. " (Distinction: Obama wins the 2009 Nobel Peace

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune, titled, "Obama adopte une
diplomatie entre encouragements et pressions envers le Soudan. "
(Obama wants to adopt a new diplomacy of encouragement and pressure
towards Sudan). La Nouvelle Tribune carried another article quoting
President Obama as saying "Prix Nobel de la Paix 2009: je n'ai pas
l'impression de le meriter. " (I do not have the impression that I
deserve the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize).

Two articles in L'Aurore, titled:
"Le President du comite Nobel s'explique sur le choix d'Obama. "
(The President of the Nobel Committee explains why Obama was
selected). "Le monde n'attendra pas indefiniment que l'Iran
remplisse ses obligations, selon Mme Clinton." (According to Hillary
Clinton, the world will not wait indefinitely for Iran to fulfill
its obligations).

October 13
An article in the right-of-center independent daily, L'Aurore,
titled "Le Nobel d'Economie a deux Americains, dont la premiere
femme." The Economics Nobel Price has been awarded to two Americans,
including a woman, for the first time.

Two articles in Le Matinal, titled,
"Prix Nobel d'Economie: pour la premiere fois, une femme
recompensee." (For the first time, an American female Scholar
receives the Economics Nobel Prize).

" Projet Acces au Foncier de MCA-Benin: les activites demarrent
bientot. " (MCA-Benin's Access to Market project : the activities
will soon begin).

Two articles in L'Autre Quotidien titled, Prix Nobel d'Economie:
deux Americains, dont la premiere femme, honores. " (Economics Nobel
Prize: two American winners, including for the first time, a female

October 14
The following articles were published:
An article in L'Aurore, titled, "Etats-Unis: vote determinant au

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Senat sur la reforme de la couverture sante. " (Decisive vote at the
Senate on the Health Insurance reform).

An article in the left-of-center independent daily, L'Informateur,
titled, "Ambassade des Etats-Unis d'Amerique: Remise d'equipement
dans le cadre de la lutte contre la grippe A H1N1 et H5N1. "
(Embassy of the United States: handover of equipment to fight the
H1N1 and H5N1 virus).

Three articles in Le National titled:
"Remise officielle du Prix Nobel de la Paix: Obama se rendra a Oslo
le 10 decembre prochain. " (Obama will go to Oslo on December 10 to
receive his Nobel Peace Price).

"Lutte contre les changements climatiques: Obama et les
Parlementaires." (Obama and the Senators met to discuss climate

" Piratage de la carte bancaire aux Etats-Unis : Albert Gonzales
detourne plus de 400 millions de dollars ". (Credit card fraud in
the United States: Albert Gonzales stole more than 400 million

An article in La Nation, titled, "Nucleaire Iranien: Hillary Clinton
affiche une unite de ton avec Moscou." (The Iranian nuclear issue:
Hillary Clinton's view concurs with the Russian opinion).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, titled, "MCA-Benin: evaluation a
mi-parcours du programme: apprecier le chemin parcouru, pour
optimiser les performances. " (MCA-Benin's mid-term review :
assessing the results achieved in order to maximize the

An article in the left-of-center independent daily, Le Matin,
titled, "projet Acces au Foncier du MCA-Benin: renforcement des
capacites des cadres et autres professionnels. " MCA-Benin's Access
to land project : capacity building training session for the workers
and other professionals).

An article in the left-of-center independent daily, Fraternite,
titled, "Validation du rapport provisoire du MCA-Benin: une
evaluation reluisante a mi-parcours du programme." (Validation of
MCA-Benin's temporary report: a positive mid-term review of the

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune, titled, "Etats-Unis/Afghanistan:
Obama envoie 13000 soldats supplementaires en Afghanistan. " (United
States : Obama sends 13000 supplementary troops to Afghanistan).

October 15
The following articles were published:
An article in La Nation, titled, " Trois ans de mise en Quvre du
MCA: Bilan elogieux selon le Coordonnateur National. " (Three years
of implementing the MCA-Benin's program: according to the National
Coordinator, the result is overwhelmingly good).
The front-page of this newspaper carries a photo of the Charge
d'Affaires of the U.S. Embassy and MCA-Benin's National Coordinator,
presenting the results).

A lengthy article in Le Matin, titled, "Validation a mi-parcours de
l'execution du MCA-Benin: des difficultes, certes, mais l'espoir
demeure. " (MCA-Benin's mid-term review: despite the difficulties,
there is room for hope).

An article in Fraternite, titled, "Trois ans d'execution de
MCA-Benin: une avancee notable." (Three years of implementing the
MCA-Benin's program: some significant progress has been achieved).

An article in the right-of-center, Le Telegramme, titled, "Etats-
Unis: Economie: Resultats insolents pour les banques americaines."
(The Economy of the United States: overwhelming results for the
American banks). Le Telegramme also carries another article titled
"Millenium Challenge Account Benin: Simon Adovelande passe au
scanner ses activites." (MCA-Benin: Simon Adovelande scrutinizes his

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, titled, "Trois ans de mise en
oeuvre du programme: MCA-Benin decroche l'excellence. " (After three
years of implementing the program, MCA-Benin achieved an excellent

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune, titled, "Millenium Challenge
Account, Benin ; Je n'ai pas de doute, nous arriverons a bon port :
dixit le Coordonnateur National, Simon Pierre Adovelande."
(Millenium Challenge Account-Benin ; I have no doubt that we will
achieve good results, said the National Coordinator, Simon Pierre

October 16

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An article in the left-of-center independent daily, Le Matinal,
titled, "Apres trois ans de mise en execution, MCA-Benin entre dans
sa derniere phase." (After running the program for three years,
MCA-Benin begins the last phase of the program).

October 19
The following articles were published:
An article in L'Autre Quotidien and Le Matin, titled, "Initiative
de la Mission Diplomatique des Etats-Unis pres le Benin: Seance
publique de collecte de sang." (Public blood drive initiated by the
Embassy of the United States to Benin).

An article in the independent weekly, Le Municipal, titled, "Apres
trois ans d'activite du Millenium Challenge Account- Benin, le Benin
resolument engage sur la voie de la croissance economique. " (After
three years of implementing the Millenium Challenge Account program,
Benin is totally engaged on the path to economic growth).

October 20
The following articles were published:
Two articles in La Nation, titled, "Etats-Unis: No smoking: une
lyceenne en tenue masculine fait grincer des dents aux USA. " (No
smoking: a college girl in the United States became a serious source
of concern for wearing men's clothing, instead of the school
uniform). "Alger: Washington salue le role d'Alger dans la lutte
contre le terrorisme. " (Washington commends Algeria for the role it
played in the fight against terror).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, La Nouvelle Tribune, Le Matin and
Fraternite, titled, "MCA/Restitution du livre blanc de politique
fonciere aux institutions et directions techniques: penultieme etape
d'un processus essentiel. " (Release of MCA-Benin's White paper on
the access to land project: penultimate stage of an essential

An article in L'Informateur, based on a Mission-produced press
release titled, "Ambassade des Etats-Unis d'Amerique: Seance
publique de collecte de sang." (Public blood drive initiated by the
embassy of the United States).

October 21
The following articles were published:
An article in the right-of-center independent daily, Vox Populi,
titled, "Apres trois ans de mise en oeuvre du programme, plus de 65
percent de realization pour MCA-Benin. " (Three years after the
beginning of the program, MCA-Benin achieved the project to the tune
of 65 percent).

An article in La Nation and La Nouvelle Tribune, titled, "Appui de
l'USAID au systeme educatif beninois: lancement du projet Motivation
et formation des enseignants. " (USAID supports the Beninese
educational system by launching a teachers' motivation and training

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, titled, "Dollar americain:
suprematie contestee." (The supremacy of US Dollar is put to the

An article in the right-of-center, Vox Populi, titled, "Apres trois
ans de mise en oeuvre du programme, 65percent de realisation pour le
MCA-Benin. " (Three years following the beginning of the program,
MCA-Benin achieved 65percent of implementation).

October 22
An article in the left-of-center independent daily, Le Matinal,
titled, "Afghanistan: Quels scenarios pour Barack Obama?"
(Afghanistan: what scenarios for Barack Obama)?

An article in L'Autre Quotidien and La Nouvelle Tribune, titled,
"Fonds Facilite/MCA-Benin: Pierre Adovelande descend sur les sites
des beneficiaires ". (MCA-Benin facility grants: Pierre Adovelande
inspects the winners' places of work).

October 23
The following articles were published:
An article in La Nation, titled, "Etats-Unis: certains detenus
pourront etre transferes su le sol americain. " (United States :
some detaiees may be transferred to American soil).

An aricle in Fraternite, titled, "Le dessous du prix Nobl de la
Paix." (What is behind the Nobel Peace Pize).

Two articles in le Matin, titled, "Lancemnt du projet de l'USAID:
Motivation et formationdes enseignants. " (Launching of the USAID
projet titled teachers' motivation and training).

"Mie en oeuvre de la facilite a MCA-Benin: le Coordonateur Simon
Pierre Adovelande en visite d'inspecion. " (Implementing MCA-Benin
Facility grant : ational Coordinator Simon Pierre Adovelande on an

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inspection visit to the various projects that won the facility

An article in Le Matinal, titled, "Michelle Obama joue du
hula-hoop!" (Michelle Obama plays the Hula-hoop game!)

October 26
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matin, titled, "Opportunite du MCA-Benin pour le
monde universitaire: les etudiants de Parakou impregnes du
programme. " (MCA-Benin's opportunity for the university community:
the students at the university of Parakou have been briefed about
the program).

An article in L'Informateur, titled, "Etats-Unis: Obama proclame
l'etat d'urgence sanitaire face a la grippe A. " (United States :
Obama proclaimed the state of siege to deal with the A/H1N1 virus).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, titled, "Obama peine a trouver un
chef pour l'USAID. " (Obama is finding it difficult to appoint a
USAID Director).

October 27
An article in L'Autre Quotidien, titled, "Sortie cinematographique:
le film sur les dernieres heures de Michael Jackson sort demain."
(Launching of a movie: the film about the Michael Jackson's last
hours will be released tomorrow).

October 28
The following articles were published:
An article in La Nation, titled, "Projet Acces au foncier de
MCA-Benin: un livre blanc sur la securisation des terres en etude de
validation. " (The MCA-Benin's white paper on the Land safety
project will soon be validated).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, Le Matin and Fraternite, titled,
"MCA-Benin: projet acces au foncier: une centaine de motos pour
quatorze communes." (For the implementation of MCA-Benin's access to
land project, one hundred motorcycles were distributed to 14

October 29
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matinal, titled, "Soutien aux oeuvres caritatives:
MTN offre 10 millions a Mercy Ships. " (Support for charitable
actions: MTN donates 10 million FCFA to the Mercy Ships).

An article in Le Matin, titled, " Revocation de la licence des 2
pilotes de la Northwest Airlines. " (Withdrawal of the pilot
licenses of two Northwest pilots).

October 30
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matin, titled, " Etats-Unis : Joe Jackson recoit le
trophee du bon pere de famille." (United States: Joe Jackson
receives the trophy as Good Father).

An article in the government-contolled daily, La Nation, titled
"Audience au Conseil Economique et Social: Simon Pierre Adovelande
regu par le President du Conseil Economique et Social. " (Audience
at the Economic and Social Council : Simon Pierre Adovelande
received by the President of the Economic and Social Council).

3. Electronic Media:
During the period of this report, the state-owned TV and radio
station, ORTB, covering the entire country, broadcast reports and
news segments on all major Mission hosted activities, including
USAID, Peace Corps and MCA-Benin. In partnership with VOA, Golfe FM
regularly aired VOA news in English and French, from Monday through
Friday. VOA news in French on Golfe FM is broadcast every morning
(Monday through Friday),beginning at 8:00, while the news in
English is scheduled from Monday through Friday, beginning at 17:30.
Golfe TV also broadcasts the Box Office news segments during its
weekly news hour programs. A new VOA partner, Canal 3 broadcast the
Washington Forum in French.
A former WorldNet partner, LC2, continues to broadcast the
Crossroads Cafe series in English.