2009-08-10 11:24:00
Embassy Cotonou
Cable title:  


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DE RUEHCO #0355/01 2221124
R 101124Z AUG 09



E.O. 12958: N/A




E.O. 12958: N/A

1. PAS Cotonou reports the following placements of State Department
materials, articles on Mission-hosted activities and U.S. centered
articles in the government-owned newspaper, La Nation, and various
independent newspapers.

2. Print media

July 1
The following articles were published:
An article in the left-of-center independent daily, Le Matin, titled
"Etats-Unis: Obama en tete d'un sondage sur les dirigeants du
monde." (United States: Obama on top of an opinion poll about the
world leaders).

An article in the right-of-center independent daily, L'Aurore,
titled "USA: Madoff condamne a 150 ans de prison pour sa gigantesque
escroquerie." (United States: Madoff sentenced to 150 years in jail
for his gigantic financial fraud),and a second article titled
"Irak: debut de la fete pour le depart de soldats americains."
(Iraq: beginning of the celebration for the pullout of US troops).

July 2
An article in Le Matin, titled "Etats-Unis: Neverland se prepare aux
funerailles de Michael Jackson."United Stated: Neverland is making
preparations for Michael Jackson's funeral),and another article
titled "Un village en Ukraine veut se rebaptiser Jackson." (A
village in Ukraine now wants to change its name to be called

July 3
An article in the right-of-center independent daily, L'Autre
Quotidien, titled "Execution du programme Millenium Challenge
Account (MCA-Benin): le gouvernement sauve de justesse les deux
projets menaces." (Implementing the Millenium Challenge Account
(MCA-Benin) program: the government only just saved the two projects
that were threatened).

July 6
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matin titled, "Hommage a Michael Jackson: des
centaines de millions de fans se preparent aux adieux." (Tribute to
Michael Jackson: a hundred million fans are preparing for the

An article in the right-of-center independent daily, Le Telegramme,
titled "Celebration du 233eme anniversaire de la fete nationale des
Etats-Unis: le gouvernement beninois etait vivement represente."
(Celebration of the 233rd anniversary of U.S. Independence Day: the
government of Benin was well represented).

An article in L'Aurore, titled, "Violences faites aux femmes et aux
filles: l'ONG Sin do du Projet Empower sensibilise les notables de
Kpomasse. " (Gender-based violence: Empower's Sin Do NGO Sensitizes
the dignitaries of Kpomasse).

An article in the left-of-center independent daily, L'Informateur,
titled "Obseques: des villageois ivoiriens reclament le coprs de
Michael Jackson, leur fils et prince." (Funeral: people from a
village in Ivory-Coast request to have the remains of Michael
Jackson, their son and Prince).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, based on the entirety of President
Obama's National Day remarks, titled " Les Etats-Unis resteront a
jamais le dernier et le meilleur espoir sur terre. " (The United
States will forever remain the last and the best hope on earth).

July 7
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matin, titled "Obama va visiter le Fort de
Cape-Coast." (Obama will visit Cape Coast Castle).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, titled " Barack Obama confiant dans
les progres des relations avec Moscou. " (Barack Obama is optimistic
about the progress made in the relations with Moscow) and an
editorial in the same newspaper titled "Russie-USA: Quand deux
grands se donnent la main." (Russia-United States: when two
super-powers shake hands with each other). L'Autre Quotidien also
carried an announcement from the Public Affairs Section, inviting
the public to the American Cultural Center to watch President
Obama's speech in Accra.

An article in the left-of-center independent daily L'Informateur,
titled "233eme anniversaire de l'independance des Etats-Unis:
l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis au Benin celebre l'evenement. " (233rd
anniversary of U.S. Independence Day: the Embassy of the United
States to Benin celebrates the event). The half-page article was
accompanied by the cake cutting photo.

An article in Le Telegramme, titled "USA: La magie Obama n'opere pas
en Russie." (United States: the Obama magic does not work in

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An article in L'Aurore, titled "Accord Obama-Medvedev pour une
reduction des armes nucleaiares." (The Obama-Medvedev accord for the
reduction of nuclear capability).

July 8
The following articles were published:
An article in the government-controlled La Nation, titled "A los
Angeles, Michael Jackson recoit l'hommage planetaire de ses fans."
(In Los Angeles, Michael Jackson receives a planetary tribute from
his fans).

An article in the right-of-center independent daily, Le Telegramme,
titled "La visite de Barack Obama au Ghana dans la presse africaine:
l'Amerique salue l'exemple de democratie pour l'Afrique. " (Barack
Obama's visit to Ghana in the African press : America salutes the
example of democracy for Africa).
Le Telegramme carried a second article titled "Funerailles de
Michael Jackson: un hommage memorial rendu hier au Roi de la Pop
music. " (Michael Jackson's funerals : a memorial tribute to the
King of Pop Music).

Four articles in Le Matin, titled:
"Obama: Michael Jackson, l'un des plus grands artistes de notre
generation. " (Michael Jackson, one of the most talented artists of
our generation). "Choeurs, poemes et chansons en hommage a Michael
Jackson a Los Angeles. " (Chorus, poems and songs to pay tribute to
Michael Jackson in Los Angeles). "Sur les cinq continents, les fans
rendent hommage a Michael Jackson." (On five continents, fans pay
last tribute to Michael Jackson).
" Paris, la fille de Michael Jackson : depuis que je suis nee, il a
ete le pere le plus merveilleux pour moi. " (Paris, Michael
Jackson's daughter: Since I was born, he has been the most wonderful
father to me). Le Matin also carried the greatest dates of Michael
Jackson's lifetime achievements.

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, titled "Obama souhaite un
partenariat durable avec la Russie." (Obama wishes a sustainable
partnership with Russia).

July 9
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Telegramme, titled " Etats-Unis et Russie: un
nouveau depart. " (United States and Russia : a new deal)

An article in L'Informateur, titled " Atelier de formation pour la
lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes : Empower outille les
elus locaux de Bohicon. " (Workshop on Gender-based violence:
EMPOWER provides training for the local community in Bohicon).

July 10
An article in L'Aurore, titled "Cameroun: l'Amerique aidera au
rapatriement des biens mal acquis. " (Cameroon : the United States
will assist in remitting the stolen funds).

A lengthy article in L'Autre Quotidien, based on President Obama's
answers to the SMS questions sent to him by Africans. The article is
titled " Il est tres important que les dirigeants africains soient
obliges de rendre des comptes. " (It is very important that African
leaders be accountable for their tenure in office). L'Autre
Quotidien also carried two other articles titled: "Obama au Ghana:
tourisme historique et democratie africaine au menu." (Obama in
Ghana: the President's trip is an historical tourism during which
the status of democracy in Africa will be addressed). "Etats-Unis:
le nombre des nouvelles inscriptions au chomage atteint son plus bas
niveau depuis janvier. " (United States : the number of the
registered jobless persons has reached its lowest level since

An article in Le Matin, titled "Ghana: la visite d'Obama fait des
jaloux dans certains pays africains." (Some African countries are
jealous about the choice of Ghana to host President Obama's visit).

An article in Fraternite and la Nouvelle Tribune, based on President
Obama's interview with Allafrica.Com titled "Les africains sont
responsables du developpement et de la prosperite de l'Afrique. "
(Africans are responsible for the development and prosperity of
Africa). Fraternite also carried a second article titled "Visite de
Barack Obama au Ghana: le Benin ne restera pas en marge de
l'evenement. " (President Obama's visit to Ghana : Benin will also
be a part of the event).

An article in Le Telegramme, about the political situation in
Honduras titled "Un coup d'etat qui ne dit pas son nom. " (A coup
d'Etat that they do not want to describe as such).

July 13
The following articles were published:
An article in La Nouvelle Tribune, Le Telegramme and L'Avenir,

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titled "Au Ghana, Obama a appele les Africains a prendre en main
leur destinee."(In Ghana, Obama called to the African leaders to
take their destiny in their hands).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, based on President Obama's speech
in Ghana titled "Le President Obama au Ghana: l'Afrique n'est pas a
l'ecart des affaires du monde. " (President Obama in Ghana : Africa
is not isolated from international affairs).
L'Autre Quotidien also carried an editorial titled "Ghana: l'espoir
africain de Barack Obama." (Ghana: Barack Obama's African hope).

An article in the right-of-center independent daily La Presse du
Jour, titled "En marge de la visite du President americain au Ghana,
le CCA au Benin a projete " Obama, l'homme qu'on n'attendait. " (As
part of the activities scheduled to mark President Obama's visit to
Ghana, the American Cultural Center in Benin showed the film titled
"Obama, the man whose arrival on the scene nobody expected").

July 14
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Telegramme, titled "Visite au Ghana: Obama donne
une prime a la democratie." (Visit to Ghana: Obama encourages the
promotion of democracy).

An article in the state-controlled La Nation, titled "Visite
historique du Prsident Obama au Ghana." (President Obama's
historical trip to Ghana). La Nation carried a second article titled
"Cour Supreme Americaine: Sonia Sotomayor a debute son grand oral au
Senat." (Supreme Court of the United States: Hearings begin at the
Senate for Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation).

An article in Le Matinal, titled "Au cours de sa premiere visite en
Afrique, Obama donne une prime a la democratie." During his first
trip to Africa, Obama encourages the promotion of democracy).

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune based on the entirety of President
Obama's speech in Accra.

July 15
The following articles were published:
An article in La Nouvelle Tribune and L'Informateur, based on the
entirety of President Obama's speech in Accra.

An article in Le Matin, titled, "Etats-Unis: Obama choisit une femme
noire pour diriger la sante publique." (Obama picks on a black
Medical Doctor to be Director of Public Health).

An article in Le Telegramme, titled, "USA: les secrets bien gardes
de Dick Cheney." (United States : Dick Cheney's well kept secrets).

An article in L'Avenir, titled, " Ghana : Obama appelle les
Africains a prendre en main leur destin." (Ghana: Obama calls to
Africans to take their destiny in their hands).

An article in the state-controlled La Nation, based on the
Mission-produced press release, titled, "Sante maternelle au Benin:
des soins obstetricaux de qualite pour sauver la vie des femmes. "
(Mother's health in Benin : adequate obstetric treatment to save
women at delivery.

July 16
An article in L'Autre Quotidien, titled "La Chambre des
Representants demande a la CIA les documents de son programme
anti-terroriste secret." (The Senate requests CIA to turn in all
documents related to its secret anti-terrorist program).

July 21
An article in La Nation and L'Autre Quotidien, titled "Etats-Unis:
L'Amerique fete les 40 ans de la conquete de la lune." (United
States: America celebrates the 40th anniversary of Man's landing on
the moon).
L'Autre Quotidien carried a second article titled "Etats-Unis: Joe
Biden a Kiev pour assurer l'Ukraine du soutien americain. " (United
States : Joe Biden in Kiev to assure Ukraine of US support).

July 22
An article in Le Matin, titled "Etats-Unis:
Barack Obama confirme ses origines africaines aupres des Mormons."
(United States: Barack Obama confirms his African origins with the

July 24
The following articles were published:
Two articles in the right-of-center independent daily Le Challenge,
"Etats-Unis: Obama promet de reformer la sante cette annee." (United
States: Obama promises to reform the health insurance system this
year). "Etats-Unis - Georgie: Joe Biden reaffirme le soutien de
Washington a Tbilisi. " (United States: Joe Biden reaffirms
Washington's support to Tbilissi).

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An article in Fraternite and La Nouvelle Tribune, titled "
Validation de la strategie d'appui aux communes dans le domaine du
foncier : le Millenium Challenge Account entretient les elus locaux
a Porto-Novo. " (MCA-Benin - sponsored workshop on the strategy to
support the districts in securing land safety in the Department of

July 27
An article in Le Matinal, titled "Soiree de contes a Cotonou: Raouf
Mama promeut les valeurs culturelles traditionnelles. " (Story
telling party in Cotonou : Raouf Mama promotes traditional cultural

July 28
Two articles in L'Autre Quotidien, titled:
"Premiere session extraordinaire du Conseil d'Administration de
MCA-Benin: un pas de geant vers la modernisation du Port. " (First
extraordinary session of MCA-Benin's board of governors : a big step
forward towards modernizing the port of Cotonou).
" Etats-Unis: Barack Obama souhaite une cooperation Pekin-Washington
renforcee. " (United States: Barack Obama wishes a reinforced
cooperation between Beijing and Washington).

An article in Fraternite, titled:
"Seance de contes a la librairie Bufalo: Raouf Mama seduit par son
authenticite. " (Story telling party at the Bufalo book store :
Raouf Mama's authenticity is captivating).
Fraternite carried a second article titled: Reflexions sur le
discours d'Obama a l'Afrique: les colons ne sont jamais partis. "
(Reflexions on President Obama's address to Africa : the colonial
masters never left).

3. Electronic Media:

During the period of this report, the state-owned TV and radio
station, ORTB, covering the entire country, broadcast news reports
on President Barack Obama's visit to Ghana in French and all major
local languages. Several privately-owned radio and TV stations,
including Canal 3, LC2, Carrefour TV and the most prominent
Cotonou-based Golfe TV, also carried reports on the visit. On July
2nd, Golfe TV hosted a live debate featuring
Charge d'Affaires Martina Boustani, a Faculty member and a leading
Cotonou-based Muslim Activist; the debate was based on the issue
raised in "President Obama's speech in Cairo". On July 26, Canal 3
broadcast a pre-recorded debate featuring the Charge d'Affaires and
an invited guest, to address the issues raised in President Obama's
speech in Accra.

In partnership with VOA, Golfe FM regularly aired VOA news in
English and French, from Monday through Friday. VOA news in French
on Golfe FM is broadcast every morning (Monday through Friday),
beginning at 7:30, while the news in English is scheduled from
Monday through Friday, beginning at 17:30.

A former WorldNet partner, LC2, continues to broadcast the Crossroad
Cafe series in English.
