2009-07-06 10:04:00
Embassy Cotonou
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DE RUEHCO #0282/01 1871004



E.O. 12958: N/A

COTONOU 00000282 001.2 OF 005




E.O. 12958: N/A

COTONOU 00000282 001.2 OF 005

1. PAS Cotonou reports the following placements of State Department
materials, articles on Mission-hosted activities and U.S. centered
articles in the government-owned newspaper, La Nation, and various
independent newspapers.

2. Print media

June 2
The following articles were published:
An article in the right-of-center independent daily newspapers
L'Autre Quotidien and Fraternite, and in the left-of-center
independent daily Le Matin, titled "Millenium Challenge Account: une
delegation nigeriane visite le programme." (Millenium Challenge
Account: a Nigerian delegation paid a courtesy visit to the

An article in the right-of-center independent daily L'Aurore, titled
" Lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes: les populations de
Tori-Bossito formees grace au Projet Empower. " (Fighting
gender-based violence: the populations of Tori-Bossito have been
trained thanks to the Empower Project).

June 3
The following articles were published:
An article in the state-controlled daily La Nation, the
right-of-center independent daily, L'Autre Quotidien, and the
left-of-center independent daily, La Nouvelle Tribune, titled
"Entretien avec Simon Pierre Adovelande: nous avons de reelles
inquietudes par rapport au projet Acces a la Justice." (Interview
with Simon Pierre Adovelande: We are seriously concerned about the
implementation of the Access to Justice project).

An article in the right-of-center independent daily, La Nouvelle
Gazette, titled "Obama nomme un republicain au poste de Secretaire
d'Etat a l'Armee de Terre." (Obama appoints a Republican to the
Position of Secretary of State for the Ground Armed Forces).

An article in the right-of-center independent daily, L'Aurore,
titled "Vol AF447: l'armee americaine envoie un avion pour
participer aux recherches." (Flight AF447: U.S. Army sends a plane
to participate in the search).

An article in the right-of-center independent daily, Fraternite, and
the left-of-center independent daily, Le Matin, titled " Entretien
avec le Coordonnateur National du MCA-Benin: je suis convaincu que
le motif du gouvernement est d'assurer pleinement sa responsabilite.

" (Interview with MCA-Benin's National Coordinator: I have the
conviction that the government will be committed to fully fulfilling
its obligations).

June 4
An article in Le Matin titled, " Visite: le President Obama en
Arabie Saoudite. " (President Obama's visit in Saudi-Arabia).

June 5
An article in L'Autre Quotidien, Le Matin, Fraternite and La Nation,
titled " 7eme session ordinaire du Millenium Challenge Account au
Benin: une session decisive pour la reussite du programme. " (7th
ordinary session of the Millenium Challenge Account Program in
Benin: a crucial session for the success of the program). L'Autre
Quotidien also carried three other articles titled: " Relations
Etats-Unis - Monde musulman: Barack Obama veut un nouveau depart. "
(Relations between the United States and the Muslim world: Barack
Obama wants a new beginning).
" Ben Laden tente de brouiller le discours d'Obama aux musulmans. "
(Bin Laden is making an attempt to blur Obama's speech to the Muslim
" Accord europeen sur les conditions d'accueil des prisonniers de
Guantanamo. " (European accord on the hosting conditions of the
Guantanamo prisoners).

June 8
The following articles were published:
An article in the right-of-center independent daily, Le Challenge,
titled "Conference sur le theme MCA: Quelle contribution au
developpement du Benin?" (Conference on the topic: MCA: What
contribution to Benin's development).

An article in L'Aurore titled, " Violence basee sur le genre: le
projet Empower sensibilise les femmes de Womey. " (Gender-based
violence: the Empower project sensitizes the women of Womey).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien and Le Matin titled, " Universite
d'Abomey-Calavi: les etudiants soutiennent les actions de
developpement du MCA-Benin. " (The students of the University of
Abomey-Calavi support MCA-Benin's development actions). L'Autre
Quotidien also carried an article titled, " La Coree du Nord est sur
la liste des Etats terroristes. " (North Korea is on the list of
terrorist states). Le Matin also carried an article titled "Barack

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Obama a quitte Paris." (Barack Obama left Paris).

An article in La Nation, titled, " Violences basees sur le genre:
les journalistes a l'ecole du projet EMPOWER. " (Gender-based
violence: reporters participated in a training session sponsored by
the EMPOWER project).

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune titled, " Programme de
developpement: un cercle d'etudiants pour soutenir les actions de
MCA-Benin. " (Development program: a group of students to support
the actions of MCA-Benin).

An article in the right-of-center independent daily, L'Option Infos,
titled "Manoeuvres militaries a Bembereke: des elements des Forces
Armees Americaines arrivent au Benin." (Military training in
Bembereke: U.S. service members arrive in Benin for the Shared

An article in Fraternite titled, "Cooperation militaire
benino-americaine: plus 1000 Marines en simulation de crise a
Bembereke." (U.S.-Benin military cooperation: more than 1000 Marines
on military training at Bembereke).

June 9
The following articles were published:
An article in L'Autre Quotidien titled, "Realisation des plans
fonciers ruraux dans l'Alibori: Simon Pierre Adovelande satisfait de
l'avancee des travaux a Gogounou." (Achieving the land safety
project in the department of Alibori: Simon Pierre Adovelande is
satisfied with the work being done at Gogounou).
L'Autre Quotidien also carried an article based on the transcripts
of President Obama's interview with reporters in Cairo titled,
"Obama face a la presse du Caire sur le Moyen-Orient: la situation
exige un engagement serieux a long terme des Etats-Unis." (Obama's
interview with reporters in Cairo on the situation in the
Middle-East: the situation requires a serious and long-term
commitment by the United States).

An article in L'Informateur titled, "Operation Dumagnore 2009: les
Forces Armees Beninoises renforcent leur capacite." (Doumagnore
2009: Benin services members reinforce their capacity).

June 10
The following articles were published:
An article in La Nouvelle Tribune titled, " Exercice
benino-americain denommne Doumagnore 2009: les activites militaires
demarrent ce jour. " (Joint military training between Benin and the
United Stated called Doumagnore 2009: the training activities begin

An article in the centrist independent daily Le Telegramme titled, "
Affaire de vente d'un domaine de l'Ambassade du Benin aux
Etats-Unis: le prevenu libere. " (Scandalous sale of a piece of land
belonging to the Embassy of Benin to the United States: the suspect
has been released). Le Telegramme also carried another article
titled, "Obama tres inquiet de la condamnation de deux journalistes
americains en Coree du Nord. " (Obama is seriously concerned about
the conviction of two American journalists in North Korea).

An article in Le Matin titled, "Manoeuvres militaries
benino-americaines: des elements des forces americaines arrivent au
Benin. " (Military training between Benin and the United States :
U.S. service members arrive in Benin for Shared Accord). Le Matin
also carried another article titled, "Realisation de plans fonciers
ruraux a Sinende: Adovelande apprecie l'avancee des travaux."
(Achieving rural land safety survey at Sinende: Adovelande
appreciates the progress made).

An article in La Nation titled, " Exercice Doumagnore 2009: les
manoeuvres demarrent ce jour. " (Doumagnore 2009: the military
training begins today). La Nation also carried another article
titled, " Le foncier a Gogounou: le MCA-Benin a la rencontre des
comites locaux de gestion. " (Achieving rural land safety at
Gogounou: MCA-Benin meets with the local management committee).

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune titled, "Exercice benino-americain
denomme " Doumagnore 2009: les activites militaires demarrent ce
jour. " (Military training named Doumagnore 2009: the training
activities begin today). Also in La Nouvelle Tribune, there was an
article titled, " Realisation des Plans Fonciers Ruraux dans le
Nord: Adovelande s'impregne de l'evolution des travaux a Gogounou. "
(Achieving rural land safety in Northern Benin: Adovelande is
informed about the progress made).

June 11
An article in L'Autre Quotidien titled, " MCA-Benin / Projet Acces
au Foncier: Sinende et Save reiterent leur engagement. "
(MCA-Benin's Access to Land project: the cities of Sinende and Save
reiterate their commitment).

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June 12
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matin titled, " Realisation des Plans Fonciers
Ruraux dans les collines: les Tchabe s'engagent a reussir le projet.
" (Implementing the land safety project in the department of
Collines: The Tchabe commit themselves to making the project a

An article in Le Telegramme titled, "Exercie militaire
benino-americain: lancement de Doumagnore 2009." (Military training
between Benin and the United States: launching of Doumagnore 2009).

June 15
The following articles were published:
An article in Fraternite titled, " Realisation des Plans Fonciers
Ruraux: MCA-Benin s'impregne des difficultes rencontrees sur le
terrain. " (Implementing the land safety project: MCA-Benin is
traveling around the country to learn about the difficulties
hampering the smooth running of the program).

An article in La Nouvelle Tribune titled, " MCA-Benin/Realisation
des Plans Fonciers Ruraux: des avancees notables a Agbangnizoun et a
Allada. " (Implementing MCA-Benin's land safety project: some
remarkable progress has been made in Agbangnizoun and Allada).

Three articles in the left-of-center independent daily L'Informateur
titled: "Le projet veterinaire d'assistance civile vise a entretenir
les relations entre les Etats-Unis et le Benin. " (Veterinary
assistance project aims at fostering US-Benin relations). " La
ceremonie d'ouverture marque le lancement de Doumagnore 2009. " (The
opening ceremony marks the launching of Doumagnore 2009). " Les
soldats du Genie Maritime procedent a la renovation d'un champ de
tir au cours de Doumagnore 2009. " (Seabees renovate a shooting
range for Shared Accord 2009).

An article in Le Matin, titled " Manoeuvres militaires
benino-americaines: lancement de Doumagnore 2009. " (U.S.-Benin
military cooperation: launching of Doumagnore 2009).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, titled " projet veterinaire
d'assistance civile : Dynamiser les relations entre les Etats-Unis
et le peuple beninois. " (Veterinary project fosters U.S.-Benin

June 16
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Matin, titled " Lutte contre les violences faites
aux femmes: des journalists formes pour appuyer le projet. "
(Fighting gender-based violence: reporters have been trained to
support the project.) Le Matin also carried an article titled, "
Millenium Challenge Account: lancement du deuxieme appel a
proposition de projet pour beneficier de la subvention de la
facilite du MCA-Benin. " (Millenium Challenge Account: second
announcement inviting qualified businessmen and entrepreneurs to
submit viable projects to benefit from MCA-Benin's facility grant).

An article in Fraternite titled, " Atelier de formation des
journalistes a Lokossa sur les violences faites aux femmes. "
(Training workshop in Lokossa on the topic Gender-based violence).

June 19
The following articles were published:
An article in Le Telegramme titled, " Causerie sur le livre Pratique
du Journalisme: Mention Bien au Centre Culturel Americain. " (Book
discussion on the book titled Practicing Journalism as a profession:
Speaker gets credit for his presentation at the American Cultural

An article in La Nation titled, " Fin de Doumagonre 2009:
satisfaction partagee des etats-majors et des populations. " (End of
Doumagnore 2009: feelings of satisfaction from both sides and from
the populations).

An article in Le Matinal and La Nouvelle Tribune titled, "
Cooperation benino-americaine: l'exercice militaire Doumagnore prend
fin ce jour. " (U.S.-Benin cooperation : Doumagnore comes to an end

June 22
An article in La Nouvelle Tribune and Le Matin titled, " Projet
Acces au Foncier: MCA-Benin lance les consultations publiques sur le
livre blanc. " (Access to land project: launching of public
consultations on the white paper). Le Matin also carried another
article titled, " Millenium Challenge Account: lancement du deuxieme
appel a proposition de projets pour beneficier de la subvention de
la facilite du MCA-Benin. " (Millenium Challenge Account: second

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announcement inviting eligible members to submit applications in
order to benefit from the facility grant).

June 23
The following articles were published:
An article in Fraternite titled, " Projet Acces au Foncier du
Millenium Challenge Account: la vulgarisation du livre blanc sur le
foncier touche l'Oueme et le Plateau. " (MCA-Benin's Access to Land
project: the popularization of the White Paper
covers the departments of Oueme and Plateau).

An article in L'Autre Quotidien, based on the Mission-produced press
release, titled, "Inauguration du nouveau refectoire de l'orphelinat
d'Abomey." (Opening of the new dining hall at the Abomey

An article in L'Informateur titled, " Causerie autour du livre
Pratique du Journalisme: l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis renforce la
capacite des journalistes beninois. " (Book discussion on the topic
Practice Journalism as a Profession: the Embassy of the United
States reinforces the capacity of the Beninese journalists).

An article in L'Aurore titled, "Obama signe une loi anti-tabac tres
restrictive." (Obama signs a restrictive anti-tobacco law).

June 24
The following articles were published:
An article in La Nation titled, "Obama face a la presse pour tenter
de retrouver l'elan de la campagne." (Obama meets the press in an
order to regain his campaign momentum).
La Nation also carried two other articles titled:
"Violences faites aux filles et aux femmes: eradiquer le phenomene
en milieu scolaire beninois. " (Gender-based violence to girls and
women : eradicate the problem in schools).
"Acces des enterprises aux services financiers: amener les banques a
mieux cerner les besoins des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises. "
(Access to credit: assist the banks to better understand the needs
of the small and medium enterprises).

An article in L'Informateur titled, " Manoeuvres militaries
benino-americaines Doumagnore 2009: l'exercice a mieux outille
l'armee beninoise. " (U.S.-Benin military cooperation: the training
exercise really reinforced the capacity of the Beninese service
members). L'Informateur also carried another article titled, "
Ambassade des Etats-Unis d'Amerique: inauguration du nouveau
refectoire de l'orphelinat d'Abomey. " (Embassy of the United States
of America: Opening of a new dining hall at the Abomey orphanage).

June 25
The following articles were published:
An article in L'Informateur and L'Option Infos, based on the
Mission-produced press release, titled, "Ambassade des Etats-Unis
d'Amerique: inauguration du nouveau refectoire de l'orphelinat
d'Abomey." (Embassy of the United States of America: opening of a
new dining hall at the Abomey Orphanage).

An article in Le Matin titled, " Millenium Challenge Account:
lancement du deuxieme appel a proposition de projets pour beneficier
de la subvention de la facilite du MCA-Benin. " (Millenium Challenge
Account: publication of the second announcement inviting eligible
members of the public to submit viable projects in order to benefit
from the facility grant).

An article in Fraternite titled, " Atelier de restitution publique
sur le livre blanc de politique fonciere au Benin: les acteurs
fonciers du Borgou-Alibori s'approprient le document. " (Workshop on
the popularization of the government's white paper on the land
safety policy in Benin: the land surveyors in the departments of
Borgou-Alibori appreciate the content of the document).

June 26
An article in La Nouvelle Tribune, based on the Mission-produced
press release, titled, "Inauguration du nouveau refectoire de
l'orphelinat d'Abomey." (Opening of a new dining hall at the
orphanage of Abomey).

June 30
An article in La Nation, La Nouvelle Tribune and Le Matin titled, "
Retard des reformes liees au programme MCA-Benin: le gouvernement en
voie de perdre 87 milliards FCFA." (Delay in carrying out the
reforms related to the implementation of the MCA-Benin program: the
government is about to lose 87 billion FCFA). Le Matin also carried
four other articles titled:
"Michael Jackson innoncente aprhs sa mort: Jordan Chandler aurait-il
menti en 1993? " (Michael Jackson found innocent after his death:
did Jordan Chandler lie in 1993?)
" L'heritage animal de Michael Jackon pose aussi problem. " (Michael
Jackson's zoological heritage is also a problem).

COTONOU 00000282 005.2 OF 005

" Le mystere demeure autour de la mort de Michael Jackson. "
(Mystery persists over Michael Jackson's death).
" Michael Jackson: le chanteur etait dans un etat epouvantable au
moment de son deces. " (Michael Jackson: the singer was in a
horrible state at the moment of his death).
An article in Le Telegramme titled, " Etats-Unis: 150 ans de prison
pour Bernard Madoff. " (United States: Bernard Madoff gets a
150-year prison sentence).

Three articles in L'Informateur, related to the death of Michael
Jackson titled: " Enquete sur la mort de Michael Jackson: possible
overdose de narcotiques. " (Investigations about the death of
Michael Jackson: possible narcotics overdose).
"Avec ses arrieres estimes a 500 millions de dollars, Jackson legue
une montagne de dettes." (With his arrears estimated at 500 million
dollars, Jackson leaves behind a mountain of debts).
"Deces de Michael Jackson: la monumentale oeuvre du roi de la Pop. "
(Michael Jackson's death: the monumental legacy of the king of Pop

An article in La Nation, based on the Washington Daily File article
501 of June 29 titled, "Les Etats-Unis cherchent a favoriser
l'acceleration de la croissance economique en Afrique. " (The United
States seek to favor speedy economic growth in Africa). La Nation
also carried another article titled, "Lutte contre les violences
faites aux femmes et aux filles: bienttt des prix aux meilleures
communes. " (Fighting gender-based violence: the best districts will
soon receive an award).

3. Electronic Media:

During the period of this report, the state-owned radio station,
covering the entire country, broadcast lengthy reports on most
Mission-hosted activities in French and all major local languages.
The state-controlled ORTB TV station covered and carried news
segments on some activities that the Mission jointly organized with
the government, such as the bilateral military training. ORTB TV
also covered and broadcast a lengthy report on Post's June 18 book

Several privately-owned radio and TV stations, including the most
prominent Cotonou-based Golfe TV and a new VOA partner, Canal 3,
also covered most Mission events.

In partnership with VOA, Golfe FM regularly aired VOA news in
English and French, from Monday through Friday. VOA news in French
on Golfe FM is broadcast every morning (Monday through Friday),
beginning at 7:30, while the news in English is scheduled from
Monday through Friday, beginning at 17:30.

A former WorldNet partner, LC2, continues to broadcast the Crossroad
Cafe series in English. Because this series is very popular here, it
has already been broadcast three times, on demand by the public, and
LC2 is currently getting in touch with Post to find out if we have
another series to offer them.
